Episode summary Nov 2, 2013...by Syeda 2 November 2013: Suhani - TopicsExpress


Episode summary Nov 2, 2013...by Syeda 2 November 2013: Suhani tells sourav that AS had destroyed her everything and now she cant eve hope to have any respect back...Sourav says he doesnt know how much lie is she telling but he is not here for that, he came to invite Suhani on Alos behalf...Suhani thinks its Alos saadh but is surprised to know Icches advance birthday party....Sourav avoids giving reason behind this and Suhanis melodrama about how good mother Alo is and she cant be that good ever continues..she agrees to come but Sourav reminds her that he came on Alos behalf only, nothing from his side meanwhile Chutki is helping Alo to make the cake following recipi from internet, Alo is worried as Sourav hasnt returned, Chutki asks Alo whether Alo doesnt get jealous about Sourav meeting Suhani, Alo says no (!!!) , Chutki relates to Satyaki unintentionally and Alo teases Alo says she will make Junior fond of rice instead of foreign foods that Sourav and Icche likes but immediately remembers about her approaching death....she bitterly confesses that she is jealous that everyone will live happily when she has to die...they are unaare that Sourav is listening to this...finally chutki notices him and diverts attention by telling him to help Alo bake the cake...... Sourav tells Alo that Suhani seems a bit changed and Alo is lost for a while...on Souravs asking she tries to appear cheerful and accuses chutki for that jealousy talk...Alo tells chutki not to get Sourav remarried after she dies otherwise Alo will return as a ghost and will haunt him but again realises Sourav is not ok with this Death talk...Sourav coldly tells her that since Alo doesnt care for what he feels and is so worried about others than she should talk about death only in front of him rather than getting all family members sad..... later, Indu and Orko arrives from shopping and Orko is adamant to know why icche is having an advance birthday party but not him...Indu answers that Alo might die....unaware that Icche is listening to this...Icche asks Alo whether she will die, Alo tries to assure her but Surendra listens to this and is furious with Indu.... Indira is also angry and Surendra tells Indu to go back to her in-laws....Alo tries to pacify all when Debi berges in why everyone is scolding Indu...Indira angrily tells Debi that she is becoming greedy and cant possibly see that Indu telling Alo will die is wrong.....Debi leaves sad....Alo asks Indira why she is behaving like this to Debi always...Indira answers so she can understand and repent for her wrong deeds.....claiming to be a mother is easy but it takes hardwork to actually be one, Alo needs to realise that too precap: Icche cuts cake and about to feed Alo but Alo lets suhani be fed first.... later Suhani says she has gift for Souralo as well and hands over a divorce papaer to Sourav
Posted on: Sat, 02 Nov 2013 15:37:03 +0000

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