Er Rashid welcomes Court judgment in Konanposhpora - TopicsExpress


Er Rashid welcomes Court judgment in Konanposhpora case Srinagar, Aug 10:MLA Langate and President Awami Ittihaad Party (AIP) Er Rashid has welcomed the decision of Session Court Kupwara rejecting Army’s review petition seeking a fresh investigation in Konan Poshpora mass rape case in 1991, however has expressed his deep anguish over the delaying tactics by army and create hurdles in bringing culprits to justice. According to a statement issued to KNS, while addressing party workers at Kralgund and Pohrupeth he said that it would have been proper and in the own interest of the army if it as an institution would have cooperated in bringing the culprits to the justice but by using every dirty method to shield the culprits involved in heinous crime against the humanity, it has proved that the Indian Army’s top braces lacks interest in improving professional skills in the security forces, which it claims to be highly disciplined and taking care for safe guarding human rights. Er Rashid said. “Kashmirs have a right to ask the pseudo intellectuals throughout India that while you have been debating and making huge hue and cry on national media day in and day out over the alleged rape cases in different parts of India, why doesn’t their conscience wake up when it comes to Kashmir and that too when it is being done not by ordinary criminals but an institution called Indian Army. Though the court decision is appreciable but fact of the matter is that both state and the central govt. are showing least interest in punishing the culprits involved in Kunan Poshpora mass rape case. There can be nothing shameful than the fact that even after 23years after the incident took place, govt. of India and the army are yet to rise to the occasion to ascertain the events related to shameful story. It should be the matter of concern for everybody especially for the judiciary to think for a while that how painful it would be for the victims whose story is being narrated by politicians, civil society, media and every other prestigious institution but nobody has been able to give them a bit of justice.” The state govt. must rise to the occasion and send a clear and louder massage to New Delhi that enough is enough and those involved in Konan Poshpora mass rape case need to be dealt with the same way as has been done in the Dhamini Rape and Murder case. (KNS)
Posted on: Sun, 10 Aug 2014 16:19:52 +0000

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