Episode Recap – 1/16/15 - (contains spoilers from todays show) - - TopicsExpress


Episode Recap – 1/16/15 - (contains spoilers from todays show) - #boldandbeautiful Caroline is in her office drawing and smiling thinks back to Ridge and drawing with him. She also thinks back to Ridge kissing her. Ridge comes up and they cuddle. Caroline wonders if this is going to happen and wonders what people will think. Ridge tells her he doesn’t care about Bill or anybody else. Ridge tells Caroline he’s not letting her go. Carter works out at the Sky Lounge and Othello comes up and says hello. Maya comes up to them. Carter starts to give Maya a hard time and says he wonders why Maya is in such a good mood and Othello says – she’s queen of this empire. Carter says that mistress of this whole empire would be more accurate. Carter wants her to be more careful to be with a guy that’s not committed. Maya tells him that Rick is committed and he told her so – last night and then later last night and then this morning and in his office. She tells Carter that Rick loves her. Rick looks at pictures of Maya on his computer and Ivy asks him if he’s heard from Wyatt. She wants to ask him about the jewelry designs. Rick says no but, he shouldn’t be gone much longer. Then Ivy asks if he’s heard from Hope and Rick says no. He says that Hope is strong and that her and Wyatt will pull through this. Ivy goes on to talk about marriage and how you say vows and you remember that when you’re facing your worst. Rick says – whatever it takes to get them through this horrible time. Ivy says that could get him through his too. She says that she cares about Rick and Caroline too and says – can you honestly look at me and tell me that you don’t love her anymore? Maya tells Carter and Othello that what Rick and she have is real. Othello is happy for her but, Carter laughs and says that was quick. He asked her if Rick says he loved her and presto it happens. Carter presses to find out if Rick said it first. Maya asks what does it matter – they are in love. Rick tells Ivy he doesn’t want to have this conversation with her. Ivy says that she’s just concerned and that he’s trying to hurt Caroline and now he’s lashing at everyone else. Ivy tells him to trust her. Ridge and Caroline sit in an office and Ridge runs his hands down Caroline’s leg. They continue cuddling and they talk about not rushing or trying to define it. Ridge says he doesn’t want this to end before it even begins. They kiss again. Rick brings up that he’s not concerned about Ridge and Caroline – he’s concerned about the business. Ivy pushes and asks how he cannot be concerned about this. Rick starts about the company and that having absolute control of the company for a year gives me the opportunity to prove what I can do. He says that Ridge has tormented him since he’s been a child – first his mother, now his wife. He tells Ivy he appreciates her concern but, he has a lot of work to get done. Ivy leaves. Ridge and Caroline continue kissing and Caroline tells him that this is the first time in a long time that she hasn’t been completely miserable. Caroline tells him that she feels kind of guilty for being relieved but, no more tears for a man who doesn’t want her. Ridge calls Rick an idiot. Caroline wonders how this will all work – them being together and working for Rick. Ridge doesn’t want to talk about Rick and says – I’m here. They kiss again and then Ridge gets a text from Rick. Othello is surprised about the portrait being changed and Maya goes on and on. Carter asks if that’s why she came up there – to flaunt her relationship with Rick. Maya tells Carter that he was wrong – that he thought that Rick would never choose her over Caroline. Maya says she admits that she was intimidated by Caroline – the hold she had on Rick but, never again. Caroline smiles in the office and thinks back to her dream of Ridge coming into her bedroom. Ivy comes in and starts talking about Caroline picking out jewelry and notices that Caroline is smiling and questions her about it. Caroline tries to change the subject and starts talking about Ridge and she has to wait for him to make any decisions and she is smiling. Ridge comes in Rick’s office and Rick asks for designs. Ridge just stares at him and then tells him that it will be a cold day in hell when he takes orders from him. Maya says that FC needs some new pieces – it seems so old fashioned and Colonial. Carter says that she’s not CEO and that Rick has a whole company of people to rely on. Maya tells Carter that Rick is an amazing CEO and she won’t let anyone disrespect him or their relationship. Othello says – spoken like the first lady of FC. Caroline admires the jewelry and Ivy looks at her and says it’s weird that Caroline is happy. She says last time I saw you – you were a wreck and she wants to know what changed. Caroline says that she changed and she lost sight of who she was and how much she had to offer. She says “someone” was able to look inside me and see how beautiful I am. Ivy questions her and says – someone meaning Ridge. She wants to know what it means. Caroline says – they’re taking it slow, very slow. Rick says asking his lead designer for designs is not unreasonable. Ridge says that this is not about business. Ridge starts yelling about Rick disrespecting everyone and taking down his mother’s picture. Rick throws back at him – if Ridge wants the portrait, he can go get it out of the garage. Ridge calls him an arrogant child. Maya comes in then and tells Ridge that Rick is his boss now and if he can’t leave his personal baggage at the door, then maybe you should go design somewhere else. Caroline says this thing with Ridge is new and delicate and Ivy says that her lips are sealed. There’s a knock and a young girl comes in looking for Maya and then introduces herself to be Nicole Avant, Maya’s sister. Caroline and Ivy look at each other. Othello asks Carter if he’s cool with this and Carter says it is what it is – he just wishes Maya would dial it back a little. Othello tells him that he’s known Rick for so many years and Rick had everything but, he didn’t have it easy. Stephanie had such a strong hold over the family that Rick was a reminder of Eric’s relationship with Brooke. Othello says that Rick is Eric’s blood but, he’s always felt like the bastard. Now he finally has someone who has his back – thanks to Maya. Maya tells Ridge she sees right through him. She tells him that he hurts people and Rick has been on the receiving end of that his entire life. You broke his mother and now you’ve destroyed his marriage. She tells him if you can’t respect him as a brother – respect him as a boss or get out. Ridge looks at Maya and then leaves. He bumps into Carter and Carter asks if he’s alright and Ridge says no. Carter asks what’s wrong. Ridge says – he’s deceived me, he’s deceived my father, he’s deceived everyone and if thinks I’m just going to fall in line – it’s not going to happen. Maya asks Rick if he’s okay and says he doesn’t have to hide his feelings from her. She tells him that no one has the right to talk to him like that. She starts to apologize for over-stepping her bounds and Rick says – no, thank you. No one has ever done that for me my entire life. Maya says she’s there for him totally and completely. She says – it’s a brand new day Rick. She says the future is up to you and Rick says – no, the future is up to us. They kiss.
Posted on: Fri, 16 Jan 2015 20:12:19 +0000

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