Episode Recap – 7/31/14 (contains spoilers for todays - TopicsExpress


Episode Recap – 7/31/14 (contains spoilers for todays show) Wyatt continues talking saying he promised Hope the HFTF diamond. He says – here it is – it’s yours – all you have to do is say yes. Hope looks around and hesitates. Bill in his office remembering good times with Brooke – Aspen, Monte Carlo and their wedding. Brooke says that Ridge could have been killed and how could Bill do that. Deacon says it makes you wonder what Bill would do if his kid came home with a bad report card. Brooke says she believes that Bill did not want to kill him. Deacon says he heard that talk when he was in prison and that’s where Bill should be headed. Allison talks to Bill about business and Bill wants every meeting cancelled. Allison says this is a minor problem – that Brooke will come back when she’s ready. Bill says – he has to do anything to get her back and he won’t lose Brooke over this. Deacon tries to tell Brooke that he’s a model citizen. He brings up that Bill has never gotten payback for what he’s done and he needs to be taught a lesson. Brooke says he is learning a lesson. Deacon starts to say – I’m sure you don’t need me to tell you how you feel and Brooke says - no, I’m sure I’ll get an earful from Hope. She asks Deacon again about the diamond and wonders what Liam thinks about all of this. The press starts asking questions about the diamond and how could she not accept it. Wyatt starts talking about what the diamond stands for. He says it’s now back where it belongs and the audience all says aww… Wyatt says – I gave it to you once – I’m asking you in front of the whole world now. (Hope is very uncomfortable) do you accept the HFTF diamond? Everyone waits – Hope says yes. Everyone claps. Wyatt smiles. Aly and Hope look at Liam. Bill pours himself a drink and Allison says let Brooke come crawling back – that Brooke without a man is like a ship without a rudder and you’re that rudder. Bill says – not at the moment – but, he will Bill. Bill says – nobody gets her like I do. Brooke and Deacon continue to talk and Brooke mentions that nobody has ever done something like this. She says it was a stupid, foolish, reckless act but, he did not try to kill Ridge. Brooke says she doesn’t know – she was going to marry Bill. Deacon says feelings like that don’t just go away. The press starts questioning and bringing up the symbolism and what it means. Hope brings up her line. The reporters bring up romance and Hope tries to change the subject but, they persist. Hope is stuck and Wyatt tells them to keep it professionally. They still go on and Hope can’t answer. Wyatt begins telling them about Riccardo. Liam leaves unhappily and Hope hands Wyatt the diamond and tells him to handle it from there. She goes after Liam as Wyatt continues to talk. Aly stares at him angrily and Rick is concerned. Liam goes in an office and Hope chases after him. He asks Hope – what the hell was that and Hope tells him it was nothing. He says – you told me you were going to give it back and Hope says she was – until I walked into a room full of reporters. Liam says – yeah, which he arranged. Liam says how do you not see what he’s doing right now. Hope says – he’s working the media and Liam says – no, he’s working you. Hope says her line needs this and it’s all business. Liam says – not to my brother. Hope says – he knows we are together. Liam says – that never stopped him. Hope says – this is not an issue. Liam says – he arranged all of this because he believes the diamond has a hold on you. Now – tell me, does it? Hope says – no. Liam says – good, tell him that – give it back to him right now. Deacon tells Bill that he can’t trust Spencer. He’s playing head games with her. Brooke says – this is not helping. Deacon says – he’s a bad guy, I used to be one. Brooke says – she knows Bill’s bad side which is probably equivalent to your good side. Deacon keeps saying he’s changed. Bill walks in. He makes a crack about Deacon having a meeting with his parole office – so beat it. Deacon says – at least I knocked. He says – they’re both visitors now. Bill says he wants to talk to her in private. She asks why and says – there are no secrets, are there? He says – he made a mistake – a big one and that’s what he wants to talk to her about. Deacon tells him to talk. Brooke says if Deacon didn’t tell the truth, I would still think that Ridge is delusional. She says the biggest betrayal of all was having her believe a lie about someone she loves. Rick questions Wyatt about the diamond and what Riccardo did. He tells Rick, Ivy and Maya that this belongs to Hope now. He goes to answer more questions and Aly watches and tells Oliver – it’s pretty obvious that Wyatt is making a move on Hope. She says – it’s subtle. Ivy walks up and Aly makes a comment that it was more a performance than a press conference. Ivy says- Aly thinks Wyatt was playing Hope in front of all of those reporters and in front of Liam. Oliver asks if Ivy agrees and she does. She says it was hurtful and wrong and Liam and Hope should not accept that. Hope tells Liam this is about business. Liam says – Hope is being naïve and Hope says that Wyatt knows they’re together and talking marriage. Liam says – which makes it more inappropriate. Hope says – she sorry they’re seeing things differently. Liam says – you don’t give an engaged woman a priceless diamond and call it a business move – why are you not seeing that. Hope says – her line needs this – it’s the biggest sales boost they’re ever seen. Wyatt listens from the door. Liam says – he’s not talking about sales – he’s talking about Hope being played. Hope says that no one is playing her. She says the diamond will be used for publicity – period. She says – other than that – it means nothing. I am committed to you. Liam says – do you not see how disrespectful this is to me – how insulting. He says – the press will be printing – the romance. That’s the publicity you’ll be getting from this. Wyatt walks in and starts talking and says what do you think bro. Liam says – I think you’re doing what you do best – manipulating. Wyatt brings up the press and Liam says – I’m talking about Hope. Wyatt asks Hope if she feels manipulated. Bill says he came there to tell her how sorry he is. Brooke says what Bill did in Abu Dhabi was criminal and then hiding it and telling Ridge he was crazy. Bill admits he was wrong but, says Ridge is at fault too. Deacon brings up the selfie and Bill tells him to shut the hell up. He tells Deacon to butt out and they can take this outside. Brooke tells them both to stop it please. She tells Bill Deacon is a guest in this house – like him. Bill says - he wants to think he’s more and they have to get past this. Deacon thinks she’s doing fine without him. Bill tells Brooke – they can’t let this go. They’ve sacrificed too much. He says he doesn’t want to wait any longer – tell me you’ll marry me. Wyatt asks Liam what his problem is. Liam says- you saved my life and I let you in only to realize you’re still working it. You haven’t changed at all. Wyatt asks if he saw the response in the showroom – that they’re back in the game and the diamond will be talked about for the next six months. Liam says – no, they’ll be talking about Hope and Wyatt and how romantic. Hope says – only if we let them and we won’t. Liam tells Wyatt that Hope is in a committed relationship. Wyatt says – reporters will think what they think and Liam says – no, they’ll think what you lead them to think and you did a masterful job. Wyatt says he was working the room and using it for publicity. Liam says – then use it for publicity. You don’t need to give Hope the diamond. But, you had to have her accept it – in front of God and everyone because of the power of the diamond. Liam says – my fiancée does not accept jewelry from another man – period. Liam asks Hope to see this for what it is – he is hitting on you because he believes that he still has a chance – does he. Hope says – no. Wyatt looks unhappy. Liam says – okay – then here’s what has to happen – you fire him and you give him the diamond back and this time – this time, I am not accepting anything less.
Posted on: Thu, 31 Jul 2014 19:13:04 +0000

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