Eric Holder, Justice Department’s Highest Official, Breaks U.S. - TopicsExpress


Eric Holder, Justice Department’s Highest Official, Breaks U.S. Law Who is going to put the handcuffs on him? Today, 18 October 2014, early voting begins in Las Vegas, Nevada. Yesterday voters received in the mail the 2014 Official Sample Ballot for Clark County, Nevada. With general elections held on Tuesday, 4 November and early voting held from 18 October until 31 October the sample ballot informs readers of necessary information they need to place their votes such as who the candidates are that are running and their party affiliation, any new state constitutional amendment changes proposed, or any new regulatory rules voters need to be informed of. The sample ballot booklet also provides additional information and links to expand ones knowledge independently of the booklet and of course, one is free to do their own complete research on a given candidate or subject matter concerning the 2014 midterm elections and the local elections. When you open the cover of the booklet, the back of the cover has two “New” messages in bold bordering frames. The first informs the readers that they can now update their voter registration information online with certain qualifying conditions. It is the second “New” notice that alarms me and provides reason for impeachment as well as criminal prosecution to the leader of America’s justice department, Eric Holder. It also provided adequate and just reason for a full sweep of the entire administration. We as citizens of the United States of America have constantly been bombarded with extensive corruption from the Obama administration and the liberal powers that be and no conservative power has been able to thus stop the injustice upon the America people. I am going to show you two pieces of evidence to backup my statement and let you decide what is just or injustice. The first is the notice in yesterday’s sample ballot mailing: The message reads, in large, bold print “NEW” followed by: On October 19, 2011, Clark County was notified by the Civil Rights Division of the U.S. Department of Justice that in accordance with Section 203 of the Voting Rights Act, all future elections in Clark County must be conducted in English, Filipino (Tagalog), and Spanish. If you wish to receive your future voting materials in Spanish or Filipino (Tagalog), contact the Election Department at 702-455-8683. The Civil Rights Division didn’t actually create this ruling, they simply sited an existing section of law in the Voting Rights Act, but what they promise in so doing is enforcement of the law. Forget the government and this administration and this “justice department” fails to enforce other, more pertinent laws such as protecting American citizens from criminal invaders coming across our unsealed and unprotected borders and failing to allow states to enforce the laws. 2011 is hardly new, but since the day date is 19 October which hadn’t arrived yet by the time of the mailing, it must not be a misprint. I’m sure communities all over America received the so-called Civil Rights Division notice. I do not know a single Filipino or have ever heard one speak, that did not speak affluent English. Every Filipino I know or came in acquaintance with can communicate superbly in the English language. That cannot be said about Mexicans or Hispanics. And I never recall a single one of them ever speaking their own language of Tagalog, an Austronesian language, the basis of the Filipino people with roots to the original language of the Manila area of the Philippines and extending from the language family of parts of Asia, spoken by some 250 million people. Although all the Filipinos I know do speak Tagalog to their native relatives or friends, especially while in the Philippines, I’ve never heard them speak the Austronesian language in the presence of English-speaking Americans. I’m not saying it doesn’t occur, I’m saying I don’t recall it happening in front of me, which means either the Filipinos, once in America, are determined to master English and communicate with the language of our land or they have sincere respect for the rest of us Americans who don’t speak their language of Austronesia. The Filipinos become good American citizens. That cannot be said about all Mexicans or Hispanics. It is our politicians and bureaucrats and corrupt liberal judges–and the communist Anti-American Civil Liberties Union—that creates and administers the problem. Virtually every piece of federal, states and local communication is now in dual languages of English and Spanish, although Mexico never declared war upon America nor had the American people ever conceded that Spanish was a language of our land. Nearly every peace of corporate America communication, packaging and consumer product labeling contains both English and the burdensome, often bullying, Spanish language which has never been adopted as a second language of America. The powers that be force the American people against their will and enslave them in an injustice of not only insubordination of the American people–their boss–but in criminal and corrupt behavior that is contrary to the United States Constitution, the laws of judicial system and the will of the MAJORITY of the people and it is not countered, but embraced, by politicizing bipartisan. If we must conduct elections in Tagalog and Spanish to supplement English isn’t that unjust to Arab Muslims, Communist Chinese and dozens of other languages? Why aren’t we told the elections have to be in all languages, Mister Holder? After all, we are a nation of EQUALS are we not? The injustice delivered by the Justice Department is scary. Between orders from the U.S. Justice Department and Obama’s executive orders, his pen and his phone and the lack of any real opposition is scary, too. Real scary. So scary it makes the American Dream an American Nightmare. A nightmare we don’t wake up from. A nightmare that will haunt us to our death. The worst kind of nightmare. The absolute worst kind. I don’t know about you, but I’m already wondering if Batman is going to come and save us. And if he doesn’t who the hell else will? To be eligible for citizenship in the United States of America Learning English is a Requirement for Citizenship in the U.S. Be able to read, write and speak basic English. There are exceptions to this rule for someone who at the time of filing (for U.S. citizenship). Those exceptions are generally limited to the following three examples: Is 55 years of age and has been a permanent resident for at least 15 years; or Is 50 years of age and has been a permanent resident for at least 20 years; or Has a permanent physical or mental impairment that makes the individual unable to fulfill these requirements. (They also have other factors they need to be qualified in, among them is to have a basic knowledge of the U.S. government. Something which you will see many Filipinos are actively involved in and many Americans citizens have a lack of knowledge in.) Now, before the liberals change this clause, take note: with citizenship being required in order to vote, and English being required to be a U.S. citizen (or also known as nationalization), why is it that Eric Holder and the so-called Civil Rights Division of the U.S. Injustice Department mandates that local jurisdictions include Tagalog and Spanish in the election process and documents? Further, why are almost all government and corporate communication allowed to use any language other that English? We need to overhaul the citizenship process in the United States as well as political asylum (with our being in favor of those with their lives in imminent danger to expedite asylum without so much governmental and bureaucratic red tape.) and immigration procedures. We need to halt any further liberal sabotaging of American law pertaining to immigration, citizenship and asylum and we need Constitutional amendments of which I propose in future essays and correspondence with legislative sponsors. But for now, the writing is not only on the walls, but in the law books of America and we need to enforce those laws and charge politicians, elected officials and bureaucrats with felonies and up to charges of treason. Remember, we need to change the definition of treason and remove the simple wording of “enemy” as a requirement for treason and replace it with longer, far more extensive language including the endangering the security, welfare and economy of the United States of America among other listed relevance. If you must speak affluent English to become an American citizen, how is it that Eric Holder’s Civil Rights thugs can force communities to allow any language other than English to be inserted in our election process? Wouldn’t such ruling insinuate felonious activity at the voting polls? That felonious activity would be illegal voting by illegal invaders encouraged by Holder’s Civil Rights executives and Holder himself, would it not? Help me understand. Help me digest this matter of astonishing magnitude. How can it be in the land of the free and the brave where the people, not the politicians or the corporate barons rule the land–or are suppose to. We are a nation of representation, but since when do those who are representing act on their own without our consent or permission? Well, obviously it has been happening for decades and we have done absolutely nothing about it. Why is that? Help me understand. Help me figure this out. What is gained and what is lost if we continue on the current path that we now have as citizens of a nation, a once fine nation, lost in political turmoil? Have we surrendered our country without a shot fired? Do we become a people of someone else’s dream? Is the American dream ripped from our arms and passed to foreign nationalists to enjoy rather that the children and grandchildren of the rightful American citizenship? Do we concede for the sake of peace? Do we forgive and forget a civil war or do we defend our nation at all costs and all sacrifices like our fathers before us had in a time of national defense? Do we allow an undeclared enemy to destroy us from within while those who collect money from our treasury for their paychecks reap the rewards for selling us out? Judas Iscariot, the son of Simon Iscariot, sold Jesus of Nazareth out for 30 pieces of silver (and then, afterwards, he so regretted selling out Christ he committed suicide by hanging himself in a tree.) Judas the traitor made only 30 pieces of silver to sell out the King. How much do the politicians make to sell out America? In the case of Jesus and the case of America, both were condemned, one by Crucifixion, the other by internal assassination, both with the involvement of politicians. Help me with this, aren’t politicians elected officials? Are not we, the people, their bosses? Then how is it then they commit treason without justification by the people, of the people and for the people? In a nation of the people, by the people and for the people, how is it possible one man, Eric Holder, can make rulings that throw us into bondage and slavery with no mercy? How can one man, Barack Obama exercise a thing called “executive order” at the price of all Americans’ liberties? How can one judge rule against all the people of the entire State of California and declare their collective votes void? I’ll tell you the truth, they cannot. No one can overrule the people in the United States of America, no one! Period! The U.S. Constitution clearly and simply states that all federal laws shall be vested in Congress, a body of elected representatives of the people, and Congress alone. Congress shall make legislation, not Attorney Generals, not Justice Department managers, and certainly not single judges legislating from the bench, but CONGRESS! The first three examples this paragraph witnesses, in my opinion, what ought to be classified as high-crimes of treason and be punishable by immediate death by firing squad of U.S. military and without trial or delay. The action alone bears all the witness to the guilt that is needed. We need a constitutional amendment to meet those demands. And, we need leaders with the courage to enact that amendment or we need to replace the existing politicians until we have such leaders in place. English is the language of the land. Not Spanish. Yet in virtually every form of communication in America today Spanish is takes a position of equal status and even dominance over English. English is the law of our land. Not only do we need to redefine treason and remove the necessity of the language “enemy” from the qualification and insert in its place “any foreign nation, national, immigrant or invader from outside the boundaries of the borders of the United States of America” shall be considered a traitor and be punished up to the penalty of death. With the legal language changed, America will no longer be sold out by corrupt politicians or corporate powers that be. The firing squad would be reintroduced and you would see more traffic exiting America’s southern border, fleeing it, than invading it and coming north. I assure you. There is a warning in the same booklet that states any person entitled to vote shall not vote or attempt to vote more than once at the same election. Any person who votes or attempts to vote twice at the same election is guilty of a category D felony. But there is no reference or warning that states if someone is not entitled to vote or if someone votes illegally–as in illegal immigrant–that too constitutes a felony. It also requires anyone who has moved but has not changed their registration information to show identification in order to vote in the local election process, but no identification is required to establish lawful American citizenship. Does that make sense? The politicians and corporate thugs like, Eric Holder, has destroyed America. The uncontrolled criminals coming across America’s borders have damaged America’s economy, destroyed our schools, welfare system, medical resources, social standings, and demographics and leads to the possibility, ever so closely so, to civil war. Those politicians need to be held accountable. No politician ought to be able to escape justice, like Louis Lerner currently is do and many others, and Eric Holder is planning on doing with his resignation. All across the Vegas Valley numerous businesses employ 100% Hispanics, yet Holder’s “Civil Rights” mobsters fail to bring charges against these unlawful and sometimes very prestigious businesses. Massive discrimination against whites, even blacks and Asians, is fully visible in the Vegas Valley. Any politician or government worker who is convicted of a crime against the people ought to loose all of their pension and health care and be stripped of all monies whatsoever from the people–the taxpayers–period! I’ll discuss those ideas in future essays and hope you have the stomach for it. Lying politicians ought to be punished with felony charges. Bar none. The sentence ought to be severe. The immigration issue is a matter of legal vs. illegal. Right vs. wrong. Justice vs. injustice. Criminal vs. good, moral character. And, by the way, one of the qualifications of becoming a U.S. citizen is that one is of “good, moral character.” Criminals that break U.S. laws and steal other peoples identities and live in the United States illegally are not of good, moral character and therefore cannot and should not be granted U.S. citizenship nor should our subordinate politicians or bureaucrats be granting them amnesty or a free lunch on U.S. taxpayer’s dime. The ironic thing is about the immigration process in America, including the asylum procedure is greatly flawed and works against the honest and legal people who try to do the right thing. That needs to be change and I will be on the forefront introducing recommended changes, removal of nonperforming bureaucrats and wrongful politicians and making lawful immigration and citizenship in the United States easier for the righteous and harder for the criminal invaders of illegal status with stiffer penalties, chain gangs pay their dept to our society. It is time Americans take back America. Not to merely place America back into the hands of the Republicans who most likely will do no better than the liberals. America will move again once the Republicans gain the Senate and House, but there will still be widespread injustice against the people. The to strip politicians and corporations of the their nasty will to rule against the people and bring injustice to the very souls who govern them is paramount. It’s never been more paramount in U.S. history. It is high time we create high treason for politicians who act against the will and justice of the American people. It is time we pull them from power and punish them punishment fit for traitors, including the death sentence. We can accomplish that by changing our laws. And if our representatives won’t create the new laws we need then we need to replace our representatives. It all a matter of will. Additional Resources & Reading Applying for U.S. Citizenship Applying for Citizenship 8 U.S. Code 1324 Bringing In and Harboring Certain Aliens Harboring Illegals Federal Immigration and Nationality Act Section 8 USC 1324(a)(1)(A)(iv)(b)(iii) Felonies for Harboring Illegals Aiding and Abetting Illegals If you spend the time and read these laws you’ll have a deeper understanding of the crimes and disobedience our politicians and bureaucrats are committing. [Links not transferred.] Examples excerpts “An employer can be convicted of the felony of harboring illegal aliens who are his employees…” Encouraging and Harboring Illegal Aliens “It is a violation of law for any person to conceal, harbor, or shield from detection in any place, including any building or means of transportation, any alien who is in the United States in violation of law. HARBORING MEANS ANY CONDUCT THAT TENDS TO SUBSTANTIALLY FACILITATE AN ALIEN TO REMAIN IN THE U.S. ILLEGALLY. The sheltering need not be clandestine, and harboring covers aliens arrested outdoors, as well as in a building. This provision includes harboring an alien who entered the U.S. legally but has since lost his legal status…” “The penalty for felony harboring is a fine and imprisonment for up to five years. The penalty for felony alien smuggling is a fine and up to ten years’ imprisonment.” RICO — Citizen Recourse “Private persons and entities may initiate civil suits to obtain injunctions and treble damages against enterprises that conspire to or actually violate federal alien smuggling, harboring, or document fraud statutes, under the Racketeer-Influenced and Corrupt Organizations (RICO). The pattern of racketeering activity is defined as commission of two or more of the listed crimes. A RICO enterprise can be any individual legal entity, or a group of individuals who are not a legal entity but are associated in fact, AND CAN INCLUDE NONPROFIT ASSOCIATIONS.” Enforcement “State and local law enforcement officials have the general power to investigate and arrest violators of federal immigration statutes without prior INS knowledge or approval, as long as they are authorized to do so by state law. There is no extant federal limitation on this authority. The 1996 immigration control legislation passed by Congress was intended to encourage states and local agencies to participate in the process of enforcing federal immigration laws. Immigration officers and local law enforcement officers may detain an individual for a brief warrantless interrogation where circumstances create a reasonable suspicion that the individual is illegally present in the U.S. Specific facts constituting a reasonable suspicion include evasive, nervous, or erratic behavior; dress or speech indicating foreign citizenship; and presence in an area known to contain a concentration of illegal aliens…” My fellow Americans, please indulge. Do your own research. Draw your own conclusions. Add your opinion and voice while you still can in America.
Posted on: Sun, 19 Oct 2014 06:56:48 +0000

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