Equality In Law Under any political system equality in law does - TopicsExpress


Equality In Law Under any political system equality in law does not exist. One of the first places we go to source any kind of equality when we feel aggrieved is the law courts. It is also the place where you will least find it. In Ireland, Convicted paedophiles can get off with a fine while people who did not have a television license have found themselves in prison. The only thing that is fair and balanced about law is a very healthy bank balance. This country now sits in eerily silent contempt at whatever concepts of fairness in law we had before and watch it fast disappear with only one person being convicted of corruption in the entire history of this state; a conviction that is now on appeal. Elitism dominates universities, politics, old boy networks, religious groups, and medicine with the pursuit of money and property ensuring their survival in the best and worst of times. Our Seanad or upper house of parliament is entirely operated on this basis, as are all professorships and the hiring of judges. The citizen does not enter here. The manipulation of law is the glue that holds it all together. If you do not have the money to challenge this status quo then try to sell truth, morals, and integrity elsewhere. Most people think that a particular law is sacrosanct when it is in fact based almost entirely on precedent, which is an opinion of one person or small grouping and is used when necessary to circumvent law therefore being stronger than law itself. There is no clear definition of important laws either for there are clearly meant to deceive. The most punitive ones are against disorder against the system itself. A legal minefield against those that seek accountability. Make legal mumbo jumbo otherwise or even legible and there would be no need for lawyers, just someone with a good command of the written word. Barry (Idle mind)
Posted on: Thu, 25 Jul 2013 09:35:13 +0000

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