Espoir pour mon pays! It is hard to imagine a country more - TopicsExpress


Espoir pour mon pays! It is hard to imagine a country more miserable than the Central African Republic, a potentially wealthy land that for much of its short history has been looted by its presidents, emperor and warlords and battered by rebellions and sectarian wars, the latest of which has been raging since March. A million people — nearly a quarter of the population — have fled their homes, and more than 1,000 have been killed in the past six weeks alone. So, to the degree to which they can offer any hope for this broken-down state, the announcement of a new interim president, a decision by the European Union to send a peacekeeping force and a pledge of half-a-billion dollars in humanitarian aid are all good news. The interim president selected on Monday at a raucous, five-hour session of a “national transition council” of rebels, rivals and politicians was Catherine Samba-Panza, a French-educated lawyer with a reputation for integrity and no ties either to the Muslim rebels or the Christian militia. Her selection was greeted with cheers in the assembly hall and dancing outside. That she is a woman — the third female head of state in post-colonial Africa — was especially welcomed by many people who felt that men had done nothing but lead the country on its vicious downward spiral. On the same day as Ms. Samba-Panza’s selection, the European Union agreed to send a force of several hundred soldiers to assist the 1,600 French troops and 4,400 African Union soldiers already in the Central African Republic. The European force is expected to remain for six months, by which time the African Union force is to have a strength of 6,000. The European Union force is sorely needed, especially to secure the airport so that humanitarian aid can start arriving. But Europe also demonstrated that it remains far from enthusiastic about international peacekeeping operations. Some major European military powers — Britain, Germany and Italy — declined to participate, and tiny Estonia took the lead by committing 55 soldiers to the force. At another meeting in Brussels, the European Union pledged nearly $500 million in humanitarian aid, while the United States announced that it would be providing nearly $30 million in additional help, on top of $15 million previously pledged. Whether the money and the troops are enough to restore order in a country in “free fall,” as the United Nations secretary general, Ban Ki-moon, described it, is far from certain. So far, the foreign peacekeepers have been largely clustered in Bangui, while the far reaches of the country have been racked with violence, which has continued unabated. But at least the suffering country now has a head of state who is not part of the problem, as all her predecessors were, and the financial and military aid should at least give Ms. Samba-Panza some means and time to show that there is an alternative to chaos and violence.
Posted on: Thu, 23 Jan 2014 08:07:27 +0000

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