Episode Recap – 12/30/14 - (contains spoilers from todays show) - TopicsExpress


Episode Recap – 12/30/14 - (contains spoilers from todays show) - #boldandbeautiful Rick is pushing Eric to sign the papers and keeps bringing up that Ridge will undermine him while Eric is gone. He brings up that he’s always lived in Ridge’s shadow – always coming up short. He tells Eric he has a lot of plans for the company and he says to Eric – for me, sign the papers. Caroline is in her office and asks Maya why she’s always there. She asks Maya if she feels rejected and humiliated. She gives Maya few jabs about Maya’s relationship with Rick – saying she thought that they were going to be the couple for the ages and run everything. She says – all of Maya’s schemes blew up in her face. She calls Maya – the gold digger who was left by the husband for the wife. Maya lets her have it right back saying she has an insatiable thirst and I keep my eye on the bigger prize. She tells Caroline she’s permanent at FC and why shouldn’t she settle in and enjoy. Caroline throws to her that she’s only there by the skin of her teeth – because of Eric. She says that if Eric didn’t step in – Rick would have fired her. Carter works out at the Sky Lounge and Ridge is there working on the new line. Carter says he’s surprised about Rick allowing him and Caroline to work together. Carter wonders if the partnership is worth it – because Rick and Caroline are back together and Ridge lost Katie. Ridge says – in some ways it is worth it. Carter asks Ridge about sleeping at FC last night and Ridge says that it was kind of like the starving artist and his creativity. Carter says it must be strange after living with Katie and Will and Ridge says – he didn’t plan it. He was on the fast track to getting married to Katie and now he’s there. He tells Carter that he thought they were working it out and that he distracted himself out of a beautiful relationship. Carter tries to joke that Ridge Forrester is back on the loose and Ridge says it’s not going to be like that. Carter says because you’re pining or Katie… or is it Caroline? Maya rubs it into Caroline that it must really bug her that Eric saved her job and that they’re stuck with each other – unless Caroline goes back to New York. Caroline laughs at her. Maya says like it or not – she’s not going anywhere. Caroline says they should just stay out of each other’s way. Maya doesn’t think it’s possible and the world is really a small place. Caroline says they are miles apart. Maya is a Forrester employee and she is Rick’s wife. Maya says – you are definitely the woman Rick sleeps with – not that you deserve him – the way you shattered his trust. Caroline says – even though it hurt my husband – he’s forgiven me, so you can take your insatiable thirst somewhere else. Maya tells her not to worry – her glass is half-full and the water is rising every minute. Rick says the only way to move forward is to sign these papers. Eric doesn’t believe that. Rick tries to bring up the history of FC – talking about Ridge trying to throw Eric out as CEO and pushing Thorne out of his rightful position and exiled him to the basement. He says he is not going to be Thorne. Eric says – that’s not going to happen. Rick says – since Eric won’t be there – how will he stop it – he’s only going to get progress reports from Ridge and Carter – best buds who have each other’s backs. He says that Ridge will convince him and that Ridge will then have his job. He says to Eric – you say you believe in me – then put it in writing. Eric takes the papers and walks to the door. Caroline calls Maya a vulture and tells her that she orchestrated Rick’s pain and took advantage of it. Maya tells Caroline she did it. She says that she was there for Rick and it wouldn’t have happened if Caroline wasn’t lip-locking Ridge. She says but, Rick and I are over and you’ve got your husband. She asks Caroline how the new line is going – her and Ridge again, behind closed doors. Caroline tells her it’s over and Maya says to stop pretending and be with Ridge – that’s what she wants. Caroline wants to know where Maya got that from and Maya tells her she’s keeping it real and for Caroline to try that sometime. Maya leaves. Eric says he thinks he should cancel his trip and stick around and make sure the transition goes smoothly. Rick tells him he can’t do that – he made commitments. Rick says – about the papers? Eric says – he’ll think about it and the most he would do is one year and that’s not negotiable. He says what Rick is asking for is unprecedented – irrevocable control? He says he has complete faith in Rick and in Caroline’s talent. Rick says that Eric should have no trouble trusting him. He says – dad, I need this. Eric walks around his home and Carter comes in. He thanks Carter for coming and Carter asks what he can do. Eric tells Carter that Rick’s perception is that he is secondary to Ridge and always has been in his eyes. Carter asks if it’s true and Eric says – if it is – it’s not on purpose. He brings up the papers and shows them to Carter and says that Rick wants him to sign them. Rick goes over to Maya’s. She asks if he has good news and Rick says – he’s getting there. Maya wonders if Eric signed and Rick says – no but, I’m pretty sure he’s getting there. He tells Maya if he does sign – it’s only going to be for a year. He says that Eric will not budge on that but, tells Maya not to worry – a year is plenty of time to show him what an amazing CEO he can be and that they’ll be accepted as a couple. Maya says she’d feel a lot better if he kissed her. They kiss. Maya says that’s a good start but, does he want to finish it in the tub. Rick tells her – she read his mind. Caroline looks at her drawings and Ridge watches and then comes in. She tells Ridge she’s trying to finish – so she can go home and not have work on the brain and concentrate on her husband. Ridge says it sounds great. He looks at her drawing and says he likes it. Then he grabs her hand to guide it and Caroline says they shouldn’t do that. Ridge says he never meant to hurt her and he didn’t mean to jeopardize what she has with her husband. He says he’s glad they worked it out. He says – you did work it out? Caroline hesitates and says – yeah, of course. Ridge wants to know what that means and Caroline says – I told Rick I want to have a baby. Ridge says that’s good and she’d make a great mom. She says – the only thing is to get pregnant – certain things have to happen. Carter looks at the papers and questions the irrevocable control. Eric says – if he signs it would only be for a year. Carter still doesn’t understand why Rick is pushing this. Eric says he wants complete control to run the company. Carter says that Rick could do whatever he wants and run the company into the ground if he wanted to – on purpose if he feels like it. Eric says – after everything that Rick has been through – committing himself to the company and to Caroline – maybe giving him control of the company for a year is warranted – he’s earned it. Rick and Maya are in the tub. She calls him her beautiful man and so everybody is going to know it. Rick says he can’t wait to see their faces. Rick tells Maya that Eric is going to think about signing those papers. He tells Maya that Eric will come around and asks her if she’s ready for what comes next. He tells her they get to come out as a couple and no one can touch him as CEO – and you’ll get what you want – everything. She tells him she loves the sound of that and kisses him. Rick has a look on his face. Ridge says – so you and Rick this whole time haven’t been … intimate? Caroline says she shouldn’t be talking about this to him – it’s so personal. She tells Ridge that Rick acts all touchy-feely at the office but, she thinks it’s just an act. When we get home, all he says is he’s too tired and exhausted. He’s still struggling and I try to reach him but, this was never a problem for us. She tells Ridge that what happened between them hurt Rick on so many levels and now it’s like he’s gone from me. I just want to hold my husband again. Rick and Maya kiss passionately in the tub. Caroline paces in the office while Ridge watches her.
Posted on: Tue, 30 Dec 2014 19:53:51 +0000

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