Erring Education By: Thelmo L. Estocada Jr. It was two years - TopicsExpress


Erring Education By: Thelmo L. Estocada Jr. It was two years ago when I first stepped towards this institution. I had a hard time adjusting to college life. Assignments, outputs, deadlines, terror quizzes and time constraints especially staying up late and waking early in the morning has given me a feeling of heaviness all the time. But they say, “Learning is a continuous process”, and with this principle, I eventually came along as time went by. The days I spent in this institution was like any other day in my college life. With all these challenges, I still managed to survive with God given talents and more of hard work. The turning point in this monotonous routine of my college life was when we had a final examination a couple of weeks ago. Unfortunately, the schedules of examination were not synchronized. Alterations of dates and time of the exams happened. And it was not good actually. Then, they were just texted the final schedule of subjects to be taken during its first and second day. Had they thought of some who have no cellphones and those who can’t able to get the notifications? Were they serious and had thought of the possible consequences to the test-takers? We had no choice but to get the exam yet with heaviness and fright within us. We had a hard time cramming between the times left to review and we were just holding and praying that we could survive. Another worst thing was that the content of examination of one of the subjects we had answered was unfamiliar and really a stranger to what we had discussed in our class. Everybody was looked as loading as a poor internet connection. It was over! We have not been perceived the assessment of learning with this phenomenon. Anyways, friendships and sharing of blessings emerged then among the test-takers. I admit, it was somehow a help and since then it became prominent factors when exams are nearing. But, do our educators aware of it? Students that are poor in root memorization and comprehension but gifted in logic have discovered this fact and now relying on this wrong doing. Cheating though portrayed in an indirect manner has been very rampant these days and in fact, I heard several students caught in the act. Hence, we have developed within ourselves a habit of dependence to these actions. We have succumbed to the comfort and assurances to what it gives to us. We were pleased with soothing effect from the pressure of the exams and manipulates us to sneer on what is ought to be done. After the exam, we go out of the room with a smile, having the assurance of more or less uniform of score results for less toil and hard work. Very easy isn’t it? However, by these problems, who are responsible persons to correct it? I think, the both sides, the educators and the students. Educators that they are should do their responsibility in educating the students, be a role model and act accordingly to be imitated . Correct the students doing the wrong thing and direct them on the right track. And, to the students, for more than twelve years of going to school, we have grown weary of putting school activities in the center of our life, in it and after it. It may feel that we have already “drowned ourselves in our studies” and forget to have time for ourselves. Hence, we have the tendency to be lax in our studies and enjoy life and make cheating as the alternative to compensate it. We have already forgotten the real essence why our parents brought us to school. Was it merely just to study, to have a bright future? , to have a degree? , or simply because it is our obligation? In defense, we often use the tagline “ I am doing my best” and point out to our grade slips with high marks. It is a fact that these days, students are studying to a have better grades to present to their prospective employers. In the contrary, it is not of the good grades that we should be proud of. What is important is that we have sufficient knowledge to apply to our future jobs, in the field of teaching. Good academic background is just a decoration to make you look good. The pressure of getting good grades result to many desperate moves and one of those is cheating. Close your eyes, relax and think that eager studying is the only key. Realize the advantage you will get. You earn your knowledge, the skill and grades all in one shot. Plus, there is a sense of pride that clings to your sash, a merit proving that you done it with dignity. Always remember that before you enter the examination room with that plan to cheat in mind, think again. Are you the same diligent student you were before? Be enlightened and set yourself as an example. GOOD ONE,,,.,.PLEASE READ MY WORK..,.,.,.,
Posted on: Fri, 07 Mar 2014 10:23:50 +0000

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