Episode - 121 Chapter - 19 Part - 6 The Destruction Of - TopicsExpress


Episode - 121 Chapter - 19 Part - 6 The Destruction Of Narakasura Narakasura, the offspring of Mother Earth was proving to be a scourge of gods and men. He waged fierce war against the devas, drove Indra from heaven and despoiled it of its treasures and even snatched Aditi’s ear rings and Indra was hiding in the crest of mount Meru while their women folks were imprisoned by the asura. The devas supplicated before Vishnu (now Krishna) for relief from this distress. Krishna seated on Garuda and with Sathyabhama by his side, started for Pragjyotisha the citadel of Narakasura. It was a heavily fortified place, surrounded by several rings of defense. There was a moat filled with alligators and then a wall of fire. Krishna seated on Garuda flew over the moat, smashed the mountainous barriers with his mace and blew on his famous panchajanya sending tremors throughout. A mighty demon named Mura with five heads breathing fire, came out rushing, wielding a huge trident. He hurled the trident but Krishna’s arrows cut it into pieces and another hail of arrows swept off his heads. Naraka himself now advanced seated on a mighty elephant, and flanked by an army of elephants. Garuda, now struck them with his powerful wings and they ran backward squealing and trampling down their own army. Naraka was furious and was about to hurl his spear but before it could leave his hand, his head, bright with fiery ear rings, was severed by Krishna’s sudarshan. The women imprisoned were released. The earth goddess now appeared and presenting a necklace of priceless pearls and matching ear rings, gently said - “Lord now forbear! The asura has been killed. He had been the very avatar of rajas and tamas. But these too begin from you alone ! It behoves you therefore to pardon his son Bhagadatha, who is a valiant prince. Let him be made king in his father’s place. And my lord, let your gracious gaze fall on these hapless maidens, freed by you. The Lord of course, obliged. Bhagadatha was crowned king and Krishna was gentle and kind to the young women just freed. They were gazing with admiration, love at their saviour. Bhagadatha sent them in palanquins loaded with bridal presents to Dwaraka. Later on Krishna married all the sixteen thousand of them at the same time in as many pandals and as many houses. There was no difference in status among the sixteen thousand and eight women. Each thought that Krishna was with her only all the time.
Posted on: Thu, 30 Jan 2014 05:56:19 +0000

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