Episode 413... The Department of Communication’s seminar on - TopicsExpress


Episode 413... The Department of Communication’s seminar on “Bring a Girl Child to Work” Initiative ended and Khanyisa took Elle by the hand as to leave the venue. They got into the foyer... Khanyisa: “Did you enjoy that Elle?” Elle smiled and shrugged her shoulders... Khanyisa: ‘You don’t know?” Elle: “It was interesting.” Khanyisa: “So any careers you find interesting in the communications sector?” Elle: “No.” She shook her head... Khanyisa: “Is it? I’m disappointed.” Elle: “Don’t be mama.” Khanyisa’s face flushed, she became a little anxious. This was one predicament she did not anticipate. The truth was the right thing to do...a rightful obligation but what about the hurt and pain it will bring to this innocent soul. Khanyisa: ‘It’s okay Lele-“ Elle: “Lele? That’s L.E.L.E right?” Khanyisa: ‘Yes...you are smart aren’t you?” Elle: “Simple phonetics.” Khanyisa laughed... Khanyisa: “So...what do you want to do? I’m free for the rest of the day.” Elle: “Uhmmm...I don’t know.” Khanyisa looked at her dress. She realised that she has been dressing like she came out of a Victorian period history book. Nothing fresh, modern or colourful. Just the dull, black and earthy colours. Oh those same mary janes paired with white bobby socks were sore to the eye. Compared to other children she was the odd one out. It was enough that she had been through what she has, she didn’t need people giving her strange looks or questioning the type of child she was. Khanyisa: “Let’s go fetch mama’s bag and then we go shopping and grab something to eat ok?” Elle: “Oui.” Khanyisa:”That means yes, right?” Elle: “Oui.” Khanyisa laughed as they walked into her workstation to get her bags. They left Hatfield and drove to Menlyn shopping centre. They parked and entered the mall. Khanyisa: “We are going to get some nice clothes for you ok?” Elle: “What’s wrong with the clothes I have?” Khanyisa:”Nothing...but they...well...they are not really suitable for....for the South African weather?” Elle: “Oh...I do feel kind of hot and bothered.” Khanyisa: “See?” Elle: “That’s Italian.” Khanyisa: ‘What is?” Elle: “Si...it’s yes in Italian.” Khanyisa: “Oh...ok.” She nodded and brushed her hand of Elle’s hair...They started at Woolworths and Elle only picked out chiffon party dresses and small purse...Khanyisa found the purse cute, but the dresses? Not so sure. Khanyisa: “Don’t you want, shorts, jeans or tights?” Elle: “But I’m a girl, I don’t want to look like a boy.” Khanyisa: “But you are going to choose the ones that are made for girls.” Elle shrugged her shoulders...Khanyisa took it upon herself to choose , cute and trendy clothes for her. They went to pay and headed for Sportscene to buy a couple of sneakers for her... Elle: “I don’t want Nike.” Khanyisa: “Then which one do you like?” Elle: “Err...Adidas.” Khanyisa: “I like Adidas too...what’s wrong with Nike?” Elle: “They use cheap labour and that’s exploitation.” Khanyisa: ‘You’re a conscious little girl aren’t you?” Elle: “If we all were...the world would be a better place.” Khanyisa: “It definitely would Lele.” They went to pay and Khanyisa asked her, what she wanted to eat...Little Miss seemed to be picky... Elle didn’t know what to pick... Khanyisa: “How about McDonalds?” Elle: “I’m vegetarian.” Khanyisa decided they should go to Capuccino’s. They got to the restaurant and they were seated in the outside area. Khanyisa ordered vegetarian pizza and water for Elle and a Cordon Bleu and a glass of wine for herself. Elle looked at the waiter... Elle: ‘Don’t give her wine, she’s driving.” The waiter laughed and asked Elle what should mommy have...Khanyisa was taken aback and a little embarrassed... Khanyisa: ‘I’ll have lime and soda.” The waiter took their orders and left.... Elle: ‘Mama.” Khanyisa: “Lele?” Elle: “Can you ask Papa to buy me a piano.” Khanyisa swallowed, thinking...”Kwanzima.” Khanyisa: “Can you play?” Elle: “Yes.” Then she looked over Khanyisa’s shoulder as if distracted by something. Then she looked up to the figure, that was now tapping Khanyisa’s shoulder...Khanyisa looked up... Man: “Hello.” Khanyisa: ‘Err...Hi.” He turned to Elle and greeted her. Elle just nodded... Man: “Your daughter?” Khanyisa: “She’s with me isn’t she?” Man: “Sorry, I didn’t mean to offend you...it’s just that with such a beautiful-“ He scanned her body...Khanyisa quickly cleared her throat before he continued. Man glanced at Elle and continued... Man: “I wanted to say...you look so young.” Khanyisa: “I’ll take that as a compliment.” Their food arrived, Elle dug in immediately, between staring at the Man and Khanyisa. Man: “We kinda miss you at the gym.” Khanyisa: “Who’s we?” Man: “Ok...let me be honest...I kinda miss you at the gym.” Khanyisa: “sorry, I don’t mean to be rude, but as you can see I’m having lunch with my daughter and-“ Man: “No...don’t worry about it. I understand. But please do me the favour of taking my business card.’ He whipped it out of his pocket and gave it to her. Khanyisa: ‘I’d rather not.” Man: “Why not?” Khanyisa: “Hehake...because I am not going to call you and I doubt there will be any kind of business I would want to do with you.” Man: “You never know what the future holds.” He placed the business card on the table and waved goodbye to Elle, pulling her cheek. Elle flinched and she sipped her water from a straw and the man smiled and walked out of the restaurant. Khanyisa took a peek at the business card...”Err...Lulama R Bhatyi...MRB Construction & Property Developer M.D....Mnxim.” She placed the card back on the table...Khanyisa and Elle finished off their meal. She called the waiter to pay the bill. While she was signing on the check. Elle picked up the card, just out of curiosity. She tried to read Lulama’s surname, but was struggling... Elle: “Mama?” Khanyisa gave the bill sleeve to the waiter with the cash and turned to Elle. Elle: “How do you say this name?” Khanyisa: “Bha-tyi it means Jacket...just throw that away Lele.” They got up and headed for the underground parking. Elle was walking slowly behind Khanyisa looking at the surname and breaking it into consonants by making out the sounds...They got into the car and she put the card in her new purse and they drove to Muldersdrift. They arrived at the homestead and took out their shopping bags and went to place Elle’s stuff in her room, that she shared with Sine and her Au-Pair, hired by Sandile’s agency. Khanyisa went to her bedroom to change into something comfortable. When she was done she went to check on Junior...Patience informed her that he was out in the stable with JP. She headed for the stable, when she got there she smiled at the sight. JP was holding Junior, who placed on top of the saddled horse in his denim dungarees and a white t-shirt. Nhalha was there too, taking pictures... Khanyisa: ‘So you guys are having all the fun without me.” Nhalha: “Hey...I’m just the camera lady; they are the ones having all the fun.” Then she went through the pictures she took and showed Khanyisa...She loved them. Khanyisa: “Dam girl you good. These are beautiful.” Nhalha: “Thanks girl... I try.” Khanyisa: “Modest? Girl you should get paid for this.” Nhalha: “I’ll think about it...hey maybe I should start with you guys, I can create a family catalogue for you guys.” JP: “We’re family Nhalha...You are going to make us pay? Ruthless!” Nhalha: “Says the most capitalistic person I know.” JP: ‘Touché.” Khanyisa: “Why not boo...she’s worth it.” Nhalha: “Hey! I just got an idea...I can even do a short family film.” Khanyisa: “Ooh I like that.” Nhalha: ‘Yeah, you guys can watch it together, when the kids are all grown and have left the nest. And you all wrinkled and grey.” Khanyisa: “Ncoooh...that will be sweet. What do you think boo?” JP: ‘Yeah...why not.” Nhalha: “Ok...guys let me love you and leave you, I’ll print these in the meantime.” She kissed Junior and left for the house. JP gently pulled Khanyisa by the arm and held her waist while he had Junior in his other arm. He kissed the side of her face. JP:”So how was it?” Khanyisa: “It was great actually...we even went shopping-“ JP: “With what money?” Khanyisa pulled back... Khanyisa: “With my money.” JP: “I hope you didn’t splurge.” Khanyisa: “On the contrary...I bought stuff for her, as tempted as I was I didn’t buy anything for myself.” JP: “We have to be careful on the spending...every cent counts and I-“ Khanyisa: “Boo? Boo?” JP: “What?” Khanyisa:”Please breath.” JP: “I’m just saying...you know you have a problem and things are different now.” Khanyisa: “Ya...whatever...” She took Junior, feeling a bit deflated. Khanyisa: “Iza mntanam.” She placed Junior on her chest to go sit with him by the stream and let him crawl around a bit. JP watched her walk away and mumbled...”But I just had to put it out there.” And sighed. He went to the house and found Elle playing chess with Uncle Caiphus. She was staring at Uncle Caiphus with a cocky smile, arms folded like a boss, while Uncle Caiphus had an intense, strained expression on his face. JP leaned on the door frame, watching them. Uncle Caiphus made a hesitant move... Elle: “Are you sure Monsieur?” Uncle C: ‘Ehmmm...wait, wait, wait...Uhmm.” He made a different move...Elle made a move, took a piece and made another move...she exhaled... Elle: “Checkmate!” Uncle C looked at the game board... Uncle C: “HAWU!” Elle: “How? Just like that.” Uncle C: “Heeee...le ngane.” JP laughed...Uncle C looked at him... Uncle C: “But...but...” JP just shrugged his shoulders and smiled. Elle got up and went up to JP. He picked her up and swung her over his shoulder..she laughed so hard she had tears coming out of her eyes. JP placed her down. Elle: “Want to see the stuff mama bought me?” JP: “Yes, Let’s go.” They went to Elle’s room and Elle emptied her shopping bags onto the bed. JP looked at them, actually he looked at the price tags and calculated in his head but he pretended to have the same enthusiasm as his daughter... Elle: “Papa!” JP: “Yes.” Elle: “I learnt a new word today.” JP: “A new word? I hope it’s an appropriate word.” Elle: “It means jacket.” JP” Oh...Mama taught you that word?” Elle: “E-ham...and how to pronounce it...Let me show you.” She opened her red purse and took out Lulama’s business card and pointed to the surname... Elle: ‘Bha-chi...Bhachi...Jacket...See?” JP took the card and looked at it and nodded... JP: “They gave you a business card at mommy’s work?” Elle: “No...Mama’s new friend gave Mama the card, but she didn’t want it.” JP: ‘Oh...at mommy’s work?” He fished... Elle: “No...At the restaurant.” JP: “Oh...did mommy say he is her friend?” Elle: “No...but he said he missed her...so obviously they are friends if he misses her.” Elle took the card from JP ...”Bha-chi...Jacket...” JP: “Elle?” Elle: ‘Papa?” JP: “Can I keep this for you.” Elle: ‘Just for a little while.” She got up... Elle: “I’m going to watch the horses.” JP nodded. Elle exited the room and JP took out his phone and dialled the number, it rang and it was picked up... “Lulama R! Bhatyi.” JP: “Afternoon...Mr...Bhachi...Err. You’re talking to Mr Akili Mumbani...I got your contacts from a friend...I kind of mentioned I was starting a new venture in property and you came highly recommended...Err...Can we meet some time...If you are not busy that is.” Lulama confirmed when he would be free and they set up an appointment to meet and hung up.JP looked at the card, he went into a deep thought as he flicked it back and forth through his fingers... The Xaba’s (except for Mbalisto) welcomed the Welsh’s. Mrs Welsh was her usual bubbly self, as if she wasn’t going through a divorce. She was probably knocking back some Shirley Temples at the airport. Mr Welsh just asked Mr Xaba for the shield and spear that he had promised to give him, the last time he visited. Mbali was relieved that he at least came without Sanele. But then again, knowing Mr Welsh, he probably booked Sanele in some five star hotel and when he gets the chance he will sneak out to go and see him. Mbali looked at Michael who looked high as a kite. She realised that the Welsh’s were not perfect and if her dad knew about their indiscretions, he probably wouldn’t want her to be married to their son. Letting him know was tempting, but the last time she was vindictive in order to get her way...it blew up in her face. Michael gave Zandile a hug and pulled back, and she took it upon herself to play with his hair, which was cut into a Mohawk... Michael: “You like it?” Za: “Yeah...it’s so sick dude.” Then Michael whispered in her ear. Michael: “Did you get the DP (Durban Poison) for me?” Za: “I didn’t forget.” Michael: ‘We’ll go and have some when everyone is sleeping...just like last time.” Za: “Yeah...just text me.” They bumped fists. After all the greetings were exchanged. Mrs Xaba offered the Welsh supper and dessert, they obliged. Stuart went up to Mbali, who was annoyed by it all. Stuart: “Bella?” Mbali: “Stuart.” Stuart: “May I have a word with you in private?” Mbali: “Why?” Stuart: “Come on Bella, you can’t do this in front of our family.” Mbali caught a glimpse of her father staring at her...she sighed and agreed to go talk to Stuart. They went out into the garden as it was a beautiful warm night. Mbali: ‘I already know what you are going to say, but I’m listening.” Stuart: “Bella, according to your tradition...we are technically married-“ Mbali: “Please don’t remind me.” Stuart: ‘I think this is a sign Bella...that we should be together. “ Mbali: “But Stu...I don’t...I don’t..ah.” She exhaled... Stuart: “You don’t have feelings for me anymore?” Mbali: “I care about you...I do-“ Stuart: “Yeah...Right! Patronise me will you!” He threw his hands to his head and looked up to the night’s sky. Mbali: “I am really trying to be honest with you and you are making it difficult.” Stuart: “Bella...” He took her hands... Stuart: “You are the best thing that has ever happened to me. I know I kept the truth from you and I am not proud of that. I didn’t think it was important. I was young and ambitious and I made a bad choice. I paid for it dearly, because I lost you. The only thing that ever made sense to me. You know sometimes I sit in the office, not wanting to go home because you won’t be there. And then I start thinking about how things would be if they went a different direction. Like,...having kids...our own little exotic babies, running around and driving us crazy. I think about how much of a good mother you will be...overprotective and obsessive yes...but good nonetheless. I imagine you even sewing little name tags on their clothes, because that’s the person you are.” Mbali felt a lump on her throat...Stuart was just saying all the right things, but what about the confusion that filled her heart. Stuart: “I imagine you putting up little sticky notes all over the place just to remind of little Johnny’s soccer match or little Sandy’s ballet recital, that are taking place in a week’s time. Not forgetting the birthdays and the anniversaries...That is the stuff I want to do with you Bella.” Mbali: “That is the stuff that I wanted to do with you too.” She wiped the corner of her eye... Stuart: “Then what’s stopping us?” Mbali: “Things are different Stu...How do I get the pictures I saw...of...you-“ Stuart: “I don’t know Bella...I don’t have an answer to that, but we can work something out.” Mbali started walking around the same spot...thinking about how she felt and what she wanted but her mind and heart were still clouded. She turned to him Mbali: “I came here, to get a peace of mind and to make certain decisions about my life, especially my love life-“ Stuart: “Jean-Michel.” Mbali: “yes.” Stuart: “Are you seeing each other?” Mbali: “We were.” Stuart:”Did...did he hurt you?” Mbali: “Let’s just say we want different things.” Stuart:” I won’t bad mouth him to you...all I can tell you is how I feel...and you know how I feel. I’ll give you the space you need, while we are here, to think about what you need to think about. Just know that I love you.” He walked back into the house. Mbali went to sit on the garden bench. She was in a deep predicament. Stuart had all the qualities she wanted in a man (except for that little blemish in his past) and then there was JM, who she had feelings for. The intense chemistry between them was unavoidable and intoxicating, which brought a little excitement to her perfect, orderly, pre meditated life. Suddenly she felt like dessert..fort food. She went back into the house, went to dish up her dessert and went to lock herself in her room. She had her dessert and passed out from being full...till there was a knock on her door. She went to open. It was their help , Sophie... Sophie: ‘Mbalenhle...kunowesilisa oze kuwe.” Mbali thought...”Why is she all up in my business...we don’t know each other like that...besides I said all I wanted to say to Stuart.” Sophie waited for Mbali to respond or at least come out of the room. Mbali: “I’m sleeping.” Sophie: “Mara awulelanga manje.” Mbali frowned...”Is she for real?” Mbali: “Please tell Stuart I’ll talk to him in the morning.” Sophie:” Ayinguye uStyuwadi Mbalenhle.” Mbali pulled a face...and then they heard some kind of racquet coming from the living area part of the house. “BELLA!” Mbali’s eyes popped as she realised the voice and the obnoxious tone it had. Her father’s face crossed her thoughts...”Oh no.” She breathed...She quickly went to stop the trouble that loomed. She got to the living area and Stuart was face to face with Jean-Michel, while JM demanded to see Mbali...JM turned, as soon as he saw her, he went up to her and gave her a tight hug... JM:”I just wanted to surprise you.” He said in that low voice, that always made her knees feel weak...Mbali gritted her teeth... Mbali: “What are you doing here?” JM: ‘I had to see you Bella...I couldn’t leave things the way there were.” He stroked her back with his big and strong hands... “NGUM SINDO WANI LO EMUZINI WAM NGESISI KHATHI...MBALENHLE!” Mr Xaba roared..JM pulled away from Mbali and turned to Mr X... JM: “Oh sorry sir...You must be Bella’s father...Jean Michel Mumbani.” He stretched out his hand to him...Mr X just looked at it and looked at him... Mr X: “I don’t care who you are, all I want to know is what are you doing in my house and what do you want from my daughter at this time? Mbalenhle?” JM: “I’m from Joburg sir...Me and your daughter are well acquainted, I thought I should surprise her.” Mr X: “Listen mfana...Mbali is an engaged woman...” Then he pointed at Stuart... Mr X: “This is her fiancé...I don’t know where you come from or how you do things from wherever you come from...but in my culture, a woman who has been taken by another man, cannot be acquinted with other men. Especially men, who make night visits. You have disrespected my home, you have disrespected my daughter and you have disrespected her fiancé. Now please be on your way...Out!” JM tried to apologise and explain...Mr X: ‘Out!” JM turned to Mbali...”Are you and Stu-“ Mr X: “Zandile!” Za: “Baba?” Mr.X: “Letha uTshisa laphaya!” Tshisa was his weapon of choice...a whip! Mbali: “Dad...no.” She shook her head... Mr X: “Ngithi makahambe lo mfana Mbalenhle...or ufuna ngini hlanganise nobabili? Then Michael had an outburst..’OH BLOODY HELL!” He exclaimed as he noticed Zandile with a long black whip and she handed it to her father. Mbali: “Uzohamba Baba...JM please leave...Please.” JM: “But Bella...” Then he ceased to speak as the whip cut through the skin of his back like Jesus on Passion of the Christ. He briefly closed his eyes and clenched his teeth. Mr X raised his whip again. Mbali quickly got in between them and the whip cut across her cheek...Stuart pulled her away as she held her face in shock...she started having flashes...(First it was Nhalha, then Ivan, now her father and the common denominator was...JM) She looked at him and saw him charging towards her father, as JM was about to manhandle Mbali’s father... Mbali: “NO! NO! GET OUUUUT...JUST GET OUT JEAN-MICHEL!” She was angry and hysterical...her shrieking made her mother get up from the sofa, and went to hold her daughter...wavukwa yi nimba umfazi. It was the first time anyone saw Mbali in that state... JM: “So this is it?” Mbali: “GET...THE...HELL...OUT!” JM swallowed, looked at her for the last time and walked out, slamming the door...
Posted on: Tue, 11 Nov 2014 21:58:57 +0000

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