Episode 9 10 11 Stella’s story continues By 9am in the - TopicsExpress


Episode 9 10 11 Stella’s story continues By 9am in the morning, Chika and her twin joined Lydia and I for breakfast. It was such a wonderful moment, but the pain of losing Kelvin spoilt my mood a great deal. The twins soon noticed my terrible mood while Lydia nervously watched me. “seriously this sickness really weighed you down. You are looking very pale. You have to see a doctor” Chika suggested with concern. I quickly waved it off with a dry laugh. “you won’t understand. My heart is filled with bitterness right now” i explained slowly. “yea Ladies i forgot telling you guys that my husband will be coming home in few weeks. I guess his Niger delta tour is finally coming to an end. You can’t believe how i always shake with fear when listening to Network news, afraid that something might be happening to him over there” Lydia announced, expertly putting the room into a lively mood with her news. The twins cheered while i smiled calmly. “c’mon tell us what is happening to your life. Why are you so bitter?” Chika’s twin suddenly asked, bringing back the old topic and throwing the room into another pensive mood. Lydia instantly threw the girl a cold look. “jeez we are family. We are more than friends. You got to tell us” Chika supported her sister. I closed my eyes, breathing deeply. “A guy she invested her time, energy and love just jilted her. Girls the look in the guy’s face this morning was terrible and strong. He just left her for real” Lydia addressed them quietly. “what!, that’s terrible!” they screamed with shock. “i’ll try talking to the dude tomorrow. If i can convince him to eat his decision, i think it will be a good win for us because our proud iron lady is dying silently. He loves the dude with all she’s got. But if he refuses then we have no choice than to nurse her back to life. The new house she’s buying will be available by the end of this week” she concluded. “c’mon hope you guys aren’t planning to let the sick dude go free if he refuses to come back and apologize?” Chika asked with concern. “of course not my dear. He will compensate my pains with his life. He will die for bleeding out my heart” i answered with determination. “yea i’m in. We got to crucify him. Nobody toys with our Iron lady and gets away with it. C’mon girls what do you all say?” Chika asked with a raised tone. “we will crucify him” they all shouted in unison. I couldn’t believe my ears. I was never expecting such strong support from them. Kelvin’s narration By 3pm same day, i got a very surprising phone call from Lydia. “i’m coming to see you, hope you are available?” she asked. “yea” i answered quietly. “alright i will be there in a jiffy” she said and hung up while my heart began throbbing furiously. I knew my actions earlier in the day was very dangerous but i couldn’t just continue living like a house boy to someone who claimed to love me. I remembered Lilian’s hug and how she comforted me as i dashed into her house after the terrible ordeal with Stella. Tears of joy appeared in my eyes. “you got to be strong my dear, because i see a storm coming. You just disturbed a bee hive” she said as she hugged me softly. “I have to face whatever comes my way. I got to be strong” i assured myself and headed to the bathroom for a quick shower. ____ Lydia showed up by 5pm with another matured lady who accompanied her. I welcomed them nervously while she calmly introduced her friend to me. “her name is Chika. She’s a very good friend and Chika meet Kelvin, the guy we came to see” she introduced before heading straight to the topic that brought them to my place. “I understand you have every reason to be mad at Stella but you shouldn’t over react. She loves you with all her soul. You should come back to her my dear” she preached softly, while the Chika watched me intensely. “i’m sorry but i already made the decision. I don’t eat my words. I’m not coming back to Stella. The best i can do is return her gifts which i plan doing very soon” i said with strong determination, leaving the two ladies exchanging glances. “very well, till then” Lydia murmured, standing up with her companion. They had a very murderous look as they left my house as swiftly as they came without even attempting to press on with the issue. I rubbed my face with my palms. I knew what was coming next was WAR Stella’s narration *continues* 6:30pm Lydia’s Home. {Same day} Lydia and Chika walked into my room looking very gloomy and serious. I instantly knew they came with bad news. “Kelvin was really mean and rude to us. He has moved on my dear and he is very serious about it” Lydia softly said, sitting beside me with concern. I faked a smile and shrugged. “what can i say?. That’s life, i have no choice than to endure” i murmured, “yea just get better as fast as you can. Kelvin’s is nothing. You are better off without him” Chika added playfully. “you still have a lot to accomplish my dear. That’s all i can say for now” Lydia said, stood up and left with Chika. I was left all alone to cry out my heart. So i cried until i was totally exhausted. kelvin had every chance to change or mould me like he wanted. Yea i knew i had a very strong character and appeared incapable of submitting to any man but at least he could have tried. He could have tried making me submit to him. I was very ready to do anything for him to be happy. I loved him with everything in me. Instead of conquering my spirit, he took the easy way out. He absconded from my life. He left me weak, empty and devastated. He never loved me. Of course he never did. I was so blinded by love to notice that he came into my life to survive. “you will pay for this” i cried, “you and Lilian will pay” i swore with my last strength…. Lydia returned to my room by 8pm to see me in a very bad shape. “don’t tell me you have been crying?” she asked with concern. “he will pay. Kelvin must pay for doing this to me” i spoke out loud. “yea but calm down” Lydia begged, “I will visit Gen. Johnson on tuesday. I want him to help incriminate Kelvin and his little colleague. I want them to end up in jail. Jailed for life” i said to Lydia who gasped with shock. “I beg of you Stella. Isn’t it too much a revenge??. C’mon” she screamed. “Kelvin denied my love. A prison is where he deserves to spend the rest of his life with his Lilian” I answered To be continued Episode 10 Stella’s story continues I spent the next day which was Monday regaining my strength and fighting back my pains. I tried pushing aside Kelvin’s memory and regaining full control of my body. Tuesday morning, brought Kelvin once again to Lydia’s house. I was very surprised to see him that for a moment i thought he came back to apologize which sort of lifted my spirit. “i hope you are getting better?” he asked with concern. “yea” I nodded coldly, my heart throbbing furiously. He gave me a long look before standing nervously. “I came to return the car you bought for me last December. Here are the keys” he said slowly, came forward and dropped the keys on my laps, shocking me with his action. “Believe me, i’m sorry for the pain you are passing through for my sake. But i have to do the right thing. Please don’t punish me or hurt yourself for this. Before the end of the year, i’ll pay in five million Naira into your account. I believe it will cover all you spent on me” he said nervously while I stared at him murderously. I was so shocked and bitter that if i had a gun with me that moment, i would have shot him without thinking twice. He quickly noticed the rage in me and knelt down much to my surprise. “I beg of you, please forgive me” he begged, while i almost suffocated in anger. “all you are doing is not necessary. You took advantage of me to climb up the social ladder. I’m going to pull that ladder from below and piss on what remains of you afterwards. The car and money you are returning are not Important to me because they can’t heal my wounded heart. Just go please” I barked, drawing great fear from him. His eyes melted and it looked as if he was about to cry. “please” he begged again. “get out” i screamed, sending him running out with my rage. The agony of losing him was so terrible and unbearable. I was hopeless and heartbroken. But one thing was certain. My Revenge. With a deep breathe, i pulled out my phone and called Gen. Johnson. Stella’s story*continues* Very early the next day i had a little discussion with Lydia, Chika and her twin before heading out to meet Gen. Johnson. The girls weren’t in support of me dealing with Kelvin by putting him behind bars, they wanted something more confrontational like physically abusing or deforming him. We had a little argument on it but at the end i won them over by pleading they allow me plan my revenge the way that suits me. As i headed to Gen. Johnson’s office, i received a very surprising call from my dad. “I hope you are in the state?” he asked, “no dad. I’m currently in Abuja settling some things” i answered. “I forwarded your name to the state government house. The state governor is selecting new special advisers/ assistants. You have to round up whatever you are doing there and head back to the state. You may be asked to report any day” he disclosed with his usual strong voice. “oh Dad!” i exclaimed with surprise. “don’t tell me i did wrong by submitting your name?. You are my only child capable of stepping in my shoes. This appointment will help your career” he wrapped up. “i know dad, it’s just that i’m astonished. I’m just a lady. I’m still unmarried. How far can i go with politics?” i cried with joy mixed with worry. “shut up” he barked and hung up. “oh dad” i murmured to myself, while the great news settled in me. I was steps away from being addressed with the title “HONOURABLE” ____ Gen. Johnson was pleased to see me just like always. After exchanging pleasantries, i told him my reason for coming. “I want Kelvin disgraced out of his job. I’m willing to do whatever necessary” i appealed, but unfortunately the Gen. denied my request for the first time. “I’m sorry dear, but things don’t happen like that. Remember you gave me full assurance on the boy before i picked him. Kelvin is now too committed with some top shots in this country, that exposing him in anything can backfire on everyone, including me. Unless you want him terminated. That’s the only way out. I’m sorry dear” the good old military officer said to me, dashing my hopes and leaving me with only one plan…. LYDIA’S HOME Stella’s story *continues* “Ladies, the old General refused to help ooo. I think i’m going to do it the way you girls wanted. So i need more suggestions” i addressed Lydia, Chika and her twin later in the evening. They looked at each other and smiled. “I know a guy named Gutso. He’s good in doing dirty jobs” Lydia said with a smile, “hmmm how good is he?, how much do you know him?” i asked curiously. “just trust me. He’s good” she answered convincingly. “so how exactly do you plan beating up Kelvin?. Will the Gutso guy do the beating or are you doing it yourself?” Chika suddenly asked. “i just feel like squeezing out all my anger and hate on that fool. Yea i’ll do the beating myself and if possible shoot him on the head” i blew out angrily while the girls shook with shock. “jeez please don’t go that far. He isn’t worth it. Just toss him around and that’s it” Chika’s twin added with fear. I breathed deeply and smiled. “don’t worry, i know what i’m doing. Just get your Gusto and my house ready” I said to Lydia who simply nodded without a word. PART B. @ THE OTHER END OF THE TOWN. KELVIN’S APARTMENT. SAME DAY. Kelvin’s Narration continues Lilian walked into my bedroom sat beside me on the bed and stared at me with care. “I really don’t understand the reason you invited me to your home by this hour nor the frightened look on your face” she said with concern. I held her hand and smiled weakly. “last night was terrible, sleeping all alone. It wasn’t my first time of sleeping alone but you very well know the reason i was unable to sleep” i said softly. “I don’t think Stella is going to do anything silly to you. Returning her car was a good deed, moreover even if she’s actually planning something. My presence won’t change a thing, instead i equally will be on harms way” she said with a deep breathe. I drew closer to her, my lips and nose inches away from hers. “i don’t know how to say this but your presence is what i need the most. I have grown so attached to you” i confessed, kissing her lightly at the same time. She closed her eyes and smiled deeply. “you just broke up with your fiancee you know” she murmured accusingly. “yea but having you is a dream come true” i answered, grabbed and dragged her down on the bed, while my lips worked on her. “oh baby, i haven’t felt like this in a long time” i breathed. “me too, i have been waiting for this moment a long time. I have always loved you Kelvin” she cried with love. “oh thank you for your honesty” i breathed, flinging away her clothes with great urgency. In no time we were devouring and enjoying our passion with enormous rapour..,. SAME MINUTE, LYDIA’S APARTMENT, Stella’s narration An uneasy sensation suddenly ran through me, making me drop the glass of wine i was enjoying. Tears dropped from my eyes with no just cause. It was as if a great force left my body. To be continued. Episode 11 Stella’s narration continues Two days later, I inspected my new house with the girls. It was something that gave me great joy. The house was just my taste, beautiful, spacious and enchanting. The only ugly side of it was the location. The house was just at the outskirt of the capital city. I did all the necessary paper work, left Lydia to complete the rest and headed back to Imo state the very next day. I returned to owerri as a changed person. My heart was black, filled with hate and revenge. I had no care for anything and even avoided Amara the only close friend i had in Owerri. She on her own side was surprised by the noticeable change in me but couldn’t just figure out my problem because i hid my breakup with Kelvin from her, using my new political appointment as an excuse to avoid her. Yes i got the expected political appointment, just like my dad wanted. I was made a special adviser, an appointment which weighed more power in book than in responsibility. Seriously i never got the opportunity to perform any credible task, but yeah i was well paid monthly, plus the government car i got for the position. _____ I headed back to Abuja after two weeks to continue with my revenge. I was a woman whose ego was totally destroyed by a guy she loved. There was nothing else in my mind than revenge. Creepy isn’t it??. Don’t judge yet till it happens to you. I quickly moved into my new house with Chika who insisted in staying with me in order to keep an eye on me. Sure the girls were supportive of my revenge plans on Kelvin, but something they saw in me suddenly made them skeptical about my true feelings, thus the hesitation i got from Lydia when i demanded Gutso’s contact from her. “we all love you Stella, and we want the best for you. We have supported you in everything, but we need assurance that you aren’t planning on killing Kelvin” Lydia seriously said to me, while Chika and her twin sister nodded in agreement. I gasped with shock. “jeez. I’m speechless. You girls are turning on me or what?” I asked. “no dear, we just want to be assured that you aren’t going to kill that bastard. C’mon it makes no sense that you want him kidnapped and kept in a forest only for you to go kick his legs. We believe you have something else in mind, and that’s the main reason you insist on beating him yourself. Please tell us, we need the truth” she begged, while i breathed deeply. Of course they were right. I had something else in mind, but no, i wasn’t going to play into their conscience nor admit anything to them. I was smarter than that. “I have paid Gutso the hundred and fifty thousand {N150,000} he demanded. Surveillance, vehicle, house and everything is ready, all we just need is the truth” Lydia begged anxiously. “I just want to see the fear in Kelvin’s eyes, when he sees me holding a gun to his face. I want him to plead for his life. To scream and beg for it, that’s all i want” i said slowly as if i meant every word, and it just was a very satisfactory and convincing answer to them. They believed me without knowing i Lied Stella’s story continues One week later, Kelvin was abducted from his apartment on a good saturday morning by Gutso and his gang. He was taken to a small camp at the outskirt of Suleja town. A very hilly dangerous forest, good for my plan. Just like Lydia assured me, Gutso did a good clean job. I truly was astonished at how swift and capable he was. “madam we have arranged the cargo. We are on point waiting for your next order” he informed me at exactly 5am that fateful day. “just relax. I’m coming over” i said with excitement, hung up the call and quickly headed to Chika’s room. “Kelvin is now with Gutso. I have to go finish my plans” i informed her with a smile. She quickly sprang up and held me. “c’mon, what are you doing?, trying to delay me or what?. You know i have been up all night waiting for Gutso to deliver” i said with an excited voice. “of course i know, but you have to give me time to dress up. I can’t allow you to go out all alone to that dangerous place by this time of the day. We are going together” she said strongly. “i’m not scared, i have a gun” i informed her, pulling out a gun from my handbag. She froze with shock. “holy mary!” where did you get that?” she asked, while i smiled. “have you forgotten i’m a government official?” i asked. She shrugged. “i know how to use a gun very well. I learnt a lot in USA” I added convincingly. “but still you do need me my dear. That area is a very dangerous, plus the bad terrain, remember how difficult it was when we were checking out the place two days ago” she insisted strongly. _______ 6:55AM, In A Forest, Heart Of SULEJA I slowly drew close to Kelvin who was firmly tied to a tree and gently removed the piece of cloth used to cover his eyes. He stared at me with shock and surprise. He couldn’t believe his eyes. “yes Kelvin. It’s me, why are you so surprised huh?” i asked with an unforgiving smile. His lips quivered, his face coloured more deeply. Tears instantly melted his eyes. Unfortunately none of it moved me. My heart was already made up and cold. “Dear me!, Stella i beg of you. What’s in your mind?, what are you planning to do to me?” he managed to ask with trembling lips. I stared at his youthful body. He was so handsome, young and charming, but deep inside, he was nothing but a crook. A cunning bastard. A gold digger. I pointed the 9mm gun i held to his face, cocked it and smiled, “nobody pulls a fast one at me. My face will be the last thing you will ever see in your miserable life” i threatened with a laugh while he screamed with all his might. My finger went to the trigger, Chika screamed from a distance away. “Please Stella don’t!” she screamed, running towards me with a very swift pace. Somehow it looked as if she suddenly figured out i was actually going to pull the trigger. Finally Kelvin was just a breathe away, a second away from a well thought out death……. Continues tomorrow….. Just now · Who is in love?
Posted on: Thu, 15 Jan 2015 06:13:42 +0000

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