Ephesians 5:8 do not GET DRUNK on wine which leads to - TopicsExpress


Ephesians 5:8 do not GET DRUNK on wine which leads to debauchery... This scripture doesnt say do not drink wine I recently started drinking wine (not getting drunk from it though) AND I LOVE IT... If drinking wine were a sin then why would Jesus turn water into wine? Why would we have holy communion with wine n not plane grape juice? If merely drinking wine was sin then this that I just mensioned above would b sin meaning that Jesus would have caused us to sin.Remember also that in Christs times they didnt have acid drinks like we do today. So they had wine with their meals... A certain prophet of God was so offended that I drink wine that he decided to stop talking to me. how do you read ur bible? Upside down? Come on... People have become so spiritual that they have altered the bible to SUIT them. How can you jugde me for drinking wine? Does it affect your life in any way? Huh? Do u get less congregants cause I love my wine? Huh? Or perhaps you getting paid less since I started drinking wine?Wait, wait... Do u drink orange juice during holy communion in ur church?? Ok, ok, say I was wrong... Is it right for you to push me away when iv gone astray? Shouldnt you have drawn me closer n corrected me WITH LOVE?? #shakes head in disgust# This is the very reason people will not receive salvation because jugdement comes from the pulpit these days... Well man of God, forgive the rest of us for not being as perfect as u are... Ur so perfect that ur now perfecting the bible? Wow hey, wow... Arent you just a fine one?
Posted on: Sat, 15 Nov 2014 20:41:22 +0000

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