Esophoria Mystery School : Meteor Heading for Earth & Area - TopicsExpress


Esophoria Mystery School : Meteor Heading for Earth & Area 51 PLEASE NOTE: We received this channeling on 2nd March 2013 but refrained from publishing it due to past instances where some people were not spiritually, mentally and emotionally stable enough to cope with the information we were being given by light beings regarding future events. However, due to the recent reports of comets, asteroids and meteors constantly appearing in the news, to either pass by Earth or evaluated to hit the planet Mars, we have decided that we have no other choice but to publish this important channeling. After Theophilos and I had completed our ritual to open stargates and communication channels, I saw a stargate open and 2 beings appeared before us. These beings we average in height with blue skin but their limbs were very long and spindly and their bodies were very slim. Their heads, on the other hand, were quite large and didn’t look in proportion with the rest of their body. I asked them who they were and which stargate we had opened and they first began to speak to me in a language I didn’t understand. They then paused and took and breath and began speaking in English and here is the dialogue that ensued between the blue skinned beings and I and the visions that I saw: Uraniuns “Hello, Nanaea. You have opened the stargate between Earth and Uranus and it is from Uranus that we are communicating with you. We do have a very urgent message to pass on to you and we would be grateful if you would publish it on your Esophoria website. Can you confirm that you will do so?” Helen: “Welcome. Yes, I confirm that we will publish what you tell us on the Esophoria Mystery School website.” Uraniuns: “Very good. Thank you. We won’t take much of your time. This is a quick visit. You have heard of Area 51 and we know there has been a lot of speculation on whether this is a base that communicates with alien beings. The simple answer is yes, they are communicating with alien beings and they are performing tests on alien crafts that have crashed on Earth. Believe us, though, there aren’t many alien crafts that have crashed on Earth. You can imagine the technology we have. And they didn’t crash, Nanaea; they were shot down. Think about it; do you think that crafts that fly through the universe are easy to crash? Like we said, they were shot down. They shot down crafts primarily to learn how to build crafts like this of their own. But this was a very long time ago. There have not been any recent crafts that have been shot down and if you hear through your news that there has been an alien craft found that has ‘crashed’ on Earth, it is better not to believe it. They have also been given help by those dark beings of the universe so they no longer need to shoot them down. So the workers of the dark brotherhood are communicating with alien beings. I call them aliens because to humans we are all aliens and it saves time just to give us a generic title. They have been told by the Universal Council of Light that they must work towards merging our existence into your reality but they are afraid to do so because if they do your minds will be freed from the cage they have created around them and they do not want to give up total control of humanity or stop policing the world for their own benefits. They have been told that we want a base on Earth to form a council that will include all species as well as humans and they have refused and continue to refuse. You know that with the technology that we have we can just take a base if we like but then this would mean war and many lives will be lost. You have discussed this with the Anunnaki; they have told you that they want no bloodshed but the dark brotherhood will resort to violence to keep a stronghold on their control of humanity and Earth. They do not care if people die. They are killing people all the time to keep the population of Earth to a certain number. But we do care for we are not barbarians like they. The Russians, on the other hand, are more than eager to work with us and give us a base but they want something in return for giving us a base without a fight. The Russians have asked for training in aircraft technology and they also want to be part of this council base on Earth. We have told both the Russians and the dark brotherhood that they must begin revealing our existence and the Russians are willing to do this and have begun this process but the dark brotherhood will not. They have portrayed us through your media to be primarily malevolent and even put plants within the new age communities to make claims that they have been abducted and abused. This is not true. Member tribes of the council do not do such things. We are much more ancient than humanity and so any testing that has been done has not been done on humans themselves but has been learned about through the research and records made and kept by Lord Enki. Those who were truly abducted were not taken for research but to implant genes into human DNA from the grays and the reptilians for storage. We really do wish humans would stop this nonsense that aliens abduct humans for research. They believe us to be highly evolved yet they believe we need to abduct humans to perform tests on them when their entire DNA has been saved and well documented? Please think about this, Nanaea!” Helen: “I have never believed that aliens abducted for research. I know you are technologically advanced and that you do not need to do this and I was informed about the reptilians and grays storing their DNA inside humans.” Uraniuns: “Of course, there are many humans who are asked if they wish to visit our crafts and planets and many of them consent and learn many, many things. Now when I say we, I mean ‘aliens’. Please pay attention now to this, Nanaea, as it is very important and it has to be seen so write it in a way that will be noticed.” Helen: “Ok, I will type it in capitals.” Uraniuns: “MANY METEORSAND ASTEROIDS ARE HEADED FOR EARTH. YOU HAVE ALREADY EXPERIENCED MANY OF THEM AND SEEN SOME THAT HAVE LANDED ON YOUR PLANET. THERE ARE MORE TO COME. AMERICA AND RUSSIA WILL SHOOT AND DESTROY MANY LARGE ONES AND YOU WILL SEE THEM BLAZING ACROSS YOUR SKIES. NOW HEAR THIS! A METEOR THE SIZE OF A PLANET HAS BEEN SENT TO EARTH BY LORD MARDUK. IT HAS BEEN SENT AS A WARNING TO THE DARK BROTHERHOOD. THEY HAVE BEEN TOLD THAT SHOULD THEY NOT GIVE BASES TO THE TRIBES OF THE UNIVERSE, THE METEOR IT SHALL HIT EARTH AFTER AS METEORITES ONCE IT ENTERS EARTH’S ATMOSPHERE. IT IS REMOTELY CONTROLLED. IT SHALL BREAK INTO A CERTAIN NUMBER OF PIECES AND THESE PIECES SHALL TARGET DARK BROTHERHOOD BASES AND HEADQUARTERS ALL OVER EARTH. IT IS TOO LARGE TO BE DESTROYED BY ANY HUMAN WEAPONRY. IT SHALL BE CALLED NIBIRU BY THE PEOPLE, NOT BECAUSE THERE EXISTS A PLANET CALLED NIBIRU BUT BECAUSE IT HAS BEEN SENT BY LORD MARDUK WHO IS ALSO KNOWN AS NIBIRU. But know this; Nanaea; it is a trick to force the will of the dark brotherhood to do as they are commanded. They will give in and this meteor will not hit Earth. Even if they refused, it would still be steered away from the Earth. Now we have opened channels with you we will inform you of other news that we are asked to transfer to you. We will say goodbye to you now but there is someone else who wishes to speak with you. Farewell from us for now.” Helen: “Goodbye and thank you.” The Uraniuns stop projecting their images to me and then I see a bright, shining light. It is golden and white and out of this light steps a very large Anunnaki god. I know he is an Anunnaki because I know my own kind and he is also wearing a horned crown and the usual Anunnaki style clothing. I also know him from my memories and from previous communications. He is Lord Enlil. Enlil: “Blessings to you, Nanaea. How have you been?” Helen: “Blessings to you, Enlil. I am well. How are you?” Enlil: “I am well too, thank you. The Uraniuns explained to you why the meteor has been sent. I gave the order to Marduk and he carried out this order. I am not happy with this situation on Earth. I am also not happy that more of the Anunnaki nation on Earth is not coming forward with who they are. I do not understand this nervousness. I am not happy that the avatars are walking away from their missions and that they do not have the courage to see their missions through.” Lord Enlil looks at me waiting for an explanation to why this is happening on Earth. Helen: “Lord Enlil, there is not much I can tell you about this as I cannot speak for the other Anunnaki avatars.” Enlil: “Yes, well, there seems to be a lot of identity crisis on Earth, too. Apparently, there are roughly around 5 who believe they are my avatar and countless Enki’s and Marduk’s.” Helen: “And there are 100’s of Inanna’s, Lord.” And I smile. Enlil: “So what can you do about this problem?” Helen: “I wasn’t aware that it is a problem for me to solve. This is not my responsibility. I have enough of my own.” Enlil: “I want you to hurry up with constructing our council on Earth. The sooner you get this finished the better. You are aware of the time constraint and the deadline we are all under. Certain things have had to be moved backwards. My brother will visit you shortly to inform you of the changes and how we want you to implement them.” I smile broadly at thinking I will meet with Lord Enki soon. Enlil: “You like that, don’t you, Nanaea? It is a shame you don’t react the same way when you see me. I do love you, daughter. It is just not easy leading the family and having to make serious and sometimes difficult decisions. It doesn’t leave much room for emotions.” Lord Enlil walks to me and kisses my forehead and hugs me. I feel his heart pounding as my head rests on the space between his stomach and chest. Like many times before I wish I had the same relationship with him as I do with Lord Enki but Enlil is not as warm as Enki is. Enlil: “You will, Nanaea. (He is reading my thoughts.) There will come a time when we will have a better relationship and you shall understand me more. You will also remember more about our connection. Just ensure you continue your work.” And with this he fades from in front of me and the channeling is at an end. Helen Demetriou
Posted on: Mon, 15 Jul 2013 20:04:30 +0000

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