Ephesians 4:27 Nor give place to the Devil Psalm 17:3-4 You have - TopicsExpress


Ephesians 4:27 Nor give place to the Devil Psalm 17:3-4 You have tested my heart , I have kept away from the path of the destroyer. There are certain paths that Satan and his demons travel on , we as born again believers must purpose in our hearts to stay clear of enemy ground . We cannot be effective for God if we constantly show up on his radar. if we travel his path you give him permission to access your life .If Satan has you bound he have you disabled . Demonized means - Part of your life is under the control of satan . and yet so many born again believers are in this situation. The bible tells us that our bodies are the temple of the Holy Spirit. When the devil has access in your life you cannot go forward and live out the fullness that God has for you. We gonna have to know where we opened the door in our lives and shut it . Satan is a defeated foe , but is a force to be reckon with if we give him the opportunity. the bible tells us that he walks about like a roaring lion seeking whom he may devour. John 14:30 the ruler of this world is coming , but he has found nothing in me. Jesus meant here that Satan had no legal right in His life. There should be nothing in us for satan to exploit us. Jesus left us a doable example -WE MUST HAVE THE SAME MINDSET. James 4:7 Resist the devil and he will flee from you . Resist -means to oppose. we must put on the armor and go on the offense and enforce the purchase Victory of Jesus Christ . WE MUST DEFEND THE TERRITORY IN OUR MINDS ! Lets look at things that gives place to the devil Ephesians 4:25 Therefore put away lying . A lie is to deceive .The root of lies is deception . to cover the truth. A few examples ; Psalm 33:4 tells us that all Gods work is done in truth . for the word of the Lord is right . Numbers 23:19 God is not a man that he should lie. John 14:6 I am the way the truth and the life . the things that God Hates- Proverbs 6:17 a lying tongue John 8:44 the devil was a liar from the beginning .Even a small little lie place you on Satan`s path .a lie is born in our thoughts. Ephesians 4:26 Be angry and do not sin.. Anger is a root product of murder. John 8:44 Satan was a murderer from the beginning. Revelation 12:12 the devil came down with great wrath (which is linked to murder ) wrath,ou are like this you give the devil room Room in your life . The bible says we were bought with a price . Jesus in his darkest hour said , forgive them for they know not what they do. Forgiveness is not a choice it is a command. Ephesians 4:28 let him who steals ,steals no longer. Stealing is unlawful - taking something that belongs to someone else without their permission or knowledge hoping not to get caught.(makes you a thief) done in secret or darkness links us directly to Satan. John 10:10 The thief (Satan ) comes to rob ,Kill and destroy. lets look at a few examples ; you do not pay your bills such as; tv licence; drive without a license; traffic fines, school fees; cheating on taxes; child maintenance etc; owing someone money and not paying it back; When you do this you are directly disobeying the government structure which means God Himself is now against you because. Romans :13:1 tells us that the structure of government is given by God . When you do not tithe or give offerings we are stealing we are thieves in Gods eyes, - Malachi 3:8 will a man rob God , yet you do in tithes and offerings. Business people that exploit their workers by underpaying them - James 5:4 indeed the wages of you laborers who mowed your fields ,which you kept back by fraud . All these are forms of stealing which put us on the path of the enemy, meaning we have given him place (room) and legal right to oppress and bind us. Let Our prayer be today that we keep ourselves away from the path of the destroyer . In Jesus Name . Join us next week as pastor Deon will continue on the Topic : Give no place to the devil . Bless you all
Posted on: Thu, 24 Oct 2013 08:56:19 +0000

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