Eric Akpore CLUELESS VS NO CLUE (DOUBLE WAHALA) One thing I hate - TopicsExpress


Eric Akpore CLUELESS VS NO CLUE (DOUBLE WAHALA) One thing I hate the most in job application is the bit where you were asked to present in your resume what your work role was and to state what you did to achieve the objectives of the companies where you worked. In addition, even if your resume were shortlisted, your interviewers would most probably ask you this question. WHY DO YOU THINK YOU SHOULD BE CONSIDERED FOR THIS ROLE? ‘Na dia pipo go begin kalolo’. Well for some reasons I just bluff my way through in the few interviews I have attended. I was in a thread on one of my friend’s wall, when somebody responded to a question on the eerie silence of Buhari plans for Nigeria. And within seconds, someone uploaded a copy of Buhari’s Manifesto. I must say I was impress not with Buhari, but the chap that availed us the copy. Upon reading through, I noticed that the General has done a good job in his choice of words. Let ‘s just say it is a good piece of document. Again, when you think about it, why will it not be a good piece of document...? I mean, this should be the fifth edition of the GMD manifesto version 5.0. Therefore, it has to be good. Anyway….Remember his coupist version was 1.0 However, for a well-written resume, it still lacked essence and character. Like my agency would tell me on the phone… Hmmm Eric your skillset and experience are excellent, but you failed to SELL them with instances and example of how and where you applied these skills. In other words, as if I did not get it, “HOW DID YOU AND WHERE DID YOU APPLY THIS SKILL? “ I am sending you my feedback, so that you can redo the CV” I got one of such tell offs session only a few months ago. You could imagine, how fresh is still is in my head. You could imagine when I saw and read Buhari Manifesto; I was, to say the least unimpressed. Let me give you a background of this Applicant. General M Buhari. He was among many, a commandant at various Army assignment, A Governor, A Petroleum minister, a former Head of State C-in-C of the armed forces, an Executive Chairman of a life changing government body. A self-acclaimed anti-corruption fighter. It was against this backdrop that I read the General manifesto. Again I want to emphasize my disappointment. Let me caught the chase. I was expecting the General to say something like this… 1. Health Care My policy on primary health care will be model after what my government did as governor of North Eastern state or as Head of state, with examples. If you will remember, before I became governor of that state Present day (Adamawa,Borno,Taraba and Yobe state) hmmm sound familiar? There were no single functioning public hospitals. However, my government built three hospitals and rehabilitated a few. Thereby improving primary health care in the North Eastern state of Nigeria. I shall build on on this. He ruled a whole region, but did not leave behind one legacy.. not one! Could you imagine if Fashola or Oshiomole was in his shoes? 2. I was waiting to read in GMB manifesto, how during his time as minister he introduced policies and frameworks that changed the Petroleum industry. Again, the General missed an opportunity to sell himself. Ok maybe he did not introduce any policy at all. He could not have. Let me excuse him, he was never supposed to be saddled with such a huge responsibilies anyway. What does an infantry army commandant know about Petroleum and gas? To him a Petrol tank and a military APC are the same or maybe because of his “bobo nice” disposition to the cabal. 3. The general made some pronouncements on Education. Which I find very interesting. He said he would established six more universities. Hmmm.So like within 16 years Nigeria would have created 18 universities. What about the ones he might inherit? I was thinking he would have said something like; I will pursue vigorously what I started when I took over as military head of state. If you recall during that short time, Nigeria universities were well funded for research blah blah blah… The General goofed yet again. Oops he couldnt have said that, because that would have been a Big Lie! 4. The General said his government will be giving 5000 Naira welfare to 25million or is it thousand? Poorest Nigerians. Hmmm …No General, you missed it again. Tell us how when you were the Executive Chairman of PTF or was it PFT, you eradicated or at least stated a program for the rehabilitation of Almajiri in North or at least in Daura your city of birth. What did you do for the beggars that dotted every crannies of the northern states? .No you did not. Ok you gave them arms on Jumat. 5. As a Governor of one of the poorest region of Nigeria, it is interesting that the general cannot point to one institution in the entire north-eastern region of Nigeria that bore his signature.In the US governors run on their records. 6. I find it most amusing when I hear people flaunt the General as a crusader of corruption eradication. Is so laughable, because when you really deconstruct this claim, you will realise that, this is the General’s weakest link. 7. For a start, He is one of the few army cadets that experienced a remarkable rise and promotions, which many of his course mates, must have envied. 8. The more people continue to dazzle Buhari anti-corruption credentials as against GEJ, makes me begin to look even closer at this man Buhari. 9. These are some of the things I found disturbing. • How come this man never at any time resigned or declined to serve the corrupt governments of his time. I remember Tai Solarin, I remember Gani, and I remember Retired General Williams, Who is Buhari the Anti-Corruption czar?. All of these men either resigned or declined government appointments because they cherish a good name. • Why is it that, the General is always very skilful at adjusting to corrupt people and somehow, he alone comes out unstained? • Why is it that Buhari could adjudge General Abacha as clean, but would call others as corrupt? What is his standard? • Up till date, nobody has been able to locate any foreign account of GEJ; like GMB what we have are mere unproven allegations. • Therefore, if Buhari could believe in unproven allegations then it will be fair to say, he too is corrupt. I say this because; it was under his watch that a missing sum of $2.8 Billion was allegedly found in his Midland account. Ask Vera Ifudu of NTA.. She has a scar to show for daring to break the news. To think that people still see this man as a messiah beggars believe. • How it is possible that, without any known investments, Buhari has been able to pursue in every four years, his preordained hobby of contesting for the presidency of this country, without borrowing? How does he manage it? Where is the money coming from? • Let us just suppose he becomes the next President of Nigeria; how will he relate with characters like Atiku, Tinubu and his Tax consulting firm interests in the South West, while he pursued other Corrupt politicians. • If he becomes the President, Will he take the insults, yabis, and vituperations this President has allowed on his person, without visiting the wrath of SSS on such a person? It is no rocket science to note that most President tend to make their mark in their second term. This is because most of their actions would have begun to yield fruits. Obasanjo second term was better than his first for me. I think, GEJ should be returned to complete his second term. I say this with the best intentions. 1. It is almost glaring that if GMB is elected which I can live with, but my fear is the level of insecurity that will engulf the nation. 2. Do not forget that Boko Haram will not go away with Buhari. This is because Boko Haram does not see Al Baghdadi in Buhari. Boko Haram knows that Buhari is not about to speed up Sharia in Nigeria, in fact, a Buhari government will be a minus to their course. 3. The issue is the south south implosion and the further damage this will cost the Nations economy. 4. Now some of you will say Buhari will go after the militants…That course of action will further exacerbate the matter; meanwhile our economy will plummet even further. So my advice for those who cannot tolerate GEJ, you have a choice. Re-elect him and bare another 4 years or vote GMB and face the unknown future. You may call GEJ clueless, but this guy has out done every past presidents.I would rather maintain this government where more millionaires have been created that anytime before. I will stick to a government that though slow but steady.Planes are no more falling from our sky. People now have alternate means of transport, The Rail lines are active again from Lagos to Kano.2,500Naira. Power sector successfully privatize,. The nations bill of import cut by almost half. Agriculture is now been glorified. Nigerian economy has grown to become the biggest in Africa. Are you kidding me???? All these achievements with the unprecedented insecurities, and the so called Cluelessness of the President?.. Boh I will rather endure 4 more years of this cluelessness than a man with no clue after many opportunities but no legacy to his name.. I don finish.
Posted on: Sun, 21 Dec 2014 23:33:01 +0000

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