Equality isn’t absolute. It works on a broad spectrum. Hence, in - TopicsExpress


Equality isn’t absolute. It works on a broad spectrum. Hence, in the real sense, equality never exists, only inequality does. There are pockets within that spectrum. Like on a scale of –10 to +10, there are 20 absolute integers / whole numbers, there would be 20 pockets of equality (saying pockets for want of a better word). Each of these pockets would be inequal when compared to each other (like –2, –1, 0 +1 and +2 are different from each other). And within these pockets, each fraction would be inequal with each other (like 1.1, 1.11, 1.2 and 1.33 are different from each other), but to a degree not varying beyond that whole number (that is, the difference does not exceed the sum total of 1). If this difference exceeds the bandwidth of the pocket, the pocket changes, which means that the individual member number goes to another pocket (like if 3.1 changes by more than 1, then it goes to either the pocket of 2 or 4). There could be multiple spectrums too (OK, spectra, but let it pass). Even if we assume that all spectrums are straight lines, the spectrums could either be in the pattern of a spoked wheel with an almost common intersecting point (which is the least likely scenario) or in the form of a ‡ or ≠ or # where (the imaginary lines of) the multiple spectrums intersect at various junctions or finally like a pile of straws randomly thrown together (which is the most likely / nearest graphical representation of the actual that is many times more complex). If we imagine the lines are not straight, we take them to the next level of spaghetti in a bowl. But then, this bowl in reality will have rice, noodles, vegetables and all the other ingredients put together with a few morsels spilled out and a few remaining in the cooking pan. The size of each pocket is different. The number of pockets in each spectrum is different. And every conceivable dimension is different. Yet, the sum total of the spectrums itself lies within one pocket on some larger spectrum. It’s the same thing within society. Place yourself, your community, your organization or your planet on the number grid or any similar spectrum. And where societies meet, congruence enriches both the spectrums. The growth causes the individual components to either improve the cohesiveness within the same pocket or changes them to shift to other pockets. Knowledge (either through formal education or self learning) is the most important and most easily acquirable attribute to cause growth. Wealth and physical power are also good enough. And several other forces like physical location and the likes are also quite effective. These parameters differ across spectrums and their efficiency too differs. On an assumed linear scale, in one of these pockets, there are the sheep. In another, there are the shepherds. In the next there are the butchers. Then the meat preparers and the eaters. On a parallel spectrum there are the bankers, the businessmen, the hoteliers, their cooks, their cleaners. The point of congruence for these two spectrums are the meat preparers in the first spectrum and the cooks in the second spectrum – they are the same. Different parameters affect them differently. Education will not influence the sheep. Wealth might either change the butchers to become bankers or could expand their operations to become bigger butchers. Myriad angles – the causes, the effects, the players, the pockets and the spectrums. To understand what I had started thinking, I had to go back to the beginning and read again, keeping in mind that all the while I am trying to explain society. The point is simple. There will always be inequality in society. But it will be less felt in each segment, like within a group of coolies or doctors, a felt more between these segments. One just cannot keep complaining about it. If one wants a simpler understanding, it is given in the Vedas. (DGN 14 Dec 2014 Fuj 1830 hrs)
Posted on: Tue, 30 Dec 2014 13:03:22 +0000

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