Episode Recap – 7/16/14 (contains spoilers for todays - TopicsExpress


Episode Recap – 7/16/14 (contains spoilers for todays show) Ridge in his office at FC is still frustrated and trying to draw. Katie offers to leave and Ridge wants her there. They hug and Ridge remembers back to the helicopter and the SP logo. Justin hands Bill some papers and mentions he’ll have contracts from Carter tomorrow and goes on to tell Bill what happened when Ridge saw him. Oliver runs through the halls at FC looking for Aly. Aly runs into a office and sees “Darla” there. She tells “Darla” she really needs her and tells her that Oliver was just using her to keep his job. “Darla” asks if she’s certain. She asks what she should do and says Oliver was her knight in shining armor. Oliver runs into Carter and asks if he’s seen Aly. Carter asks if he knows about the recording and he says he does. Carter apologizes to him for Maya messing with them and says he’s rooting for them. Aly tells “Darla” she believed in Oliver. She tells her she can’t forget what Oliver did. “Darla” says – you can’t forget your heart either. Pam walks in dressed in her medieval garb and wonders what’s wrong with Aly. Aly tells Pam that Oliver wasn’t sincere and she can’t be with someone who lies. Bill tells Justin so Ridge game him a “look” – well, Ridge is a weird dude. Justin says it was more than that. Bill tells him it’s nothing. Justin says – as long as he doesn’t remember that I’m the guy that dumped him into the drink. Ridge tries again to draw and Katie tells him not to push too hard. Ridge says he had a gift – I can’t connect my thoughts and my hand. Katie tells him he’s making progress. Ridge says if he can’t design – he’s nothing. Pam asks exactly what Oliver did. Aly says he led her on and tells her about Oliver just doesn’t want to lose his job. Pam doesn’t believe it and asks Aly about it. Aly tells her and Pam asks if she believes that Oliver is now telling the truth. Aly says she wants to but, how does she know he’s not stringing her along. They hear Oliver calling for Aly and they both hide in the office. Oliver opens the door to look around and then leaves. Aly says she wants to leave and Pam wants to think it through. Charlie comes in calling for his fair damsels dressed in his medieval costume. He asks what’s wrong and Pam says – Aly’s upset about Oliver. Aly asks again if they can get out of there. Pam tells her – Alys coming with them. Aly doesn’t want to. Maya looks at pictures of herself in the photo studio and thinks back to her argument with Oliver. Oliver comes in and asks Maya if she’s seen her. Maya says she hasn’t but, she’s looking for her – there’s a certain something she wants to talk to her about. Oliver tells her it’s too late – he already told her. He says he told her all of it and the hammer that Maya’s been holding over his head – poof – it just disappeared. She says – like your relationship with Aly – that’s why you’re so desperate to find her. Oliver says he will find her and make this right. Maya says – I doubt that and tells him that Aly will never believe him again. He leaves and Maya says out loud. I guess we both lost our shot at a Forrester. Bill pours himself a drink and says they have to play this smart – just in case. He says they need to be cautious. Justin says – either Ridge gets his memory back or he doesn’t and the way he looked at me today - I think he is. Ridge rips more paper from his sketch pad and says he’s getting nowhere. He says – falling out of a helicopter – how random is that. Katie says she blames Quinn for all of this. Ridge says – and off I went – how stupid was that. Katie asks if he regrets it and he says – he doesn’t know. He says he wanted her sister to know the truth and it didn’t make a difference because she’s still with him. He says he thought he pulled it off – running thru the beach like some super hero with her sister. He remembers doing Brooke’s seatbelt and the helicopter banked (flashback to that scene.) Ridge goes to the telephone quickly and says he’s getting some answers. Charlie opens the door and says all clear. Suddenly Oliver runs up to him and says he needs to find Aly and tells him he’s desperate. Charlie says he can’t because he’s late. Oliver leaves. Charlie tells them – let’s go. They’re all dressed for the medieval show. Aly doesn’t want to go but, they convince her. They get on the elevator and before it shuts Oliver sees her. Bill says – so Ridge gets his memory back… eventually. Justin insists about the SP logo and the helicopter. Bill doesn’t think it’s a big deal. Bill says the guy has been walking around in a fog and that Ridge will not want to remember falling out of the helicopter. Justin pushes and says – that if this was Bill – he would want to know how and why – a mad dog looking for answers and Forrester is going to do the same if he hasn’t already. Bill wants Justin to calm down and says this is not a priority. Justin thinks Bill is not being realistic. He tells Bill – who is your worst enemy – who hates you more than anyone in the world. Bill says – Ridge is at the top of the list. Justin continues to talk about it and says if Ridge starts to put the pieces of the puzzle together – it leads to you and to me and they have to do something about that. Bill says – okay, we will. Katie tells Ridge they should get some air – go get something to eat. Ridge says – he’s moving in on it and starting to remember little things – more and more every day. Katie is worried about him. She brings up post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and Ridge says he probably has it. He says that’s why he has to find out the truth of what happened to it. Katie says it was an accident. Ridge says if it was – he’ll let it go. Ridge doesn’t think it was an accident. Ridge calls up their pilot – Kyle and asks about the helicopter they hired in Abu Dhabi. Kyle is confused and Ridge presses for answers. Kyle tells Ridge the pilot never left. He says the pilot never picked him up. Ridge pushes that the helicopter picked up Brooke and him and Kyle insists – not the one they chartered. He tells Ridge the pilot never left the helipad. Ridge is frustrated and says he’ll call him back. Katie asks – what is it and Ridge says – the helicopter. That’s the answer – who was flying it and where did it come from. Carter walks in to the photo studio and Maya is still there. He tells her he can’t find Aly anywhere and she says me neither. Carter hopes she’s with Oliver and Maya smiles and says – I doubt that. She says – I didn’t tell her Carter, Oliver did. Carter says – now he’s being penalized for coming clean. He tells her – he hopes she didn’t ruin it for Oliver – like she did for them. He leaves. At the medieval show, Charlie, Pam and Aly sit down while Charlie and Pam tease each other. Aly isn’t sure she can do this. Pam and Charlie try to cheer her up. Oliver looks from behind the curtain at the medieval show and sees Aly there. Bill starts asking Justin questions about the helicopter and tells Justin to delete the flight plan. Justin says – what about Brooke and what about him – he was flying the helicopter. Bill says – no, Justin – you weren’t. There was no flight plan and there was no helicopter and therefore you couldn’t be in it. He says the only ones that know about it are you and me and that’s how it’s going to stay. Ridge tells Katie what Kyle told her – that the helicopter they got into was not the one that Ridge chartered. He wants to know where it came from and why does he keep seeing the SP logo. He says he keeps flashing back to that and Justin. Ridge says he doesn’t know if they’re connected but, obviously he got into the wrong helicopter. Ridge thinks this was part of someone’s plan and asks Katie if she thinks Spencer could have done this to him. Ridge thinks back again.
Posted on: Wed, 16 Jul 2014 18:50:24 +0000

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