Ephesians 6:11 Clothe yourselves with the full armor of God so - TopicsExpress


Ephesians 6:11 Clothe yourselves with the full armor of God so that you may be able to stand against the schemes of the devil. (NET) Do you remember as a child being bundled up in winter gear? Dressed so snug that it was hard to bend knees and elbows while playing in the crisp cold winter air. All of our layers restrained our movement. That mummy-like walk might be acceptable for the winter season but it isn’t working well in everyday life. In the twelfth chapter of Hebrews we are called to “throw off everything that hinders”. Shame, disappointment and guilt do not fit anymore. They are clothes of my past. They impede movement and responses. The winter clothing with all its bulk does serve a purpose, but I have found something that fits even better. I have come to realize the Armor of God draped with a layer of grace is the best tailored outfit in my spiritual wardrobe. I need to be vigilant about checking to make sure my Armor of God is in working order and ready for battle. The belt of truth needs to be wrapped around me snugly so all my armor can remain in place and I am continually protected. The helmet of salvation reminds me I have been bought with a price and the words of the enemy will not take root in my brain any longer. The breastplate of righteousness is essential in helping me remember His righteousness covers me and my past has been forgotten. My sandals of peace provide traction when I encounter rough terrain. Harsh words, unfair expectations and unpleasant people make for slippery conditions and my sandals of peace are vital equipment. My shield of faith deflects the flaming arrows of the enemy and keeps shame and guilt from lingering in my closet. My sword of the Spirit (which is the word of God) is used daily to slay every trick the enemy tries to use to knock me off the path God has placed me on. Sweet friends, As widows we have to be prepared and intentional about wearing our armor of God. It is an essential part of our wardrobe; without it we are vulnerable. As we work daily towards being a warrior remember God always drapes our efforts with his grace. He honors our diligence and He knows the placing of every one of our footsteps. Dear Lord, We are so thankful that you know our every footstep. Help us remember how important it is for us to wear your armor every day. Give us courage to be intentional in preparing for our battles. We want to be warriors who honor Your name above all else. In Your Mighty name, Amen.
Posted on: Sat, 08 Nov 2014 01:19:38 +0000

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