Episode 55: The exam was strictly invigilated by the faculty - TopicsExpress


Episode 55: The exam was strictly invigilated by the faculty exam officer. We all composed ourselves since nobody would wish to be used as a scape goat. Once caught there was no need setting up a panel since it’s the almighty exam officer that is involved. The culprit’s case is as good as closed. I was busy sweating it out with the questions when I felt a sharp pinch at my back. ”Hmmm, it must be a mistake,” I had concluded and so continued writing. Not long, I felt another pinch but this time it was more painful than the first. I cautiously turned back to see pretty lady smiling at me. She was among the troop up students that had a carry-over in the course who had come to rewrite it. I made a facial expression that conveyed ‘yes, any problem?’ and I believed she understood me perfectly because she replied almost immediately with ‘please, help me anyhow’ in a whisper tone. I had decided not to involve myself in any implicating act the moment I got to know our invigilator was the dreaded faculty exam officer but looking at this pretty lady who I identified to be in her finals and who needed to pass this course if she must graduate I felt an oceans of pity for her. . ”You have to be fast o,” were the words I told her before I adjusted myself in such a way that she could have a manageable view of my script. It was as if there was a competition for the fastest copier as her hand raced effortlessly. All she needed at that point was a powerful vision so she could download enough. ”We can maximize the potentials of a sense organ when we decrease or shutdown the function of the rest” . ”Hey you there, stand up!” the voice of our invigilator trumpeted. We all turned to his direction. Everyone asking ”me?” just like the disciples of Jesus Christ did when he broke the news that one of them would betray Him. ”You know yourself. Yes you!” the man replied while pointing straight at me. My heart jumped at the ugly development. ”Is this how I’m going to face panel? Chei, woman don finally land me for trouble,” I cried within. The invigilator walked up to me, searched the pages of my script, looked under the desk and sit but found nothing. ”Young man, search yourself now. Your pockets!” he commanded. I was already on my last pocket before the last sentence came out. I brought out nothing incriminating except my phone which I had switched off before the exam, a few squeezed naira notes and my handkerchief. He exhaled deeply in disappointment as he left me to continue with my work. ”Thank you God for another lifeline,” I prayed as I took my sit. . Everyone wrote the exam without any hitches except for the occasional intimidating voice of the man reminding us how deadly it was to fall into his trap. He had just finished collecting the last paper from the last student and was arranging the scripts in front of the class when we heard a deafening sound ”tooo! totooo!! tooo!!!” which we later got to know came from a gun. Everyone scampered for safety. Some jumping down from the first and second floors of the two storey building. In the midst of this pandemonium I was able to turn around to see if our brave and fearless lecturer would at least be a safe refuge to run to but, alas, what was left of the man was that 2” by 2” wood resting on the wall. There was no sign of my brave lecturer. He had magically ‘disappeared’.
Posted on: Fri, 19 Sep 2014 14:08:04 +0000

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