Eric Holder, Former Terrorist What kind of background do you need - TopicsExpress


Eric Holder, Former Terrorist What kind of background do you need to reach the pinnacle of power in a world gone insane with moonbattery? The red diaper baby who spent his entire life surrounded by communists and went on to become president provides one example. Attorney General Eric Holder provides another: dailycaller/2012/09/30/as-college-sophomore-eric-holder-participated-in-armed-takeover-of-former-columbia-university-rotc-office/ As a freshman at Columbia University in 1970, future Attorney General Eric Holder participated in a five-day occupation of an abandoned Naval Reserve Officer Training Corps (ROTC) headquarters with a group of black students later described by the university’s Black Students’ Organization as “armed,” The Daily Caller has learned. No wonder Holder has such a conspicuous fondness for terrorists; he used to be one. Holder was then among the leaders of the Student Afro-American Society (SAAS), which demanded that the former ROTC office be renamed the “Malcolm X Lounge.” The change, the group insisted, was to be made “in honor of a man who recognized the importance of territory as a basis for nationhood.” Black radicals from the same group also occupied the office of Dean of Freshman Henry Coleman until their demands were met. Holder has publicly acknowledged being a part of that action. Eric Holder is now the USA’s top-ranking law enforcement official. To this day he boasts about his contributions to the “rise of black consciousness” while at Columbia. When he goes on about his loyalty to his “people,” he isn’t talking about you honkies. In March 1970 the SAAS released a statement supporting twenty-one Black Panthers charged with plotting to blow up department stores, railroad tracks, a police station and the New York Botanical Gardens. Anyone still wonder why Holder always goes to bat for terrorists, or why he refused to prosecute the New Black Panthers for trying to scare Caucasians away from the polls? We let people like this run the country now. Obama Sends Arsonist to Put Out Flames in Ferguson Encouraging the chaos in Ferguson is textbook community organizing that would make Saul Alinsky proud. That’s why Obama sent hard core black power radical Eric Holder to take over in Ferguson. It’s also why Holder was annoyed by the release of video showing Michael Brown committing a strong-arm robbery right before he was killed. Even among the community Holder refers to as “my people,” it is probably easier to keep a mob stoked if they can be duped into thinking they are rioting in the name of an innocent victim rather than a sociopath. Via Hope n’ Change cartoons: No informed individual would expect Eric Holder to refrain from splashing gasoline on the fire, much less to take an even-handed approach. The ultra-radical New Black Panthers — whose members have called publicly for the murder of white children — have taken a leading role in prolonging the mayhem. Holder has a record with the NBP; he was willing to incur significant political risk to help them get away with deploying goons to scare whites away from the polls on election day. It would be difficult to imagine worse “leadership” than the malevolent anti-white radicals liberal elitists have placed in the White House. We would be far better off picking the president by lottery than letting the establishment media and the human cattle it controls decide.
Posted on: Tue, 19 Aug 2014 19:55:58 +0000

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