Ephesians Chapter 4, verses 1 – 32: Summarized please read the - TopicsExpress


Ephesians Chapter 4, verses 1 – 32: Summarized please read the entire chapter for yourself. Its a lot to read, but what is posted is a personal testimony where a sinner failed yesterday, Me! (Verses 29 - 32) This scripture was meant for me to read tonight. Yesterday I found myself struggling with something I found out about and reacted to as a result. Had I worked through this with prayer and guidance from the Holy Spirit I would not have violated the scripture below, unfortunately I chose the wrong path and spoke opening about the incident to two people. No excuse, but immediately last night I felt my separation from God and knew something was not right. Until I read these scriptures I didnt realize that I had chosen the wrong path and my approach was wrong. God forgive me for my corrupt words that were used in such a way that spread discord about that person to others. I pray that I will approach the two I discussed my displeasure with and ask for forgiveness and make things write with them both. The Holy Spirit lead me to this scripture and restored to me his presence. Read the last line of scripture. Filthy and unclean words and discourse are poisonous and infectious, as putrid rotten meat: they proceed from and prove a great deal of corruption in the heart of the speaker, and tend to corrupt the minds and manners of others who hear them; and therefore Christians should beware of all such discourse. Christians should endeavor to promote a useful conversation: that it may minister grace unto the hearers; that it may be good for, and acceptable to, the hearers, in the way of information, counsel, pertinent reproof, or the like. Observe, It is the great duty of Christians to take care that they offend not with their lips, and that they improve discourse and converse, as much as may be, for the good of others. Here is another caution against wrath and anger, with further advice to mutual love and kindly dispositions towards each other, v. 31, v. 32. By bitterness, wrath, and anger, are meant violent inward resentment and displeasure against others: and, by clamor, big words, loud threatening, and other intemperate speeches, by which bitterness, wrath, and anger, vent themselves. Christians should not entertain these vile passions in their hearts not be clamorous with their tongues. Evil speaking signifies all railing, reviling, and reproachful speeches, against such as we are angry with. And by malice we are to understand that rooted anger which prompts men to design and to do mischief to others. Be you kind one to another. This implies the principle of love in the heart, and the outward expressions of it, in an affable, humble, courteous behavior. Forgiving one another. Occasions of difference will happen among Christ’s disciples; and therefore they must be placable, and ready to forgive, therein resembling God himself, who for Christ’s sake hath forgiven them, and that more than they can forgive one another. Note, With God there is forgiveness; and he forgives sin for the sake of Jesus Christ, and on account of that atonement which he has made to divine justice. Note again, Those who are forgiven of God should be of a forgiving spirit, and should forgive even as God forgives, sincerely and heartily, readily and cheerfully, universally and forever, upon the sinner’s sincere repentance, as remembering that they pray, Forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us. By looking to what precedes, and to what follows, we may see what it is that grieves the Spirit of God. In the previous verses it is intimated that all lewdness and filthiness, lying, and corrupt communications that stir up filthy appetites and lusts, grieve the Spirit of God. O provoke not the blessed Spirit of God to withdraw his presence and his gracious influences from you! Dont you just hate it when we fail? God Holy Spirit is always there to guide us when we remain in his word. Without God word tonight, I could have drifted further way without knowing the true reason. God is good all the time. I will close by saying pray for each other as Christians everyday. It is so easy to fall into the traps and snares of life. Pray that scripture we read will speaks to our hearts and that the Holy Spirit guides us daily in what we should read. Yesterday I was in 1 John, Chapter 1 and today found myself in Ephesians Chapter 4, verses 29 – 32. Why, because this is what I needed to read and recall my failure yesterday. I love each one of you and will continue to seek God guidance through his word. Rick
Posted on: Wed, 08 Oct 2014 03:25:24 +0000

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