Eric Duncans Prosecution Threat- A Mere Presidential Bluff It - TopicsExpress


Eric Duncans Prosecution Threat- A Mere Presidential Bluff It is becoming increasingly clear that the physical weariness that has engulfed President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf, is now taking a speedy detour on her mental capacity and ability to make sound decisions. Her proclamation on the the CNN that the U.S. hospitalized Liberian Ebola patient, Mr. Eric Duncan, will be prosecuted by her government upon his return to Liberia is nothing but a mere Presidential Mouth-Talk and a classic display of a misplaced aggression of a frustrated leader. Firstly, had this shameless president and her weak government responsibly exercised its reasonable duty of care to her citizen in the early stage of the outbreak of this deadly virus, probably Mr. Duncan and the many others who have already been devastatingly affected in diverse ways, may not have ended up with such a fate. This corrosively so called Iron Lady has lost every major battle that she has taken our country to, the battles against corruption, nepotism, disunity, poor health care and messy educational system, poverty among many others, and then now EBOLA. Her mismanagement of this Ebola crisis has further exposed her as a weakening and and an undependable leader without any clue as to where she really wants to take this country. She and her cronies have benefited the most from this presidency and it is hard time that they give back to the people that entrusted her with such huge responsibility that they are miserably failing to execute other then shortchanging our country, milking and bleeding dry our economy, and enriching themselves at the disadvantaged underprivileged masses. I find it very ironical and annoying that instead of this weak President falling down on bended kneels or prostrating before the people of Liberia, pleading for their forgiveness over her inability to handle this Ebola crisis like her regional counterparts are effectively doing, she is rather shamelessly issuing naked threats of prosecution against victims of her ineffectiveness. How could Mr. Duncan possibly had known from a confirmed point of view that he was a carrier of the virus? This government brags that it has put into place measures that alerts such early warning signs. Where was such measure anyway? I believe if it was effective enough, Mr. Duncan could have never made it into the RIAs terminal, let alone the U.S. and safe Liberians of such international embarrassment and stigmatization we are once again enduring just as in the days of the civil crisis. I am openly admonishing this president to divert her diminished energy and comic threat of prosecuting Mr. Duncan towards her corrupt officials responsible for where we are today as seen in the recent case of the unaccounted for $ 5-Million USD jamboree intended to fight Ebola. The Call Center is constantly without power supply, underpaid underpaid workers have to protest before they can get paid, community members are faced with the traumatic frustration of living with affected patients and bodies for days before any sort of intervention of getting them out, quarantined patients are starving and dehydrating by the minutes, suspected patients are being peace rejected by facilities because there is nowhere to accommodate them, while health workers are left at the mercy of the virus as they have very little or no supports. Never in our history in peace time, that so much of our citizens had died in their numdies and disgraceful fashion as dogs lying in the streets, and the dishonor of no graves. This is about time that we Liberians rise up to this tired president and make a statement of intent that will either push her to lead or leave through our constitutional rights, privileges and entitlements. Because unless we do this, the resulting consequences will be far more devastating than her grossly understated $ 10-Million NPFL-sponsored war caused us. To our dear brother Eric Duncan, our prayers are with you and others still fighting for their lives, and to those who have already lost their battles against Ebola, we say rest in .
Posted on: Mon, 06 Oct 2014 07:10:27 +0000

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