Episode Recap – 7/3/14 At the cliff house, Liam walks around - TopicsExpress


Episode Recap – 7/3/14 At the cliff house, Liam walks around on his crutches and thinks back to Quinn telling him that she would kill Hope too if he doesn’t leave Hope and Wyatt alone. At Brooke’s, Bill and Brooke walk into the room where Hope is. Bill tries to talk to Hope about work, etc and she’s not paying attention to him. They bring up Ridge and Hope asks how he is and Brooke tells her that Katie is taking care of him. Hope tells them she still can’t believe he was found and could have died. Brooke says – all because of Quinn. Bill looks uncomfortable. Quinn walks down the stairs to her work room and sees Wyatt. He complains to her about work and he brings up without Forrester they need all the help they can get. Quinn tells him not to worry about that – that Hope is going to come to her senses and take him back. Wyatt says – why would you say that and Liam says he saw you at his house. He says – you weren’t there were you? Brooke asks Bill if he has to go pick up Liam – he says no, he gave him the day off. Brooke says she could be persuaded to take the day off too and Bill brings up that he didn’t think that was possible because of Quinn. Brooke talks to him about it and says that Bill didn’t cheat but, he did keep it a secret and Quinn used that to her advantage. Bill says – she tried and it didn’t work. Brooke says – she could do it again and she is Wyatt’s mother – so there’s no getting her out of their lives. Wyatt questions Quinn about going to Liam’s and says – you told Hope you didn’t go – is that true? Quinn smiles and says – you were talking to Hope? Wyatt stops her and Quinn says – yes, that’s what I told her. Wyatt yells at her about staying away from Liam and Hope and wants to know what she did to Liam. Quinn laughs about Liam’s sprained ankle and says it was pathetic the way he was hobbling around. She says he blamed her – the spineless wimp trips and falls and it’s my fault? Wyatt asks if it was. Liam puts his leg up and Hope walks in. Liam asks what she’s doing there and she says she wanted to come check on him. She kisses him and Hope talks to him to see how he’s feeling and Hope says she doesn’t have any meetings and can stay and play nurse. Liam has a look on his face and Hope asks if he’s okay and what’s wrong. He tells her that Quinn came by again last night and threatened to kill both of them. Quinn tells Wyatt that he’s starting to sound paranoid like Liam and Wyatt says –he wants a straight answer. Quinn says – here’s the truth – if I wanted to hurt Liam – he’d have more than a sprained ankle. Wyatt says it’s not funny. Quinn says – she went over there to try to talk some sense into him. Wyatt tells her – she did what she always does – overstep and interfere. He says – that’s why Hope chose Liam. He tells her to stay off that property and out of their lives. Wyatt wants Quinn to promise that she won’t go over there again and Quinn tells him she did this for him – that he’s the man that Hope should be with – not Liam. Wyatt angrily leaves. Deacon comes out of hiding in the room – and tells her – no wonder Liam tried to get away from you – your own kid doesn’t want to be in the same room. Bill and Brooke talk about their “wedding” and they both think back to Abu Dhabi. Bill says – another few minutes and we would have been married. Bill wants to know what they’re waiting for and says they should finish what they started. Hope says she doesn’t understand why Quinn would do that and Liam says – because she’s crazy. Hope says – threatening you is not going to get her what she wants. Liam says – she’s not only threatening me anymore. Hope says – Wyatt says she’s not dangerous. Liam says that Wyatt isn’t speaking to Quinn right now and has no idea what’s going on in her head. Liam says he doesn’t know if he can take that risk with Hope’s life on the line. Hope picks up her phone and calls Wyatt and asks him to come over to Liam’s. Liam agrees that Wyatt should know but, doesn’t know what he can do and Hope says that Quinn has to be stopped. At the warehouse, Deacon tells Quinn he’s trying to give her friendly advice. Quinn tells him – Wyatt and her are going through a very difficult time but, it’s going to change. She tells him she’s trying to do what’s best for her child. Deacon says – whether he wants it or not and that Wyatt does not want her involved. Quinn tells Deacon – somebody has to fix this and if he won’t – I will. Deacon says – or make it worse. Quinn says – like you did for Hope? She tells him – he’s the last person to give her parenting advice. Deacon says – she’s right – he’s made a lot of mistakes but, he’s learned from them and that maybe if Quinn got off her high-horse she could too. Quinn tells Deacon that he abandoned his children and sold out his only daughter and he only cares about himself. Quinn says – she doesn’t care what happens to her – her son’s happiness and the future he deserves is all that matters. Deacon says – then do what he’s asking – butt out of his love life. Wyatt walks into Liam’s house and says – you’re talking about my mother? Wyatt says – he’s sorry and he just heard. I know she was here last night. Liam and Hope both look surprised and Hope says – she told you that? He says he had to drag it out of her but, yeah. Liam wants to know what Wyatt is going to do about it. Wyatt says he told her to stop. Liam says – that’s not good enough and Wyatt says – Liam needs to dial it back – my mother didn’t touch your ankle. Liam says – no, she did a lot worse than that. Hope gets up and asks Wyatt if he thinks he got through to her. Liam asks – will she back off? Wyatt says – she knows what I want and Liam says – I don’t think what you want is even her objective anymore. Wyatt says he knows Liam’s ticked off and Quinn probably came there and said a bunch of things he didn’t like. Liam says – no, your mom’s always been delusional but, this was dark. He says this isn’t about getting Hope and you together – this is about getting rid of anyone that makes you unhappy. Bill and Brooke talk about getting married and Bill wants to go to the courthouse and Brooke says – no, she needs time to plan a wedding. Brooke says she wants the entire family there and Bill jokes about Ridge being there only if he can be a good boy. Brooke brings up Bill’s sons behaving and Bill jokes about Will being a party animal. Brooke thinks it would good for the family to be part of this and put their differences aside. Bill thinks it’s a tall order and Brooke agrees it might take a while to get everybody on board – especially Hope. Bill says – you noticed that – the temperature dropping about 10 degrees when I walked in the room. Brooke says – she doesn’t know how supportive you were in finding Ridge. Bill says she thinks I betrayed you and Brooke says – betrayal is a hot button for Hope. She says this will give us a chance to put all that behind us – everyone can be at the wedding and move past all of that. Bill teases – is it a wedding or a group therapy session. Brooke laughs and says – give her a little time – she’s going to plan something that nobody is ever going to forget. Bill’s phone rings and Bill goes to take it and says hold on. Brooke tells him that Katie and Ridge have accepted it and Hope will next. Bill says – that’s it – nothing else standing in our way? Brooke says – that’s it. Bill goes upstairs to take his phone call and the doorbell rings. Brooke opens the door to….. Deacon. He says hello. He asks if he can come in. Brooke lets him in and she asks why’s he there. He says he’s in LA and wanted to drop by – he knew how thrilled she’d be to see him. She asks how long he’s back for and he says he’s not sure. She asks if Little D is with him and he says – he’s at school – doing great. Brooke pushes why he’s there and he says – he’s between jobs, staying with friends. Brooke says – so you’re out of work and don’t have a place to live? She tells Deacon she can’t offer him anything and she doesn’t want him bothering Hope. She tells him that Hope said she saw you and Hope is in a good place in her life – she’s very happy and secure. Deacon says – with Liam? Brooke says – yes. Deacon tells Brooke he knows she’s not thrilled to see him and he knows the problems he’s caused for her and Hope. He says he doesn’t want to do that again – to show he’s not that same guy anymore. Brooke looks at him and says – so you’ve changed? He says – at least his attitude has and he’s trying to live his life in gratitude – remain in the present and that means owning up to the fact that he’s been a real jerk in the past. He tells Brooke that he’s been pretty much bad news to everyone he’s cared about and he’s determined to fix that – especially with Hope but, he can’t do that without Brooke’s support. He says he wants to build a relationship with Hope but, not if it’s going to upset Brooke. He says he’s not there to ask for another shot but, he would like to try and earn it. Wyatt says – this is why you had me come down here – so that Liam could complain about my mother? Liam says – you’re really not concerned. Wyatt laughs and says – that she’s gone psycho? He says – I’m sorry she bothered you but, it won’t happen again. Liam says – Wyatt, she threatened our lives. Wyatt says – she threatened you? Liam says – she threatened Hope and me and told me if I don’t give her up – if I don’t go to Paris with Steffy – Quinn’s coming after both of them. Wyatt doesn’t believe it and Hope says – you told me she wasn’t dangerous. He says – she’s overbearing – she’s not violent. They both stare at him and Wyatt turns away and thinks back to Quinn telling him that if she wanted to hurt Liam – he’d have more than a sprained ankle. Wyatt says – she’s never been violent before. Liam says – you have to get control of her before this gets worse. Hope says – you can talk to her – she’ll listen to you. Liam tells Wyatt that he doesn’t want to go to the cops but, he will if he has to. Hope says – this is something that we need to know Wyatt – is she or is she not capable of murder? Quinn opens her box where she hid something. She takes out a sword – a big sword and holds it in her hand – polishing it and pokes her finger on the end and keeps looking at the sword.
Posted on: Thu, 03 Jul 2014 19:08:35 +0000

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