Equine Fitness and Physiology Submitted by EquiMed Staff - TopicsExpress


Equine Fitness and Physiology Submitted by EquiMed Staff Physiology: A branch of biology that deals with the functions and activities of life or living matter (as organs, tissues, or cells) and of the physical and chemical phenomena involved.... --Merriam-Webster Dictionary Whether your horse is competing as a top-level athlete or is simply used for an occasional trail ride, it must have a level of fitness to perform well and to endure the activity without injury. To make an improvement in overall fitness, activities should be gradually increased in a systematic way. A gradual approach protects the horse from injury as the horses body adapts to the increased workload. How the physiology of the horse adapts with training Horse form and function Horse form and function Nature has produced in the horse an animal that endures because of its ability to escape and defend itself. New window. An adequate period of physical conditioning based on your horses current condition and level of activity will affect five important major systems: Cardiovascular system -- improved capacity to deliver oxygen to working muscles Muscular system -- improved capacity to utilize oxygen and more efficient fuel utilization Supporting structures (bone, tendon,ligaments,muscle) -- an increase in the size and/or strength ) Temperature regulating system -- greater ability to lose body heat during exercise, thereby avoiding excessive increases in body temperature Central nervous system -- improved neuromuscular coordination enabling the horse to complete skills involved in a particular discipline more effectively and efficiently Although the amount of time it takes for a horse to gain a higher level of fitness will vary, the average time for structural and physiological adaptations to an effective exercise training program are: Physiologic response Adaptation time Increase in oxygen delivery to muscles 1-2 weeks Increase in plasma volume 1-2 weeks Improved sweating response 1-2 weeks Increase in red blood cells/hemoglobin 2-4 months weeks Increase in muscle capillaries 3-6 months Increase in mitochondria 4-6 months Increase in muscle aerobic enzymes 4-6 months Increase in bone density 4-6 months Increase tendon/ligament strength* 4-6 months *Available research is limited Interruptions to a horses fitness training are inevitable because of weather, injury, sickness or the end of a competitive season. Horses that have minimal or no training for up to a month, usually experience a minimal loss of fitness, especially if they have been in training for several months. Interruptions that extend to months or longer will suffer a greater loss of cardiovascular condition and will lose musculoskeletal strength that will have to be regained before progressing further. Most research shows that for each additional month of little or no training beyond the first months layoff, you will need an months reconditioning to reach the level achieved prior to the period of inactivity. Maintain - easier than regain Maintaining a baseline of fitness during down-times or the off-season is important especially in older horses. Horses that maintain a baseline of fitness, especially as it relates to cardiovascular workouts at least twice a week, will return to the higher level of fitness much more quickly than horses that are allowed periods of inactivity. Knowing the physiology of your horse and how it is affected by training and conditioning will help you maintain an adequate program that will keep cardiovascular and muscular systems, as well as the horses other important systems in condition to withstand the rigors of riding and competing whatever the workload of the horse might be.
Posted on: Mon, 17 Mar 2014 13:51:33 +0000

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