Eric Holder was caught red handed in a corruption scandal. This - TopicsExpress


Eric Holder was caught red handed in a corruption scandal. This is a blatant misuse of public funds and is worth prison time... Period One of the perks of holding public office or a cabinet position at the White House is that travel on luxury, government jets is at your disposal and at a fraction of the price that it actually costs to use the planes. That’s not something most decent Americans would ever take advantage of though. But not everyone is Attorney General Eric Holder. It’s one thing to fly government jets as a high-level official to an important, completely business-related meeting or function. That falls into the “playing it safe” category. But it’s another thing to use taxpayer-funded private air travel to fly himself, his daughters and their boyfriends, as well as a posse of security guards to the Belmont Stakes horse races. The information was gathered via a Freedom Of Information Act submitted by The Daily Caller. The luxury one-day trip cost taxpayers around $15,000. According to federal law, public officials are required to pay back the U.S. Treasury for fair market ticket costs. But here’s the kicker – they’re only required to pay back the expenses of a private flight at commercial rates, which ended up costing Holder a measly $955. That left American taxpayers to pony up the remaining $14,000 it cost to make the flight. We know this happens all the time. And while the amount above doesn’t seem like a lot compared to a multi-trillion dollar debt, it’s the principle of the matter. Taking advantage of Americans at a time like this, or anytime for that matter, is just plain wrong. It takes a special kind of greedy, corrupt politician to sleep at night, knowing what he’s doing. And Holder is just one of many in Washington who regularly abuse his available “perks.” But, it’s hard to place too much blame on Holder. After all, he’s just following the lead of his boss, President Obama, who is well known to take advantage of the perks available by buying lavish gifts and taking luxury vacations with family and friends – trips that can total in the millions expense-wise. conservativetribune/eric-holder-busted-something-infuriating/
Posted on: Wed, 07 Jan 2015 04:16:18 +0000

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