Equinox Clarity The Fall Equinox is RAISING CLARITYs New Year. - TopicsExpress


Equinox Clarity The Fall Equinox is RAISING CLARITYs New Year. (We think it is Natures New Year, too--thats why its ours) We do all our planning for the year ahead and release/reveal it at that time. This creates anticipation, momentum, and commitment to what we will give and what we hope for in the year to come, culminating in the Harvest. There is always a period of rest at the Harvest for us, and deep retreat just before Equinox, which falls at 10:29 pm Eastern on Monday, September 22nd--two Mondays from today. Our deep retreat is full of questing and self-questioning, like the post we published this week: raisingclarity/keep-reaping-the-harvest-isnt-over/ We also offer a retreat for others during this time and special coaching to help them plan. This year our Equinox retreat will be by telephone conference for about an hour at noon on the Equinox itself. It is becoming popular! (Who knew?) Some of what I have read during my questing may be useful to you at this time, whether or not you experience it as New Year. I am in particular this year looking for writings that help me become more publicly vulnerable-with-a-purpose, more out there in serving others in the ways I feel so oddly gifted to serve, which are, quite frankly, not the usual business regimen for solopreneurs and nonprofit types who see their calling as world-changing. Yes, I do this marketing and fundraising stuff, but I teach and guide them contemplatively, intuitively, with a lot of space in between everything I might say for the Divine to speak to the other person and to me. So, some words I read today really helped me and I hope they help you, too. They were written from a Christian standpoint; I receive each religion as a gift to all people, and translate from one faith language to another pretty freely. Humorously, these Christian words have inspired me this week to focus prayerfully on some Sufi beloveds in my region who have a beautiful Kickstarter campaign ending very soon, encouraging them to open to Allahs longing for them because I believe so strongly these folks (the Farm of Peace) raise the vibe of our entire region and more subtly far beyond that. I feel this way for all who work with heart, beyond any religion. So if you are still reading this, you are hearing the flow coming on really strong for me now at the precipice of the unknown, the New Year coming. Here are the Christian words, and below is the Sufi Kickstarter campaign, should for any reason you feel moved even to send them encouragement. There is such magic in this work! Blessings to you this weekend and beyond. Excerpts from from Ebony Adedayos _Embracing a Holistic Faith: Essays on Biblical Justice_, copyright 2014 by Ebony Adedayo. (Excerpt used without permission but I hope with forgiveness.) NOTICE that you can see what she is saying whether or not you use her language. Her words help me become more vulnerable to the divines calling for me because--and I offer it to you because-- of the neat thing she does at the end of the excerpt: she says that _precisely_ where we feel weve been given a calling much too big for us is where we also learn it is not just a calling from our ego. When it feels too big for us is when we are willing to receive Help to do it: We all reach a moment in our lives when we have simply had enough. For far too long, we have tolerated pain, injustice, heartache, or whatever else, and are simply ready to do something about it. In that moment, we are ready to act, ready to be a catalyst for change, ready to make a difference. Although acting may come with its own set of challenges and risks, we begin to understand that our doing nothing poses a far greater threat to ourselves, those around us, and society at large. Everybodys enough moment looks different. The circumstances surrounding these moments vary from person to person and are as distinct as the moments themselves. Even so, when faced with these moments, everyone must make the same decision--to either move toward it or to walk away from it. Far too often, however, many people choose to walk away from it....they dont feel like they are the most eloquent or skilled to do the job, so they ignore the burning sensation growing inside of them, hoping that someone will come along who can lead the revolution that was theirs to lead all along. Others choose to walk away because they look at the challenge in front of them and believe its too large for them to do anything a bout. They believe that they lack the necessary resources, influence, charisma, or patience. Yet, I believe that is how we can know that the challenge comes from God and is not contrived from our own distorted passions. And when the passion, the moment, is conceived by God, He will bring about the resources that we need to invoke change.
Posted on: Sat, 13 Sep 2014 01:00:15 +0000

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