Eric Holder’s crimes are numerous. He has facilitated Operation - TopicsExpress


Eric Holder’s crimes are numerous. He has facilitated Operation Fast & Furious, which led to the deaths of countless Mexicans and even a U.S. Border Patrol agent. He has signed off on the illegal wiretapping of American journalists. He has picked and chosen which laws to enforce/defend and which to ignore. But to top it all off, Eric Holder’s handling of the IRS scandal has been a disgrace! Just this week in Federal Court, a DOJ lawyer tried to get a judge to dismiss a lawsuit brought forward by a group of targeted Tea Party organizations. The government’s claim? Eric Holder’s lawyer claimed that the lawsuit was baseless because not only did the IRS targeting scandal not happen, but even if it did, the government didn’t do anything wrong or illegal! The only reason that Lois Lerner isn’t behind bars yet is because Eric Holder doesn’t want it that way. He is deliberately refusing to prosecute this scandal, despite the preponderance of evidence proving Lois Lerner’s guilt. As long as he is in a position of power, the United States will never see true justice. The Articles of Impeachment have already been drafted. It is time for YOU to demand an impeachment vote!
Posted on: Wed, 23 Jul 2014 21:29:24 +0000

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