Episode 14 Gbenga Lewis took his time to climb the flight of - TopicsExpress


Episode 14 Gbenga Lewis took his time to climb the flight of stairs that led to the CEO’s office. His tall lanky frame was clad in a white long sleeve T.M. Lewin shirt and black shiny pants with a matching white and black striped tie. His black Italian shoes made little or no noise on the marble stairs. He received a call from Mr. Daodu after the morning devotion. He was a bit puzzled why the CEO wanted to see him. He hoped it had nothing to do with the documents he audited the day before. He had gone through the figures a zillion times and had arrived at the same conclusion. Shalewa, Mr. Daodu’s personal assistant, was seated at her desk as usual. She smiled when she sighted him and pointed at the CEO’s door. He nodded and knocked at the door. “Come in.” He heard the CEO’s voice, turned the doorknob and pushed the door open. “Good morning sir.” Osagie Daodu was seated behind his mahogamy desk, chatting amicably with two women. He acknowledged him and leaned back on his black leather seat. Gbenga noticed the two women seated, one was Mrs. Daodu, the next in command in the company and the other, she looked familiar, but he doubted if they had met. “Good morning ma.” “Morning Gbenga,” she smiled at him. He turned and met the other woman’s dark gaze, “Good morning.” She nodded and looked away. ‘What is with me and tall fair in complexion men? God deliver me.’ She tried to act cool and calm. A frown creased his brow. Why didn’t she reply? What was she feeling like? He was sure he was older than her. Why do young people lack respect these days? “Gbenga I want you to meet my first daughter.” His boss’ voice drew him out of his thoughts. First daughter? He had met Gift Daodu. He didn’t know she had an elder sister. He had thought Prince and Gift were the only children of the Daodus. “She will be with us for a while. She would be supervising our Public Relations department. Please show her around and introduce her to everyone.” “All right sir,” he glanced at her again. She looked too young to be handling a whole department. She wouldn’t be more than twenty-five or twenty-six years if he wasn’t mistaken. He hoped Mr. Daodu knew what he was doing. “Promise, Gbenga Lewis is the head of the Accounts department. He has been with us since he graduated from the university five years ago. He served in this company and we retained him.” “Really?” She met his hazel gaze. Her heart skipped and her throat went dry. “I am ready when you are,” he forced a smile. She cleared her throat and faced her parents, “Catch you two later.” “All right sweets,” her mother winked at her. “Welcome to Red Flower Textile Company,” her father saluted her. She chuckled and walked out of the office with Gbenga. ******** Promise had a brief meeting with the members of staff in the Public Relations department. Some seemed genuinely pleased to have her as their superior, while a few others cared less. Their acceptance or displeasure was the least of her concerns. She would do all she could to boost her parent’s company while she had the time. She would contribute her quarter in Red Flower Textile Company. Prince and Gift strolled into her office without knocking. “Wow! Look at her office, some people have all the luck,” Gift sized up the large room. Prince settled on one of the chairs before the large table and faced his sister, “Hello madam,” he winked at her. Promise leaned back on her chair and watched them, “The sooner both of you returned to school, the better.” Gift bursted out in laughter and took a seat beside her brother. “Dad told me you are in the Accounts department,” she looked at Prince who nodded and then glanced at Gift, “And you are in the Human Resources department.” Gift nodded, “Yes, nice unit, loads of work. I am actually on break.” “Really?” “Same here. Am on break too. Mr. Gbenga is in charge of the Accounts department and he is good with what he does.” “Really?” “Yes. I have learnt a lot working with him.” “Really? ” “He is still single, no wonder he closes late most of the time. No wife and kids to go home to.” Prince kicked her on the knee. “Hey!” She retaliated and hit him on the rib. “Ouch!” Promise raised a hand, “I think both of you have over-stayed your welcome. I don’t want you little tigers to turn my office into a battle field.” “He started it,” she stuck out her tongue at him. She placed a hand on her forehead, “Both of you are not children anymore. You will be twenty-four this year and you will turn twenty- one.” Her siblings locked gazes with her. Why were they staring at her like that? “What?” “You are celebrating your twenty-seventh birthday this year,” Prince winked at her. She crossed her hands, “So?” “When are you getting married?” Gift leaned towards the table, ready for her sister’s response. The question caught her by surprised. Gift and her insatiable curiosity! What made her ask? “Gift, leave my office this moment.” “Seriously sister.” “Gift, out.” Prince pulled her up, “Let us go trouble- maker.” “Leave me alone. What is wrong with you?” She tried to fight him off, but, he tightened his grip and forced her out. Promise watched them go. Her younger sister was something else. ********* Gbenga decided to take a walk. He had been in a seated position for more than five hours. He doesn’t feel like working late that day. He might watch a movie once he got home or turn in early for the night. He walked out of his office and headed for the cafeteria. He would clock thirty in a few weeks time and he wasn’t in any relationship. He had dated a few women in the past, but, he had never met anyone he would love to spend the rest of his life with. He was the last child of his parents. All his siblings were married with children. No one was putting him under pressure, but, he knew they all hoped he would settle down some day soon. He doesn’t want to marry just anybody. At least she must be a practising born-again Christian. Many Christians do not follow the path that God has laid out for them. The last thing he wanted to do was to make the mistake of marrying a Church-goer. Aside being a born-again Christian, the lady must be a graduate. He wanted someone who could reason with him intellectually. A few feet away from the cafeteria, he saw Promise stepping out. She noticed him, nodded and kept walking. A frown crossed his face. What’s with her and her nods? An ‘hello’ or a ‘hi’ or a ‘good afternoon’ would have been appropriate. Was she shy? She doesn’t look or act shy. May be she was just arrogant or something. Why was her nods annoying him anyway? She was his boss’ daughter. She had the right to act or respond to anyone in whatever way she wanted. He pondered whether to go into the cafeteria or return to his office. Promise took a quick look behind her and saw Gbenga standing outside the cafeteria. Why was he standing there and staring at nothing in particular? ‘Why do I always feel tongue-tied whenever he is around me? This is not nice. This is not nice at all. God what’s happening to me? I don’t think I am ready for another relationship yet. Dissolve any attraction I feel towards Gbenga before it develops into something stronger. Do it Lord, and fast!’
Posted on: Fri, 18 Apr 2014 20:38:28 +0000

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