Errors in the Holy Bible The Bible and the Earth The earth is - TopicsExpress


Errors in the Holy Bible The Bible and the Earth The earth is pretty well understood today. We know its spherical and we know it rotates on its axis as it revolves around the sun. When the Bible was written and compiled, things were different. People believed that we were in a geocentric universe (the earth was the center of the universe and everything revolved around it), they thought the earth was flat, and other basic scientific phenomenon were unknown to these people. The Flat Earth The Bible doesnt always reflect that we live on a spinning, revolving, sphere... which I would think that God would have known and would have inspired the authors to tell, but he didnt. That is why the Bible reflects that we live on a flat earth. The term ends of the earth is used quite a bit in the Bible. I have received hundreds of e-mails saying the term ends of the earth is a saying, its not literal, but they forget that it is a figurative saying today. When the Bible was written it wasnt a figure of speech... it was a fact. Even as late as 1492, people were convinced that silly old Columbus was going to fall off of the earth. But as we know today, the earth is a sphere, and there are no ends on a sphere. Just pick up a ball and find its ends. Even if one was to accept that God was foreseeing enough to put futuristic lingo which matched the beliefs of the day in. But Job 38:13 speaks of the earth being taken by the physical ends with That it might take hold of the ends of the earth, that the wicked might be shaken out of it? Other mentions of the ends of the earth can be found in the following places. Deuteronomy 13:7, 28:49, 28:64, 33:17. Job 2:8, 19:4, 22:27, 33:13, 48:10, 59:13, 61:2, 65:5, 72:8. The ends of the earth isnt the only signs of the flat earth in the Bible. In Job 11:9 it says that heaven and hells measurements are Their measure is longer than the earth And broader than the sea. How long is a sphere? There is no length in a sphere. Now a flat two dimensional object would have a length. Now we get to something that many people have said is proof of the Bible knowing the true shape of the earth. The following verses have been sent to me with notes like See, the Bible says the earth isnt flat: Proverbs 8:27- When he prepared the heavens, I was there, When he drew a circle on the face of the deep Isaiah 40:22- It is He who sits above the circle of the earth, And its inhabitants are like grasshoppers, Who stretches out the heavens like a curtain, And spreads them out like a tent to dwell in. But anyone with a basic grasp of geometry knows what a circle is. Its a flat, two dimensional object. According to these scriptures, the earth is shaped like a CD. Again, as much as many people want to believe this proves that the world is a sphere, they are only proving the Bible talks of a flat earth. There are many who say it says circle, it got the shape right. But this was also a common mistake of the day. People thought the earth was shaped like a plate. They got this belief because if they pointed at the horizon and they spin while tracing the horizon, it appears that they live on a flat circle. And they could travel 1000 miles and do the same thing and they got the same result. It made sense. The Sky and Atmospheric Conditions The sky is also described inaccurately in the Bible. In the above scripture, Isaiah 40:22, it mentions that the heavens are stretched out like a tent. A tent would not be a good description of the earths atmosphere nor the cosmos. Its describing a flat floor which where there is nothing below it... no heavens below the top of the earth. By this description you would either step off of the earth into outer space (but not fall off, because tents dont go underground, so the heavens cant go below the earth), or you will crash into the sky when you reach the end of the earth. Much like how you would crash into the side of your tent if you roll over too much in your sleep. In Genesis 1:6-8 God created a firmament (which he named Heaven) to divide the water on earth and the water in the sky. Do we really have a solid sky holding water over us? How the heck did we get to the moon? Does the space shuttle have a firmament opener on the front of it? This would explain why every time it rained in the Bible, that God had to open the windows of heaven (Gen. 7:1 and Isa. 24:18 are examples). These openings allowed all the water above the solid sky to leak out. Maybe we broke a window on our first space mission, and have flown out the broken window every time since. Snow and hail are mentioned in the Bible. It is also mentioned that they are stored for future use by God. In Job 38:22 God asks Hast thou entered into the treasures of the snow? or hast thou seen the treasures of the hail. I cant believe that we are so naive as to think snow and hail are formed by freezing water vapor. Someone should inform these radical meteorologists that its all in Gods storage areas, and that he throws him down when he sees fit. The Stationary Earth The idea of a stationary earth has been touched on by nearly every mythological tale. There was Atlas who held the earth on his back, and lets not forget the turtle and elephants in Terry Pratchetts Disk World series. It seems like this inaccurate belief found its way into the Bible also. Job chapter 38 has a lot of mentions of a stationary earth, and as direct quotes from God.
Posted on: Tue, 20 May 2014 22:27:16 +0000

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