Equipment in seized plane are ours, says France Russia said - TopicsExpress


Equipment in seized plane are ours, says France Russia said yesterday that its cargo aircraft seized by the Nigerian government at the Mallam Aminu Kano Airport in Kano, was carrying military equipment belonging to French peacekeepers. There were also indications last night that the plane might be released after investigation. But it had not been released as at 9.00p.m. The Russian Embassy in Nigeria said it was working with the authorities to resolve the issue in the shortest time, the embassy’s press attache Artyom Romanov, told the Russian News Service radio yesterday: “We are working with the Nigerian side to resolve the situation as soon as possible. At the moment, we are waiting, and so are the crew,” Romanov was quoted as saying by the radio station. He confirmed that the cargo on the plane belonged to French peacekeepers. The press attache said the French peacekeeping mission in Chad had chartered the Russian plane with Russian crew to transport the cargo. The Russian side has nothing to do with the cargo, according to Romanov. Another statement from the Russians said: “Military equipment on board aircraft in Kano enroute CAR (Central African Republic) via Chad, allegedly owned by the French peacekeeping mission. “The detained Russian plane was chartered by the French peacekeeping mission in Chad and transporting its property. “The Embassy is taking all measures to ensure the departure of the detained in Kano Russian plane with the French military equipment on board.” France also admitted ownership of the plane. It said that the flight was covered by a diplomatic clearance given by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Abuja, noting that the Autonov 124 Russian commercial plane was forced to land at the Kano airport because of dense air traffic at Ndjamena airport, Chad. A statement from the French Ambassador to Nigeria, Jacques Champagne de Labriolle, yesterday stated that the Antonov plane had to divert to an alternate international airport and the closest airport facility being Kano, the Russian crew decided to fly there, to refuel, and to take off again to reach Njamena Airport. He denied that the plane was carrying arms and ammunition, stressing that it was conveying two light Gazelle helicopters, spare parts and maintenance items belonging to the French Army. Labriolle explained that due to the nationality of the aircraft, and the nature of the cargo, airport authorities in Kano decided to check the flight plan, the clearance and the cargo manifest before authorising the plane to leave. He said that official information had been supplied by the French Embassy in Nigeria, noting that the federal and airport authorities, being satisfied with the documents and the genuine character of the flight, had announced that the plane would be authorised to pursue its flight to Ndjamena. The envoy stated that the French Armed Forces had on December 6, 2014, chartered the flight on the Russian commercial company “224 Flight Unit” to ship two light helicopters from Bangui to Ndjamena. The Defence Headquarters said investigation was still in progress. Amid the controversy over the cargo plane, the military said that 67 terrorists were killed in encounters with troops. A military source, who spoke in confidence with our correspondent at about 6.30pm, said: “Security agencies are still holding on to the crew of the cargo plane at the office of the Commandant of the MAKIA Airport, Wing Commander Imoke. “In fact, the pilot and others underwent another round of grilling by various agencies on Sunday. So, in the last 24 hours, they have been responding to intelligence issues isolated for them to clarify.” “We are also trying to get in touch at the diplomatic level with Russia, France and Chad accordingly. It is too early to talk about our findings.” Responding to a question, the source added: “We have not released the cargo plane. We may not do so until due diligence have been conducted.” The Defence Headquarters said the details about the mission of the cargo plane would be made known after investigation. The Defence Headquarters in a terse tweet said: “An Antonov Cargo aircraft carrying some military hardware was arrested at the Mallam Aminu Kano International Airport in the early hours of Saturday 6th Dec. 2014. “Investigation is ongoing to determine the content and origin of the aircraft. Further details will be made as soon as the investigation is completed.” Meanwhile, the military confirmed that 67 Boko Haram insurgents had been killed in encounters with troops in Ashaka, Gombe State. A military source said: “At least 67 terrorists died during a fierce battle for the control of Ashaka, the host community of Ashaka Cement Plant in Gombe State last Thursday. “Their colleagues managed to retrieve three truckloads full of their members before their final retreat from the town, which they stormed earlier on that day after suffering heavy defeat in the hands of Nigerian troops. “The terrorists who had come in large numbers with heavy equipment and convoy of over 30 vehicles, including a number of motor cycles, were on a mission to take control of Ashaka town, after they had operated in Bajoga and environment in the state.
Posted on: Mon, 08 Dec 2014 04:39:24 +0000

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