Episode 1: The stench of sweat and other body fluids filled the - TopicsExpress


Episode 1: The stench of sweat and other body fluids filled the air, I could hardly breathe. It was so dark in here, I couldnt see a thing. I tried to get up, only to discover I couldnt, something was holding me down. I could now feel the iron around my hands and feet. Iron? It couldnt be. Why would I be bound with iron like a prisoner or something? I must be hallucinating, I thought, this is all some kind of nasty dream. I tried all I could to wake myself up from what i was sure was a nightmare, but nothing worked. I kept telling myself, more like chanting to myself this is all a dream, wake up...this is all a dream, wake up. I must have been speaking aloud because in soon after i began, a door opened. A man walked in and ordered everyone to shut up and go to sleep before he left. That was funny, up until now, i had thought i was alone. It had been eerily quiet, i assumed no one else could be here. Well, that explains the stench. This dream felt so real. The entrance and subsequent exit of the man had displaced a curtain or something which had hitherto, covered the door. A few stray rays of moonlight now found their way into the room through the key hole and the sides of the door. I could now see, albeit a little. In the new found lifht, i looked around at my surroundings. I looked at my feet, my initial fears were confirmed. The shackles of iron, for that was what i called all metals , which bound my feet glistened a bit in the new light. The iron fetters which bound my hands, albeit a bit more loosely than my feet were wound round something i couldnt quite see. It must have been some sort of attachment to the wall. How could a dream feel so uncomfortable?, i wondered, how could it feel so real?. As my eyes grew more accustomed to the little light, i began to take in my surroundings. I could now see outlines of the bodies of other people. The closest to me had about the same body stature as I. I couldnt see his face or anything but for some strange reason, he reminded me of my best friend Dave. Dave has been my best friend since my childhood. We grew up in the same neighborhood, his house was just 2 houses from mine. Our dads, both doctors, worked in the same hospital and were good friends too, so naturally, we became friends. We attended the same primary school, which was not suprising, as most kids in the neighborhood did. However, quite suspiciously, we always ended up in the same class. I always suspected our parents must have been behind the machinations. It was as if they wanted us to be really close, i guess their plan worked. Most people, who didnt know us well, usually assumed we were twins at first. Not that we looked alike or anything, but because we were always together. We sat together during classes, played together during break time. We were really close. We also ended up going to the same secondary school, only then did our parents fail to keep us together. Dave was more inclined to the arts, while, i was a science freak. The only time we spent together now, was at the local football field in the neighbor hood, on saturdays when we were through with our chores and assignments. Funny enough, my last memory before this horrible place was with him. We were playing a little game on the field, others had left leaving just the two of us behind. It was getting late when.... It finally began to dawn on me what could have happened. This may not be a dream after all, we may have been...no, it couldnt be...this is a dream...this must be a dream. I began to sob quietly, while trying so hard to convince myself that this was all a dream. Finally, I closed my eyes and prayed silently for morning to come quickly. I prayed for morning to come, when Id wake up and laugh at the terrible dream I was now experiencing. However, deep down in my heart, I knew, though I didnt want to believe it, I knew I could be praying for a morning that may not come.
Posted on: Wed, 15 Oct 2014 11:17:26 +0000

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