Erin Elizabeth Larsen. Im sure youll hate me for this because 1. - TopicsExpress


Erin Elizabeth Larsen. Im sure youll hate me for this because 1. Its public embarrassment 2. Youll think you look bad in these pictures 3. Itll make you miss me more 4. What Im about to say and these pictures will make you cry To the world, let me introduce to the MOST AMAZING woman on the planet. I am fortunate enough call her my best friend. She doesnt believe it, but shes gorgeous, intelligent, funny, independent, a great cook, supportive, creative, the best listener, a fighter, and so many more things. She has listened to my pointless dramas, worst fears, hopes, dreams, impossible wishes, and problems, and I to hers without ever judging the other. She knows exactly how to make me feel better or at least how to laugh or smile even when I dont want to. She is the reason I drug my butt to gym every day of senior year. Shes a reason I have to smile every morning I wake up. She pushes me to not settle for less and shoot for what I deserve, if not beyond that. She physically abuses me, but its mutual-its just our thing. She hates hugs but will hug me so tight and for so long I need an oxygen tank. She is the chocolate chip to my cookie, the rainbow to my goldfish, the fist to my red arm, the blonder to my blonde, the mello to my ego, the mac to my cheese, the I to my love you, the Prongs to my Padfoot, the best to my friend. Even being separated by some thousands of miles, she is still my number one, go-to person for life. I would honestly be lost and drifting on some half-built raft in the middle of Lake Michigan yelling Am I there yet? if not for her. Across the ocean, yet still not apart, my best friend is with me, in my heart. I love her so much I wouldnt think twice about taking a bullet for her. I couldnt live without her. I know no matter how far either of us goes, whether its a state, a country, a continent, and ocean...we will always be there for each other through thick and thin. And Im pretty sure I dont tell her all this enough. Erin, you need to know how much I love and appreciate you. And I want you to know that I will make other friends, and may even call them best friends, but no one can ever replace you or even come close to replacing you. I think a better term would be soul sisters with how connected we are. But really-dont you dare ever forget me, forget that I appreciate you or forget that I love you more than anything in the world. In the words of Quirrell, Thought you outta know...
Posted on: Fri, 26 Sep 2014 17:20:48 +0000

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