Episode 16 After Moss left her house, Liza is not sure how to - TopicsExpress


Episode 16 After Moss left her house, Liza is not sure how to feel about the whole thing. One mind tells her Moss is sincere and he is not playing her and the other tells her that she has been used, though for what purpose she is not clear yet. She makes a point of finding out and soon, but now she’s worried about her friend, Cindy. If only she can understand that it was not her intention to sleep with Moss and maybe understand that technically he was never her boyfriend. Should she go see her friend now? She’s scared though, especially after the stunt she pulled this morning. As she contemplates this, her phone rings and when she checks it’s Sizwe. Liza: Hello? Sizwe: Hawu, baby, is that how you greet your man these days? Liza: Sizwe, you don’t call me for a week so what do you expect me to do, roll out the red carpet for you? Please! Be grateful I even answered your call. What can I help you with? Sizwe: *shocked* Liza, what’s happening? Am I missing something here? *feigning innocence*. I’ve been out of town for the past month and when I come back this is the reception I get? Liza: Firstly, did you tell me you would be out of town and secondly, did you go to the moon that you could not even call me to tell me. Please, Sizwe, I’m not a child. Sizwe: Okay, okay, I understand you are angry. Can we meet somewhere so I can try and explain? Liza: Oh! So there is an explanation? You know what I will only come out of curiosity, just to hear what lies you will web otherwise I’m not interested. Besides i also want to see you, there’s something I need to say. And so they agree to meet at Tasha’s for lunch. Meanwhile at Moss’s house, he has asked Poppy to go back into the house while he speaks to Amanda. She is not impressed that he is not inviting her as he explains to her that he was so upset the previous night that he went out for a drink and had met with an old friend. Apparently they had gotten so drunk that the friend offered his place to crash as it was closest to the bar and Moss was in no state to drive back home. Amanda: Are you sure you are telling me the truth Moss? Moss: Are you doubting me Amanda? Amanda: Not really, its just that I didn’t think this would affect you so much. I thought you had it under control. *cracking a smile* Well, I waited for your call all morning and I wanted to call you but thought a personal apology would be much better. I know I acted a bit like a teenager last night as well. Truth is I felt so guilty and embarrassed after the kids walked in on us and the lashing out was really a defence mechanism. I have spoken to Thandi and she understood, I also spoke to sis Lulu cos I’m sure Thandi will tell her and she’s also supportive. She thinks you are a good man and a good catch at that *rolling her eyes* Moss: Am happy your family approves. I still have to ascertain that with Poppy, since I didn’t have a chance to speak to her last night and as you can see I just drove in. Amanda: Oh, I’m sorry I didn’t realise. If you’ll excuse me, I will disappear and give you guys your alone time. I’m glad I came to apologise in person and am sorry I caused you distress and tension with your daughter. I hope she understands and you work things out. *stepping towards him* Moss: Ahem! We don’t want a repeat of last night’s drama now, do we? Poppy could be watching from the window. I’m sorry Amanda. Let me talk to her first, I cannot let her see us kissing again. Hope you understand? Amanda: *a bit disappointed* Why sure Moss I understand. Okay then let me take my leave. Moss: I will call you later, okay? They say their goodbyes and Amanda drives off leaving Moss to enter the house. He meets Poppy in the lounge and goes to sit next to her. He apologises to her for his lack of discretion the previous night, making a joke that he hadn’t kissed a woman in so long that he’d forgotten she was in the other room and got carried away. They are laughing at how pale he’d looked after she and Thandi caught them when Thabo walks into the room. Thabo: I see you have reconciled with your first girlfriend. So how much? Moss & Poppy: How much what? Thabo: how much did your apology and make up cost you dad? Poppy: So that’s what you think of me huh? Well sorry to disappoint you, dad didn’t have to pay anything, all he had to do was explain a few things to me and VOILA! Poppy’s fine. Thabo: What few things are those? Poppy: Wouldn’t you like to know? Anyways what are you doing at home at this time on a Saturday? Don’t you have girls to chase at the varsity or something? Moss: Actually, Pops I asked him to stick around today. We haven’t really had fun together for a long time so I thought we could go to Zoo Lake for a picnic today. Just the three of us. What do you say? Poppy: As long as skinny face here behaves I’m fine. So as Moss goes to take his shower , Thabo asks sis Mavis to prepare the picnic basket, using the lamb Moss never served for dinner the previous night. When Moss is ready they all get into the car and drive off to Zoo Lake, Katy Perry’s “Roar” blasting on the car radio and Poppy singing along. Thabo has given up the front seat for her. Meanwhile Sizwe and Liza have just arrived at Tasha’s and Sizwe is ordering their drinks when Cindy walks in and is on the fone. When she sees them, she says her goodbyes to the caller and walks straight to their table, takes a glass of red wine from the next table and pours it on Liza’s face. Cindy: WHORE! The sun hasn’t set and already you’re back to his friend’s arms. Did you tell him his friend just left your bed this morning? You have no shame, sies! Sizwe: *standing and getting a napkin to wipe Liza’s face* What are you talking about? *Looking from Cindy to Liza?*
Posted on: Wed, 13 Nov 2013 14:28:21 +0000

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