Episode Recap – 8/15/14 (contains spoilers from todays - TopicsExpress


Episode Recap – 8/15/14 (contains spoilers from todays show) On the airplane, Liam sits and stares. Ivy gets up and goes to sit by Liam. He talks about not wanting to stay in Paris any longer. He tells Ivy she could have stayed and she says she feels bad. Liam tells her not to feel guilty. She tells Liam that Hope was waiting for him at the Eiffel Tower and if he hadn’t jumped in to save her – he would have been there on time. Liam has a daydream of actually meeting Hope there, and then kissing her. Bill goes to Brooke’s house and asks her if she’s heard from Hope. She says no and Bill tells her – they’re on their honeymoon and the kids are fine. He then tells Brooke – they should do the same. He says – marry me, let’s get on with our lives. Deacon listens to the tape from Riccardo Montemayor again and keeps rewinding it and watching it. Brooke looks at Bill like he’s crazy and Bill says – they should do this after the party. Brooke asks him what party and he says the one he’s going to throw for Hope and Wyatt. He says the moment it’s over we’re going to fly to the yacht and have a wedding of their own. Brooke says to Bill – you’re not concerned they did something reckless. Bill tells Brooke that Liam had his chance and hesitated – Wytt didn’t. Bill says – he feels sorry for Liam and that Liams kicking himself. Brooke is surprised that Bill told him. Bill tells Brooke that not acting can have consequences too. Liam second guesses everything he’s done and says – what if I said yes when she first asked me, what if I gave myself more time to get there. Ivy says – what if she waited a little bit longer. Liam says that Hope didn’t know he was going to be in Paris and as far as she knew – if I wanted a future with her – I would meet her at the Eiffel Tower and if I didn’t she knew what that meant. Ivy tells him that he was practically there and Liam says – well, now she’s married to my brother – so that happened and nothing is changing that. Deacon keeps looking at the computer and then hears the door. He shuts the computer and surprises Quinn. Quinn starts to gloat about the wedding. Deacon wonders where she was. Quinn says she’s always known that Wyatt and Hope would end up together. Deacon says this is exactly what you wanted. Bill tells Brooke he’s not going to make the same mistake Liam did – it’s not my nature – hanging back and letting things happen. That’s not how you get things that you want. Brooke says forcing this issue doesn’t always help either. Bill says – all Liam did was have to be there. Brooke says there are always consequences about doing things the way you do them. Bill tells her they’ll get past this and what happened to Forrester was regrettable but, he’s home now and back with Katie. Brooke says he’s not the same and she can’t put her finger on it. Bill says he doesn’t see it and from what he’s seen Forrester hasn’t changed a bit. Brooke tells Bill and from what I’m seeing – you haven’t either. Ivy asks Liam what his dad will think and Liam says that Bill never thought Hope was right for him and that there was always somebody trying to break us up – my dad, her dad, Steffy – sometimes it worked. Liam flashes back to Italy and Hope in the truck trying to get to Liam – then a flashback to Aspen and Hope stuck in the gondola. Then scenes from Cabo and Liam saying there was always a connection and then a flashback to Liam’s proposal and him saying the way he felt when he proposed. Ivy says it’s a nice memory and Liam says – someday it will be. Quinn talks about them being a family and it’s a long way from him trying to pick her up in a bar and Deacon says he dodged a bullet or should he say a blade. He says he knows what she did to Liam and Quinn says – I know you’re the one who told Wyatt. Deacon says he saved her from doing something crazy. Deacon says you were desperate to get Hope away from Liam. Quinn says – now she’s married to my son. Deacon asks if she’s curious how that happened and she says – nope, it was meant to be. She makes a comment that Hope won’t embrace her right away and Deacon tells her to leave Hope alone. He tells Quinn – do you think I believe this all happened and it was fate and you had nothing to do with it. Quinn tells him it must be horrible to go through life thinking everyone is out to get you and have ulterior motives. She says – that’s what happens when you’re a con man. Deacon says he’s not like that anymore and Quinn says – she’s not either and she’s turning over a new leaf and she’s going to be a great MIL – supportive, encouraging. She says Wyatt’s future is set – he’s got a great job, happy marriage and the diamond. Deacon tells her about the visit from the detective and how he’s investigating Riccardo’s death. Ivy tells Liam it will take him a while to process this. Liam laughs and says yeah. Liam thinks back to Italy and Hope and him talking about the fact that they were about to get married. Liam says – we came so close – so many times. Maybe you only get so many chances. Brooke tells Bill that she has nothing against Wyatt and it’s obvious that he loves her and Hope doesn’t want Quinn as a MIL. Bill says – she’s married to Wyatt anyway and feels like he’s worth it. Bill says that Wyatt is like his father – not perfect, has a little bit of baggage but, when he tells her – that it’s not going to be an issue – she can believe him. Brooke says that Quinn is always going to be an issue. Brooke says – she’s glad that she’s getting the help that she needs but, says she hopes the therapy keeps her out of LA for a very long time. Quinn questions Deacon about the detective and he says that some gem may be responsible and they think he was murdered. Quinn says – Riccardo was a really wealthy man and had a lot of valuable possessions. Deacon says they asked about the diamond. Quinn says – he gave that to Wyatt in his will. Deacon says – that doesn’t sound suspicious to you – that you-know-who ends up with the rock. Quinn says that Wyatt wouldn’t hurt a fly. Deacon agrees and says – you have to be really crazy and a nut job – like obsessed. How badly would you want something that you’d kill for it. Quinn tells Deacon to be careful – sounds like he’s accusing. Deacon asks if that’s what she does when people get in her way and she doesn’t get what she wants. That’s what she did to Liam and I’m not going to let you do it to Hope. Quinn asks what she’s talking about and she says when you threatened Liam – you threatened Hope. Quinn tells Deacon he’s out of his mind and Deacon says – you’re beautiful but, you’re also a lunatic and you’re a murderer. Quinn says – he’s ridiculous, why would you think I murdered Riccardo and Deacon says – because he told me. Liam tells Ivy that the last time that Hope and him got together it was because she couldn’t imagine a life without him. He says – maybe the reason she couldn’t imagine a life without me is because I wouldn’t let her. I followed her to Hawaii, down the coast, to Paris – wherever Hope was – there Liam was. He says – I can’t do that anymore. I can’t live my life that way – sharing her – chasing her and constantly trying to create this ideal future or rebuild the past. I have to be done – I have to let this go. She’s married to my brother and I have to accept that and I have to look forward. Liam says – someday, I’m going to meet somebody, I’m going to meet somebody eventually. Ivy says – there’s no rush and then Ivy says – well you rushed when you saved my life and Liam says – well, I can rush when I have to – I just don’t have to right now. Ivy grabs his hand and says – I know if may not seem like it right now but, the good guys – and you are one – they always win out in the end. Bill tells Brooke that Quinn needs more than therapy – she needs to be locked up for a long time for what she did to Liam – not in some cushy treatment center. Brooke asks if Bill thinks she’s still dangerous and he says absolutely but, not to us. He says – he’s never going to let Quinn or anybody else come between us – ever again. They smile at each other. Quinn questions Deacon and ridicules him about talking to the dead. He asks her to hold on and goes to the computer and she says – hey, that’s mine and he says – thank you for establishing that. Then he starts playing the tape for her. She listens smiling. Quinn says – that’s Riccardo’s message to Wyatt. He doesn’t say that I murdered him. Deacon plays it again with some edits he did – he edits it to have Riccardo saying – She’s your mother, Quinn Fuller, I am at her mercy…. She laughs and says – you made that video. Deacon says – the message was there. I just uncovered it. Deacon says – he’s going to let the police decide that. Quinn asks if he sent it to the police and he says – not yet but, he did send it to myself and with the click of my finger – I can forward it to anyone I want to. Quinn says – unless I do what – stay away from your daughter. Deacon says – she’s not getting it – I’m not bargaining with you. If you had anything to do with that man’s murder, you’re going to jail. I’ll make sure the cops see that video. I’ll make sure your son sees that video and Brooke and Hope and Bill. They’re all going to know what a crazy psychopath you are and that little stunt you pulled with Liam and the sword. He goes on and Quinn goes over to a box and opens it. She pulls out a gun and turns around and points it at Deacon and says – oh, Deacon – you’re a little to sharpe for your own good. She holds the gun on him smiling.
Posted on: Fri, 15 Aug 2014 19:01:29 +0000

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