Esoteric Psychology I - Daily: Tuesday, 28th of October In - TopicsExpress


Esoteric Psychology I - Daily: Tuesday, 28th of October In the field of modern psychology we can look for a gradual recognition of the fact of the self. The problem of the psychologists is to comprehend the relationship or the identity of that self with the soul. It is, however, from the field of science that the greatest help will come. The fact of the soul will eventually be proved through the study of light and of radiation and through a coming evolution in particles of light. Through this imminent development we shall find ourselves seeing more and penetrating deeper into that which we see today. One of the recognized facts in the realm of natural science has been the cyclic change in the fauna and flora of our planet. Animals, plentiful and familiar many thousands of years ago, are now extinct, and by means of their bones we endeavor to reconstruct their forms. Flowers and trees that once covered the surface of our planet have now entirely disappeared and only their fossilized remains are left to indicate to us a vegetation vastly different to that which we now enjoy. Man himself has changed so much that we find it difficult to recognize homo sapiens in the early primitive races of the far distant past. This mutability and obliteration of earlier types is due to a major factor among many. The quality of the light which promotes and nurtures growth, vitality and fertility in the kingdoms of nature has changed several times during the ages, and as it has changed it has produced corresponding mutations in the phenomenal world. From the standpoint of the esotericist, all [102] forms of life on our planet are affected by three types of light substance, and at the present time a fourth type is gradually making its presence felt. These types of light are: 1. The light of the sun. 2. The light in the planet itself - not the reflected light of the sun but its own inherent radiance. 3. A light seeping in (if I may use such a phrase) from the astral plane, a steady and gradual penetration of the astral light and its fusion with the other two types of radiance. 4. A light which is beginning to merge itself with the other three types and which comes from that state of matter which we call the mental plane - a light in its turn reflected from the realm of the soul.
Posted on: Tue, 28 Oct 2014 18:00:23 +0000

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