‘Erdogan dupe of Zionist-controlled West on Syria’ Jun - TopicsExpress


‘Erdogan dupe of Zionist-controlled West on Syria’ Jun 21, 2013 | By Prof. Rodney Shakespeare Recep Tayyip Erdogan, the prime minister of Turkey, is a dupe. A dupe is a person who functions as the tool of another person or power. Erdogan got elected promising no trouble with neighbors. However, he is now creating problems not only beyond Turkey, but also because of blowbacks within. This is happening because Erdogan is a dupe of the Zionist-controlled West. Vanity is Erdogan’s weakness and the West has promised that he can become the new Caliph of the Middle East. Puffed-up narcissist that he is, Erdogan believes the West when it says that all he has to do to become a powerful Caliph is to ensure the destruction of Syria. On May 16th, I was passing through Istanbul and met a famous professor. He said his students were enraged. They were enraged that Erdogan had overthrown the policy of no trouble with neighbors. They were enraged that Erdogan was supporting the Zionists. They were enraged that Turkey had become viciously sectarian. They were enraged that Erdogan is arming the throat-slitters and gas-chokers of Jabhat al Nusra; and they were enraged that among the consequences of Erdogan’s Syrian policy are a massive influx of refugees and the destabilization of Turkey itself. The professor was right. Within two weeks, big trouble burst out because Erdogan is implementing the Zionist policy of smashing apart a Middle East state, so that it is not strong enough to resist the expansion of Israel into the lands of others. Yet, little does he realize that Turkey itself is a Middle East state which is on Israel’s (and the West’s) list of states to be smashed into pieces. Is Erdogan a dope? A dope is a stupid person or dolt. That seems an unlikely thing to say about somebody who has achieved three election victories and who presides over a rising standard of living. But intelligence alone is never enough. Unless intelligence is moulded by character and conditioned by emotional balance, it can easily become twisted, even evil. And something like that seems to be happening. Protests have broken out in Ankara and seventy-six other cities and towns, but instead of asking why, Erdogan has brought in the water cannon and, most tellingly of all, is saying that the protesters are conspirators and foreign agents. Oh dear! Prime ministers who say that democratic protesters are conspirators and foreign agents have lost their judgement. Indeed, there are ominous signs that a man who is openly backing the Takfiris, who would kill other Muslims, is becoming some sort of monster. Then there is President Morsi of Egypt who, it should be remembered, is a third-rate President who only got where he is because the Egyptian military, with supremely cunning strategy, deliberately ensured that only a third-rate candidate would get the Presidency. The Egyptian military wanted somebody who would create chaos, so that there would then be a public demand for a return to the days of authoritarian military rule. The military are no doubt gleeful that their strategy seems to be working. Morsi is managing to attack Sunnis (the people of Gaza who are betrayed by his refusal to open the Rafah crossing) while, at the same time, he is letting loose a vicious Muslim Brotherhood sectarianism aimed at those who are not Sunnis. Again, this serves Zionism and will create long-term trouble for Egypt. As the military realized, Morsi is self-important and easily duped: Unlike Erdogan, he does not seem to have much intelligence. Indeed, leaders who are both dupes and dopes appear to be a developing regional tendency. Is this happening because of something in the local water supply? Of course not! It is happening because the Americans, who are masters of bribing, blackmail and coercion, have little difficulty in manipulating vain leaders. Moreover, in the case of non-democratic political structures as in Jordan, Saudi Arabia or Bahrain, the Zionist-controlled Americans can easily decide policy by threatening to withdraw support for the structure. The leader of Jordan is King Abdullah. Exhibiting an amazingly short-sighted stupidity, the Jordanian regime has aligned itself with the Netanyahu government of Israel and, by doing so, has alienated itself from its own people. Even worse, the present USA-Jordan war games are preparation for a no-fly zone in Syria. The zone will be tantamount to a declaration of full-scale war, but since Russia is rightly determined that the push to war must stop, there is a serious risk that Jordan will have bitten off much more than it can chew. It is not usual to accuse the Saudi regime of lack of intelligence but, as previously pointed out, it is character which ultimately decides and the gruesome, totalitarian Saudis, the most anti-democratic bigots in the world, have simply set their faces against the tide of history. They are not dupes, but they are certainly dopes. And the same goes for the killer-Khalifas of Bahrain. They are another lot which has set its face against the tide of history. They, too, are making a grossly unwise assumption, namely, that setting ablaze a conflagration right across the Middle East will strengthen their position and see them secure for the generations to come. That is a huge mistake. Events are moving rapidly and the end of these gruesome regimes could soon be near. presstv.ir/detail/2013/06/21/310073/erdogan-is-wests-dupe/
Posted on: Sat, 22 Jun 2013 00:13:14 +0000

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