Erin McCloskey. I was so happy to walk into this mansion and see - TopicsExpress


Erin McCloskey. I was so happy to walk into this mansion and see the Eiffel Tower. I dont know if everybody here knows this, but thats where Robbie proposed to her. Its also where Erin and I became best friends. I had known her since kindergarten -- she had a long braid and I pulled it a lot -- but we werent best friends until 17. We were on the class field trip to Paris, and we were the last two kids to go to the top of the Eiffel Tower. I was last because I lost my lift ticket after five minutes, and she was last because she ignored the instructions to wear sensible shoes, and had blisters and had to limp the whole way up. We became best friends that day, in part because we found out we had the same favorite TV show, Starting Over. It was the best bad show over. It was a daytime reality show in which six women lived in a house and had life coaches and goals and steps to reach those goals, and then when they got to their goal they got to graduate. Yes! You remember! With Rhonda Britten and Iyanla Vanzant! At 2 PM on KARE 11! Anyway, I feel that -- nine years later, and eight years after the show has been cancelled -- today is not just your wedding day but also your official graduation from the Starting Over house. You truly are family to me. My parents are here, my grandparents are here, and my aunt is here, which proves that. Youre the closet thing my father will ever have to a daughter, and I am so grateful, because without you, that would be me. I know we watched a lot of crappy chick flicks that talk a lot about how you found a man or earned a man or got a man, and I hate that kind of language, so I am going to say that -- you ALLOWED a man in your life -- and allowed his love into your heart -- and we are all grateful. I love you.
Posted on: Sun, 20 Oct 2013 05:05:02 +0000

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