Eric Claessens Judith Kelman: Israeli treat Palestinians with - TopicsExpress


Eric Claessens Judith Kelman: Israeli treat Palestinians with, shucks...I dont want to answer to this politically correct gibberish...Judith, you sound like Amy Goodman...stop hating yourself for being Jewish and then maybe we can have a rational conversation...and I want to remind you two words: free speech. Youve never lived in a Muslim or Arab counry, go there first, announce to them youre Jewish and if you are still alive come back to tell us...But before you do that, get out from under your rock and look the Quran, the Haddids, listen to the sermons of Mullahs and Imams, get out of the comfort of your privileged American Middle Class life... Nowhere do I say that all Muslims are are making stuff up to advance your agenda. Nothing, and I mean nothing that I wrote in this piece is untrue. Instead of generalities, why dont you pinpoint precisely where I am wrong. But if a religion is based on hatred, mysooginism, racism, exclusion and murder and 1.5 billion humans adhere to that religion, of which 25% according to polls support AL Qaeda and now ISIS, the rest is silent by fear or acquiescence, just like the majority of Germans in the 30s. You are very ignorant dear, superbly ignorant..this is not an insult, its a fact, Again, let me remind you of two words: Free Speech. Hope youll wake up now before they wake you up but itll be too late for you...sad, vey sad indeed... Because if you were a true progressive you would understand and agree with what I wrote. Learn, study, get informed, dont reject automatically things that disturb your political comfort...Im a 65 year old former leftwing radical student out of 68 and the barricades. I bare the physical scars of my combat against fascists and neo-nazis. I have fought all my life for truth and justice and that is why I support Israel, the only democracy in the Middle East. Israel is the only country were Arabs have equal rights, Christians, Muslims, Jews coexist in piece. Where Gays are not hung from lamp posts, young girls excised and married before puberty, where women have equal rights. You tell me one thing is not true in my piece. It is people like you who unwillingly help the Islamists. Your life is fake. You live in a fantasy world...Except maybe for Morocco, wherever you, you the Jewish woman, the individual, Judith Kelman goes to an Arabic or Muslim country, you are not safe and I bet you will never go there...because, in the end you care about your safety. Dont you?.. Its good to live in our democracies, hope you realize how privileged and lucky you are...I bet you like Naomi Wolf...So good luck. Im done with you. You are not worth my attention. Not even this but you needed to read this, not that I have any hope you will wake up. You are too comfortable in your self-righteousness, just like the PC people I discribed in my article. Have a good life. Shalom! Just now · Like .. Write a comment... Eric Claessens Judith Kelman: Israeli treat Palestinians with, shucks...I dont want to answer to this politically correct gibberish...Judith, you sound like Amy Goodman...stop hating yourself for being Jewish and then maybe we can have a rational conversation...and I want to remind you two words: free speech. Youve never lived in a Muslim or Arab counry, go there first, announce to them youre Jewish and if you are still alive come back to tell us...But before you do that, get out from under your rock and look the Quran, the Haddids, listen to the sermons of Mullahs and Imams, get out of the comfort of your privileged American Middle Class life... Nowhere do I say that all Muslims are are making stuff up to advance your agenda. Nothing, and I mean nothing that I wrote in this piece is untrue. Instead of generalities, why dont you pinpoint precisely where I am wrong. But if a religion is based on hatred, mysooginism, racism, exclusion and murder and 1.5 billion humans adhere to that religion, of which 25% according to polls support AL Qaeda and now ISIS, the rest is silent by fear or acquiescence, just like the majority of Germans in the 30s. You are very ignorant dear, superbly ignorant..this is not an insult, its a fact, Again, let me remind you of two words: Free Speech. Hope youll wake up now before they wake you up but itll be too late for you...sad, vey sad indeed... Because if you were a true progressive you would understand and agree with what I wrote. Learn, study, get informed, dont reject automatically things that disturb your political comfort...Im a 65 year old former leftwing radical student out of 68 and the barricades. I bare the physical scars of my combat against fascists and neo-nazis. I have fought all my life for truth and justice and that is why I support Israel, the only democracy in the Middle East. Israel is the only country were Arabs have equal rights, Christians, Muslims, Jews coexist in piece. Where Gays are not hung from lamp posts, young girls excised and married before puberty, where women have equal rights. You tell me one thing is not true in my piece. It is people like you who unwillingly help the Islamists. Your life is fake. You live in a fantasy world...Except maybe for Morocco, wherever you, you the Jewish woman, the individual, Judith Kelman goes to an Arabic or Muslim country, you are not safe and I bet you will never go there...because, in the end you care about your safety. Dont you?.. Its good to live in our democracies, hope you realize how privileged and lucky you are...I bet you like Naomi Wolf...So good luck. Im done with you. You are not worth my attention. Not even this but you needed to read this, not that I have any hope you will wake up. You are too comfortable in your self-righteousness, just like the PC people I discribed in my article. Have a good life. Shalom! Just now · Like .. Write a comment...
Posted on: Fri, 15 Aug 2014 15:24:59 +0000

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