Epistle of Apostle Gbemiga Olatunde to the church Topic: Money, - TopicsExpress


Epistle of Apostle Gbemiga Olatunde to the church Topic: Money, kingdom perspective. Foundational scripture: Ecc 10:19,1 Timothy 6:10 A feast is made for laughter, and wine maketh merry: but money answereth all things This above statement is not spiritual but a reality statement, people believing this run after acquiring it and later discover, money only answers something but not everything, somethings in the physical but nothing in the spiritual realm. Definition of mon·ey (mn) n. pl. mon·eys or mon·ies 1. A medium that can be exchanged for goods and services and is used as a measure of their values on the market, including among its forms a commodity such as gold, an officially issued coin or note, or a deposit in a checking account or other readily liquefiable account. 2. The official currency, coins, and negotiable paper notes issued by a government. Money is mentioned 125 times in the whole of scriptures. Contrary to our beliefs money in its self is not evil. When we add love to money it then becomes evil. For example. No one knows how tasty a he goad is, until you describe the goat by saying, that he goat is nasty. You will be shocked when you ask someone their name and they respond by saying, I am fat Lucy and she look at her she is tin. 1 Timothy 6:10 For the love of money is the root of all evil: which while some coveted after, they have erred from the faith, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows. Money of its self is not evil. Looking at money, you will see its very quit but it takes on the character of the owner. Money is very silent but when it is multiplied in someones pocket, the person can become noisy. Money is silent but can make a sian person crazy. Money is silent but it can make a kind person selfish. Money is silent but it can make a Godly person evil. What are the things that determine how we see or use money? 1. Is the background we are from If we look closely, we can see that a kid who grew up in wealth becomes a natural giver but that can also be a problem to them using the money rightly. A kid from a poor background uses money stingily based on their background and that can also be a problem to the kid using the money rightly. 2. Lack of expectation, when we did not expect to have money Sudden riches comes with its own problems. If we look at kingdom prosperity we can see God wanting us to build our capacity to handle money, gradual growth, expanded usage. When we receive money suddenly because we dont have the capacity we miss use, over use and abuse. 3. Greed. Mammon /ˈmæmən/, in the New Testament of the Bible, is material wealth or greed, most often personified as a deity, and sometimes included in the seven princes of Hell. To be continued...
Posted on: Mon, 20 Oct 2014 04:40:43 +0000

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