Errors of Episode on 24-Oct-2013 In order to paint the entire - TopicsExpress


Errors of Episode on 24-Oct-2013 In order to paint the entire Kaurava gang black, the serial is murdering the characters in broad day... umm evenings - without fail every Monday to Friday, at 8:30 PM! King Dhritarashtra was a very just person - most of the times. He did fail to adhere to the dharma and justice when it came to dealing with the sons of his brother. But otherwise he was not a king who acted on whims and fancies. Having invented the imaginary incident of Kaurava princes behaving like goons and Shakuni falsely implicates the fishermen, nothing good could be expected anyway. Dhritarashtra is furious on hearing that his beloved son was attacked, apparently by the fishermen. He setences the whole party to death. Others including Satyavati try to intervene. Shakuni plays his trick again - and says that Rajmatas feelings are with the fishermen and her feelings should not be hurt. Dhritarashtra changes his sentence to banishing the whole party away from his kingdom. Now the haughty depicted Satyavati (remember that she was a very good person, in the first place), is shown her place. She is called a fisherwoman. Satyavati is in tears to see the plight of fishmongers given complete injustice and driven away from the palace. She confronts Dhritarashtra and horror or horrors! Dhritarashtra insults Satyavati too ... again reminding her of her roots and telling her that the Kings word is final and not to give him further advice. Satyavati reaches out to Bheeshma and says that she wishes to bring Pandu back. She wants to contact him as soon as possible. ----- Nothing of the above ever happened. The creators can certainly build imaginary incidents but these should support and be consistent with the general story of Mahabharat. - Satyavati was in reality, the daughter of King Uparichar. While Satyavati was brought up by the fishermens chief, she was the daughter of King Uparichar who seed fell into the river and swallowed by a fish named Adrika (an apsara cursed to earth?). The fish was caught ten months later and cut open - the fishermen found two babies inside - a male and female. They took the babies to King Uparichar. The king kept the male baby. The female baby scented strongly of fish and the king told the fishermens chief to keep her and grow her as his own daughter. Anyway, that is a different story. - King Dhritarashtra was usually a just person and usually listens to counsel of his ministers - especially Pitamah Bheeshma and PM Vidur. There are numerous instances when Dhritarashtra is shown trying to reason with his haughty son Duryodhan into following the line of Dharma and quoting the most honourable Vidur advises this and his word is never wrong - Dhritarashtra is not proud and arrogant. He never insulted his elders. Even in his dreams he would not say anything against them. Even when he was going against the advice of the elders, he would say that he is helpless and his son does not obey him. - Satyavati never tried to reach out to Pandu and implore him to return back to rule again. That kind of circumstances never arose.
Posted on: Fri, 25 Oct 2013 04:05:08 +0000

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