Essential Oils and Chemtrails August 5, 2013 by scentsableliving - TopicsExpress


Essential Oils and Chemtrails August 5, 2013 by scentsableliving | 2 Comments As a little girl, I remember laying in the grass, looking up at the clouds and soaking in the warm summer weather. I remember cloud formations and trying to see what shapes each one looked like to me. I even remember looking up and watching the trails that would come from the airplane overhead and how it would slowly disappear as the plane flew further across the sky. Today though, have you noticed? The trails behind the planes are not the same. Instead of dissipating, the trail lingers and actually widens, rippling through the sky, overlapping in a criss-cross pattern with another trail. Later in the day, or over the next couple of days, the sky is no longer clear but instead hazy with rippling cloud-like formations and overcast. We’ve seen them by the airports, we’ve noticed them over our city, and even above our house. Many are now referring to them as chemtrails. chemchem It wasn’t until seeing a picture on the internet that my interest peaked in wanting to learn more. It was a picture exactly like that of what I have personally noticed in the sky and it was called, What Are They Spraying Into Our Skies (see video below). So what are chemtrails and what does this have to do with essential oils? First let’s take a look at what they are spraying into our air and than we’ll get into essential oils, please take a moment to watch this video… (The above video is part 1 of 7 and will introduce you to what is going on. All 7 parts are worth the watch and can be done so by clicking on the video above and clicking on “YouTube.”) Toxic Chemicals Being Sprayed Into Our Air: Here is a list of contaminants found in a recent sample of chemtrails in Phoenix, Arizona, these contaminants are considered beyond the toxic limits to the human body– ◾Cadmium 126 times the toxic limit, ◾Chromium 282 times the toxic limit, ◾Nickel 169 times the toxic limit, ◾Aluminum 6,400 times the toxic limit, ◾Iron 28,000 times the toxic limit, ◾Magnesium 5.3 times the toxic limit, ◾Potassium 793 times the toxic limit, ◾Sodium15.9 times the toxic limit, ◾Barium 278 times the toxic limit, ◾Manganese 5,820 times the toxic limit, and ◾Zinc 593 times the toxic limit. This raised many questions in my mind, some of them being why are these chemicals being sprayed into our air? Are they making people sick? Chemtrails have been reported to cause: I came across this information via Global Skywatch which lists the following symptoms as being associated with chemtrails: ◾Fatigue ◾Headaches ◾Sinus pain ◾Muscle pain ◾Joint pain ◾Frequently cracking joints ◾Depression ◾Insomnia ◾Anxiety ◾Anger issues ◾Inability to concentrate ◾Looping thoughts or songs ◾Salty-metallic taste to the air ◾Chemical taste to the air ◾Swelling/inflammation ◾Ringing in the ears ◾Changes in eyesight ◾Near or farsightedness ◾Upper respiratory infections ◾Elevated blood pressure ◾Accelerated heart beat ◾Heart pain ◾Skipping heart beats ◾Shortness of breath ◾Loss of balance ◾Dark circles under the eyes ◾Stomach pain ◾Frequent illness ◾Difficulty achieving deep sleep ◾Vivid or restless dreams There are reports that after heavy chemtrailing in a particular area, visits to the ER for respiratory issues tend to increase! For me personally, I experience sever pressure and burning in my sinuses accompanied with headaches. “These symptoms are being experienced by a rapidly-growing number of people around the world. They are commonly associated with the appearance of chemtrails. Most of these symptoms are commonly associated with mercury poisoning. A few other items are associated with aluminum and barium toxicity.” Some even call it the chemtrail flu. You’re sick. Your nose is stuffy. Your body aches, You’re sweaty, coughing, sneezing and you don’t have enough energy to get out of bed. You can read more about it from Global Skywatch here. 20130726_191430 (photo taken from my cell phone at an intersection by our home) Essential Oils to Help Detox from Chemtrails How can I protect myself from the effects of these chemicals, especially knowing that my sinuses are triggered in such an intense way after these overhead sprayings? Essential oils have the ability to bind to the metals and also to petrochemicals and pull these substances out of the tissue, blood and brain. This is the protocol that I have currently been using with many thanks to Essential Survival for sharing (link posted at bottom of article) and will share other products that are known to be heavy metal detoxifiers as well. Purification I currently use two essential oils that assist in the detoxification of metals after heavy spraying of chemtrails over our area. Those two23562_322426862496_291337217496_3451881_5761499_a essential oils are Purification and Helichrysum. I simply apply a drop to my finger and swipe the inside of my cheek with one or both oils, sometimes I simply place a drop of each under my tongue. I will repeat this process every 10 minutes for the first hour and than about every 2 hours throughout the remainder of the day. I than do this about 2-3 times a day thereafter and continue through the remainder of an entire week. As with any detox, I am sure to drink LOTS of water to help my organs move these substances through my body. I have also used both of these oils first thing in the morning along with an oil pulling routine. Upon further research and interest in wanting to learn more about essential oils in detoxing from these chemicals and metals, I learned that Gary Young developed the following blend, Juva Cleanse, originally to help his wife Mary release from her blood a heavy load of uranium, lead and mercury, (unknowingly exposed during her early years whilst working in gold mines in Central America). Gary Young was convinced that assisting and supporting the liver is the number one step in any detoxification program. Juva Cleanse is a most powerful liver cleanser as well as a nerve tonic. juva_cleanse_blend_stylized-e1327783354918_f_improf_158x193 JUVA CLEANSE This oil blend has become one of the most important Young Living oils addressing heavy metal detoxification. It contains: Helichyrsum, Celery seed, and Ledum Ledum (shown in clinical studies to protect the liver and improve bile function) functions as an enzyme and digests the fat cells in the liver Helichyrsum, acts as a major chelating agent of metallics and chemicals Celery seed is a diuretic and purges/ transports the water out of the fat cells as well as addressing the microbes that feed on the heavy metals Ledum and Helichyrsum are synergistic – dissolving fat cells, that hold the toxins, releasing them out of the liver into the colon (colon cleansing is crucial to!) At the Young Life Clinic Juva Cleanse has become the #1 detox oil for heavy metals and petro-chemicals. Using Juva Cleanse: JuvaCleanse was created for Mary Young to chelate high levels of heavy metals out of her blood. In six months, her tests were normal. Taking two capsules a day is more effective than chelation therapy. JuvaCleanse oil is for the chelation of chemicals and metals, it reduces fat deposits in the liver, improves liver enzymatic function, releases emotional blueprints (which we all carry around, i.e. anger, etc.), improves Human Growth Hormone, may improve digestion, eyesight, skin and hair condition. Gary Young has had numerous reports from various distributors that JuvaCleanse has reduced depression and addictions in people and has seen remarkable results. This essential oil blend was created for dietary, topical and applicable use. How to use: When using as a supplement, dilute one drop in 4 ounces of liquid (i.e., goat’s or rice milk). For topical application, it can be applied to Vita Flex points on feet and especially over the liver. 3222 During the process of a heavy metal detox it is important to replenish the body with healthy minerals and Young Living’s Mineral Essence is a wonderful supplement to assist the body in doing so. It is a balanced organic, ionic mineral complex with more than 60 different minerals. Without minerals, vitamins cannot be properly assimilated or absorbed by the body. Mineral Essence has a natural electrolyte balance, helping to prevent disease and premature aging, and minerals are necessary for proper immune and metabolism functions. Mineral Essence also includes essential oils to enhance bioavailability. To demonstrate this, a group of volunteers consumed a teaspoon of liquid trace minerals without essential oils. Each volunteer experienced diarrhea within 24 hours. Following a washout period of several days, the same volunteers were given double the dosage of the same liquid trace minerals blended with essential oils. None experienced diarrhea. INGREDIENTS: • Purified water is needed to dilute the minerals for liquifying this blend. • Honey is an emulsifier and natural sweetener. • Royal Jelly is a substance fed to queen bees that allows them to live thirty to forty times longer than worker bees. It is very rich in amino acids, minerals, and vitamins B5 and B6. It stimulates the adrenal glands to increase energy. • Trace mineral complex includes beryllium, bismuth, boron, bromine, calcium, carbon, cesium, chloride, chromium, copper, gallium, germanium, gold, hafnium, indium, iodine, iron, lithium, lutecium, manganese, magnesium, molybdenum, eurogen, nickel, niobium, nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, rubidium, scandium, selenium, silica, silver, sodium, strontium, sulfur, tantalum, thallium, tin, titanium, tungsten, vanadium, yttrium, zinc, and zirconium. ESSENTIAL OILS: • Lemon (Citrus limon) promotes leukocyte formation and increases immune function. • Cinnamon bark (Cinnamomum verum) is antiinfectious, antibacterial, antiviral, antifungal, antiparasitic and anticoagulant. • Peppermint (Mentha piperita) promotes healthy digestion and mineral absorption. Some of this information sourced from the Essential Oil Desk Reference Fourth Edition. ______________________________________________________________________________ Please note that I am not a conspiracy theorist and am just your average person who has noticed a change in our skies and feeling the effects because of it. It wasn’t until I noticed a similar picture on the internet that I learned of chemtrails and have looked further into them since than. If you are interested in learning more about them, I would encourage you to do so. The information provided is for educational purposes only. It is not intended to prescribe, diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. It is your responsibility to educate yourself and address any health or medical needs you may have with your physician. Please seek professional help when needed
Posted on: Mon, 05 Aug 2013 13:54:19 +0000

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