Establishment Elite Still in Control The Council on Foreign - TopicsExpress


Establishment Elite Still in Control The Council on Foreign Relations, Trilateral Commission and Bilderberg Group The Council on Foreign Relations is the American branch of a society which organized in England . . . (and) . . . believes national boundaries should be obliterated and one world rule established. [WITH NO APOLOGIES by Senator Barry Goldwater, Berkley Books, New York, p 126] The Trilateral Commission was formed in 1973 by private citizens of Japan, Europe (European Union countries), and North America (United States and Canada) to foster closer cooperation among these core democratic industrialized areas of the world with shared leadership responsibilities in the wider international system. The Trilateral Commission is international . . . (and) . . . is intended to be the vehicle for multinational consolidation of the commercial and banking interests by seizing control of the political government of the United States. [ WITH NO APOLOGIES, by Senator Barry Goldwater, Berkley Books, New York, p 293] The Bilderberg is a quasi-secret consortium of international elite who meet annually to plan world economic and political policies. The Bilderberg has no membership per se. Those identified with “B” in this chart have attended at least one Bilderberg meeting. Council on Foreign Relations The Harold Pratt House 58 East 68th Street, New York, NY 10065 Tel. (212) 434-9400; FAX (212)434-9800 Washington Office 1779 Massachusetts Avenue, NW Washington, DC 20036 The Trilateral Commission 1156 Fifteenth Street, NW, Washington, DC 20005 Tel. 202-467-5410 This chart shows present and past members and their positions; B, C, or T indicates affiliation United States Presidents Barack Hussien Obama, B William J. Clinton B,C,T George Herbert Walker Bush C,T James Earl Carter C,T Gerald R. Ford, Jr. B,C Richard Milhous Nixon C Dwight D. Eisenhower C Herbert Clark Hoover C 2008 Presidential Candidates Hillary Rodham Clinton [D] B John Edwards [D] B,C John S. McCain III [R] C Fred Thompson [R] C Vice Presidents Joseph Biden B Richard B. Cheney C,T George H. W. Bush C,T Walter Mondale B,C,T National Security Council Richard N. Haass, Sr. Dir. GHWBush Admin C,T Meghan L. OSullivan, Dep. Dir, GWBush admin C,T William J. Luti, Sr. Dir for DefensePolicy B Specil Assistants to the President Dennis B. Ross , Mid East Cord for GHWBush & Clinton B,C,T Richard Holbrooke Spec. Rep Afghanistan & Pakistan B,C,T Central Intelligence Agency Directors Gen. Michael V. Hayden C George J. Tenet C William O. Studeman C John M. Duetch B,C,T James Woolsey C Robert M. Gates C William H Webster T,C William J. Casey C Stansfield Turner C George H. W. Bush C William E. Colby C James Schlesinger C Richard Helms C John A. McCone C Allen W. Dulles C Walter Bedell Smith C Secretary of Agriculture Daniel Robert Dan Glickman B,C Secretaries of Commerce Ronald H. Brown C Juanita M. Kreps C,T Elliot Lee Richardson C,T Peter G. Peterson C,T John Thomas Connor, Jr. C Barbara Hackman Franklin C Secretaries of Defense Robert Gates C,B Donald Rumsfeld B Douglas J. Feith, Under Sec. B,C Richard Norman Perle, Asst. Sec B John J. Hamre, Deputy C,T Joseph S. Nye, Jr. Asst. Sec B,C,T William S. Cohen C,T John M. Deutch. Deputy B,C,T Graham T. Allison, Asst. C,T William J. Perry B,T Les Aspen C Richard B. Cheney C,T Frank C. Carlucci, III C,T Casper W. Weinberger C,T Harold Brown C,T Donald H. Rumsfeld C James R. Schlesinger C Elliot L. Richardson C,T Melvin R. Laird T Robert S. McNamara B,C,T Neil H. McElroy C Charles E. Wilson C George C. Marshall C James V. Forrestal C Secretaries of Energy William B. Richardson B,C James R. Schlesinger C Charles W. Duncan, Jr. C Secretaries of Health & Human Services Tommy G. Thompson C Donna E. Shalala C,T Joseph A. Califano, Jr. C Casper A. Weinberger C,T Elliot L. Richardson C,T Abraham A. Ribicoff C Secretaries of Housing & Urban Development (HUD) Henry G. Cisneros C,T Carla A. HIlls C,T James T. Lynn C,T Secretary of Interior Bruce E. Babbitt C,T Attornies General Charles A. James, Asst, GW Bush admin B Jamie Gorelick, Deputy, Clinton admin. C Richard Thornburgh C William P. Rogers C Elliot L. Richardson C,T Nicholas deB. Katzenbach C Secretaries of Labor Elaine L. Chao C Lynn Martin C Secretaries of State Hillary Rodham Clinton B James B. Steinberg, Deputy Sec. fmr. Dean, Univ. of Texas LBJ School C,T Anne-Marie Slaughter, Dir. Policy Planning C,T Condoleezza Rice C Philip D. Zelikow, Counselor (exec. dir.,9/11Commission) B,C Colin Powell B,C Robert B. Zoellick, Deputy B,T,C Winston Lord, Asst. Sec. C,T Thomas R. Pickering, Und. Sec C,T Richard L. Armitage, Deputy T Madeline Albright C William B. Richardson C Warren M. Christopher C,T Lawrence S. Eagleburger C,T George P. Schultz C Alexander M. Haig, Jr. C,T Edmund S. Muskie C Cyrus R. Vance C,T Henry A. Kissinger B,C,T William P. Rogers C Dean Rusk B,C Christian A. Herter Jr. B,C John Foster Dulles C Dean G. Acheson C George C. Marshall C Edward R. Stettinius, Jr. C Cordell Hull C Henry L. Stimson C Frank B. Kellogg C Secretary of Transportation William T. Coleman, Jr C, T Secretaries of Treasury Timothy F. Geithner B, C, T Henry Merritt Hank Paulson Jr. C Lawrence Henry Larry Summers B, C, T Kenneth W. Dam, Deputy B,C Robert Edward Rubin C Lloyd Millard Bentsen, Jr. C Nicholas F. Brady C James Addison Baker, III C W. Michael Blumenthal C William E. Simon C Cabinet Officials Military Officers Chairmen of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Richard B. Myers C John M. Shalicashvilli C Colin L. Powell B,C William J. Crowe, Jr. C,T John W. Vessey C David C. Jones C Maxwell D. Taylor C Lyman Lemnitzer C Chiefs of Staff - Air Force Norton A. Schwartz C T. Michael Moseley C Ronald R. Fogleman C Merrill A. McPeak C John T. Chain, Jr. C Lew Allen, Jr. C Michael J. Dugan C Charles A. Gabriel C Larry D. Welch C Chief of Staff - Army Eric K. Shinseki C Dennis J. Reimer C Gordon R. Sullivan C John A. Wickham, Jr. C Edward C. Meyer C Chief of Naval Operations Jay L. Johnson C Thomas B. Hayward C Elmo R. Zumwalt C Marine Corps Commandant Charles C. Krulak C Paul X. Kelley C Coast Guard Commandant Thad W. Allen C Robert E. Kramek C United Nations Ambassadors Madeleine Albright C John R. Bolton C Jeane Kirkpatrick C Bill Richardson B, C President’s Council of Economic Advisors R. Glenn Hubbard C Janet Yellen C Joseph E. Stiglitz C Laura DAndrea Tyson B,C Martin S. Feldstein B,C,T Murray L. Weidenbaum C Alan Greenspan B,C,T Paul W. McCracken C 9/11 Commission Thomas H. Kean, Chmn.; fmr Gov., New Jersey C Lee H. Hamilton,Vice Chairman, fmr Congressman (D-IN) C Jamie Gorelick, fmr Deputy Attorney General, Clinton Admin. C Bob Kerrey, Pres. New School University, fmr US Senator (D-NE), fmr Gov, NE C John F. Lehman,fmr Sec. Navy C Philip D. Zelikow, Executive Director/Chair B,C Federal Judiciary Stephen G. Breyer Assoc. Jus. S.Ct C Ruth Bader Ginsburg Assoc. Jus. S.Ct. C Sandra Day O’Connor Assoc. Jus. S.Ct. C Felix Frankfurter Fmr. Assoc. Jus. S. Ct C Charles E. Hughes Fmr. Assoc. Jus S. Ct C Dudley Baldwin Bonsal Dist. Ct. Judge, NY C Jose Alberto Cabranes Dist. Ct. Judge, CT C William W. Schwarzer Dist. Ct. Judge, CA C Laurence Hirsch Silberman Cir. Ct. App. Judge C Barrijngton D. Parker Dist. Ct. Judge, NY C Richard Clark Allison U.S.Clms Trib Judge, The Hague C Stephen Myron Schwebel Int. Ct. Judge,Hague C Theodore Tannenwald, Jr. Tax Ct. Sr. Judge C Federal Reserve System Daniel K. Tarullo Bd of Gov. (designate) B,C Alan Greenspan Chmn, Bd. Gov.(fmr) B,C,T Roger W. Ferguson, Jr Vice Chmn (fmr) C,T Alice Mitchell Rivlin Vice Chmn, Bd. Gov (fmr) C,T Alan Stuart Blinder Vice Chmn (fmr) C Paul AdolphVolcker Chmn, Bd. Gov (fmr) B,C,T Eugend R. Black Chmn, Bd. Gov (fmr) C Arthur F. Burns Chmn, Bd. Gov (fmr) C William McC. Martin Chmn, Bd. Gov (fmr) C Thomas B. McCabe Chmn, Bd. Gov (fmr) C Eugene Meyer Chmn, Bd. Gov (fmr) C G. William Miller hmn, Bd. Gov (fmr) C Ellen Victoria Futter Chmn. FR Bank, NY C E. Geerald Corrigan Pres. FR Bank, NY (fmr) T Maurice R. Greenberg Dep. Chmn FRB, NY(fmr) B,C,T William J. McDonough Pres. FR Bank, NY (fmr) B,C Dorothy Meadow Sobol FR Bank, NY C Willene A. Johnson Sr. Officer, FRB, NY C Ernest T. Patrikis Dep. Gen Counsel, FRB, NY C Harold W. Anderson Pres. FR Bank, KS City (fmr) C Robert Patrick Forrestal Pres. FR Bank, Atlanta C Michael H. Moskow Pres. FR Bank, Chicago B,C Warren Bruce Rudman Dep. Chmn, FR Bank, Boston C A. William Reynolds Chmn, FR Bank, Cleveland C Margaret L. Greene Dep. Mgr. FR Bd. Frn Ops. C Sam Y. Cross Mgr. Fed Open Market Acct C Export-Import Bank James H. (Jim) Lambright Chmn,Pres. C John D. Macomber Pres. & Chmn (fmr) C Kenneth D. Brody Pres. & Chmn. (fmr) C Eugene K. Lawson 1st VP, V. Chmn. (fmr) C International Monetary Fund Kenneth Saul Ken Rogoff Economic Counsellor and Director C,T John P. Lipsky First Deputy Managing Director C William Brown Dale Dep. Mng. Dir, Geneva C Helen B. Junz Spec. trade Rep. Geneva C Richard David Erb Dep Mng. Dir., Washington C The World Bank Robert B. Zoellick President B,C, T Jessica P. Einhorn Mng. Dir. (fmr) C,T James David Wolfensohn Pres. (fmr) B,C Robert Strange McNamara Pres. (fmr) B,C,T Raymond Vernon (dec) Visiting Prof. (fmr) B,C David A. Wirth Econ. Asst.(fmr) C International Bank of Reconstruction & Development Lewis Thompson Preston (dec) Pres. (fmr) C Andrew M. Kamarck Washington office (fmr) C Bank of America (Bankamerica Corp) Hugh McColl Chmn & CEO (fmr) T A. W. Clausen Chmn & CEO (fmr) T Nicholas Burns Binkley Chmn & CEO (fmr) C Rudolph A. Peterson (dec) Chmn Exec Comm (fmr) B,C George William Coombe, Jr. Exec VP (fmr) C Ignazio E. Lozano, Jr. Dir. C Bankers Trust Company acqired by Deutsche Bank Charles Stedman Sanford, Jr. Chmn & CEO C George J. Vojta Vice Chmn (fmr) C Donald L. Staheli Dir. (fmr) C Brown Brothers Harriman Robert Livingston Ireland, III (dec) Gen. Partner C Alexander Tonio Ercklentz Partner C Frank W. Hoch Ltd Partner C Chase Manhattan Bank merged w/ J.P.Morgan (2000) to form J.P.Morgan Chase James Jamie L. Dimon,CEO, chmn, JPMorgan Chase & Co.. C David Rockefeller Chmn Int Adv Comm B,C,T Walter Vincent Shipley Chmn & CEO (fmr) C,T Robert Royal Douglas V. Chmn (fmr) C John Donald Wilson Sr. VP (fmr) C John P. Lipsky Ch. Economist (fmr) C Riorden Roett Director (fmr) C Marina Von N. Whitman Director (fmr) C,T Citigroup Richard Dean Parsons Chmn, CEO C Stanley Fischer Vice Chmn (fmr) C,T Walter Bigelow Wriston (dec) Chairman (fmr) B William Reginald Rhodes Vice Chmn (fmr) C Richard A. Freytag (dec) Pres. & CEO (fmr) C Leslie Elizabeth Bains Mng Dir. (fmr) C North Carolina National Bank (NCNB) renamed NationsBank acquired BankAmerica Hugh L. McColl Jr. Chmn & CEO (fmr) T Federal National Mortgage Assoc. (FNMA) (Fannie Mae) Franklin Delano Raines Chmn & CEO (fmr) B,C,T Thomas L. Donilon Vice Pres B Media Anne Applebaum Writer, Washington Post C Max Boot Cont. Ed., The Weekly Standard, WSJ; Sr. Fellow, CFR B, C David G. Bradley Chmn, Atlantic Media Co. T Rajiv Chandrasekaran Editor, Washington Post C Richard M. Cohen senior producer for CBS News and CNN C Katherine Anne Katie Couric Mng Ed.,CBS Evening News C Lee Cullum Columnist, Dallas Morning News C,T David Gergen editor-at-large, U.S. News & World Report C,T Paul A Gigot Wall Street Journal, Editor B Donald E. Graham Chmn, CEO, Washington Post Co. B Jimmie Lee Jim Hoagland Asso. Ed, Washington Post B,C Robert Kagan columnist, Washington Post C Richard N. Kaplan president of CNN/U.S. of the CNN News Group C Glenn Kessler Washington Post diplomatic correspondent. C Joe Klein Columnist, Time Magazine C Anne Elise Kornblut staff writer, Washington Post C Charles Krauthammer Columnist, Washngton Post B,C Charles M. Lane editorial writer, The Washington Post C Andrea Mitchell Chief Foreign Affairs Corr, NBC News B,C Rupert Murdoch chmn, managing dir. ,News Corporation (News Corp) C Richard Dean Parsons former CEO, Time Warner C Norman Pearlstine Cont. chief, Bloomberg L.P; fmr Sr. Adv. Time Warner; fmr Ed Time B,C Steven L. Rattner founder Quadrangle Group B,C Charles Peete (Charlie) Rose, Jr. PBS, Charlie Rose Show B,C Vivian L. Schiller senior vice president and general manager, New York Times C Lesley Stahl Co-Editor, 60 Minutes in New York C Martha Teichner Correspondent, CBS News Sunday Morning C John Vinocur Sr. Corres, International Herald Tribune B Barbara Walters ABC World News Tonight C Robin Wright foreign policy reporter, The Washington Post C Mortimer B. Zuckerman U.S.News & World Report, Chmn, Editor in Chief C,T Union Leaders Jay Mazur ILGWU, Pres , AFL-CIO VP C,T John J. Sweeney AFL-CIO Pres C,T Religoious Leaders Rick Warren pastor, Saddleback Church, Lake Forest, CA; Author, The Purpose Driven Life. C Richard D. Land president, Ethics & Religious Liberty Commission (ERLC), the public policy entity of the Southern Baptist Convention, U.S. C Directors of The Federal Bureau Of Investigation William H. Webster C William D. Ruckelshaus C,T Current House of Representatives Howard L. Berman (D) CA C Sanford D. Bishop, Jr. (D) GA C Charles W. Boustany Jr. (R) LA C Gerald E. Gerry Connolly (D) VA C James (Jim) H. S. Cooper (D) TN C Goeffrey Clark Davis (R) KY C Norman D. Dicks (D) WA C David Dreier (D) CA C Jane Harman (D) CA C James A. McDermott (D) WA C Eleanor Holmes Norton (D) DC C Ed Pastor (D) AZ C Thomas E. Petri (R) WI C Charles B. Rangel (D) NY T John M. Spratt , Jr. (D) SC C Ellen Tauscher (D) CA C William M. Thornberry (R) TX C Former House Members John B. Anderson (R) IL C Michael D. Barnes (D) MD C Anthony C. Beilenson (D) CA C Douglas K. Bereuter (R) NE C John Brademas (D) NY B,C,T Thomas J. Campbell (R) CA C Richard B. Cheney (R) WY C William F. Clinger, Jr. (R) PA C Barbara B. Conable (D) NY T Mervyn M. Dymally (D) CA C Dante B. Fascell (D) FL C Geraldine A. Ferraro (D) NY C Thomas S. Foley (D) WA C,T Sam Gejdenson (D), CT C Richard A. Gephardt (D) MO C, T Newton L. Gingrich (R) GA C Daniel Dan Glickman (D) KS B,C William H. Gray, III (D)PA T Lee H. Hamilton (D) IN B,T Jane Lakes Harmon (D) CA C Amory Houghton, Jr. (R) NY C Henry Hyde (R) IL C Nancy Lee Johnson (R) CT C James T. Kolbe (R) AZ C John J. LaFalce (D) NY B Mel Levine (D) CA C James A. S. Leach (R) IA T Dave K. McCurdy (D) OK C Susan K. Molinari (D) NY C Jim Moody (D) WI C Donald M. Payne (D) NJ C John Edward Porter (R) IL C Ogden R. Reid (D) NY C William B. Richardson (D) NM C Carlos A. Romero-Burcelo (D) PR C Patricia Scott Schroeder (D) CO C Charles Schumer (D) NY C Peter Plympton Smith (R) VT C Stephen J. Solarz (D) NY C Louis Stokes (D) OH C Esteban Edward Torres (D) CA C Robert G. Torricelli (D), NJ C Vin Weber (R) MN C Charles W. Whalen, Jr. (R) OH C Howard Wolpe (D) MI C Current U. S. Senate Evan Bayh (D) IN B,C Christopher J. Dodd (D) CT B,C Dianne Feinstein (D) CA C,T Kay Bailey Hutchison (R) TX B John F. Kerry (D) MA C Joseph I. Lieberman (D) CT C John McCain (R) AZ C Jack Reed (D) RI C John D. Rockefeller, IV (D) WV C,T Olympia J. Snowe (R) ME C Mark R. Warner (D) VA C Former U. S. Senators Lloyd Bentsen (D) TX B David L. Boren (D) OK C Rudy Boschwitz (R) MN C Edward Brooke (R) MA B William L. Bradley (D) NJ C John H. Chafee (R) RI B,C,T Hillory Rodham Clinton (D) NY B William S. Cohen (R) ME C,T Dick Clark (D) IA C Jon Stevens Corzine (D) NJ B Alan Cranston (D) CA T John C. Culver (D) IA C,T John C. Danforth (R) MO T John Edwards (D) NC B Bob Graham (D) FL C Chuck Hagel (R) NE B Fred R. Harris (D) OK B Gary Hart (D) CO C J. Bennett Johnston (D) LA B Charles McC. Mathias (R) MD B,C George S. McGovern (D)SD C George J. Mitchell (D) ME C Daniel Moynihan (D) NY C Sam Nunn (D), GA B Claiborne Pell (D), RI C Charles H. Percy (R) IL C Larry Pressler (R), SD C Abraham Ribicoff (D) CT C Donald W. Riegle (D) MI B Charles S. Robb (D) VA C,T Terry Sanford (D) NC C Paul Sarbanes (D), MD C Hugh Scott (R) PA B Adlai E. Stevenson, III (D) IL B,C William V. Roth, Jr. (R) DE C,T Robert G. Torricelli (D) NJ C Timothy Wirth ( D) CO C Harris L. Wofford (D) PA C Financial Institutions Jack Sheinkman, (dec), Chmn., Amalgamated Bank B,C Richard L. Carrion, Chmn. CEO, Banco Popular de Puerto Rico C Odeh Felix Aburdene, (dec) Mng. Ptnr.,Capital Trust, Boston C Mitchell W. Hedstrom, VP, Citibank, NYC (fmr) C Richard Leslie Huber, Vice Chmn., Continental Bank Corp. merged w/ BankAmerica C Jackson B. Gilbert, 2nd Chmn., Espirito Santo Bank, FL C Alan R. Batkin, Vice Chmn, Eton Park Capital Mgmnt C,T John Robert Petty, Chmn., Marine Midland Bank in New York C Maynard J. Toll, Jr., Managing Dir., First Boston Corp., NYC C Richard C. Holbrooke, V. Chmn., CS First Boston B,C David C. Mulford, fmr Chmn.CEO, CS First Boston, Inc., London C John M. Hennessy, former Chmn. & CEO, CS First Boston, Inc. C Alfred R. Abboud, former Chmn. & CEO, First City Bankcorp, Hou. C Anthony P. Terracciano, Chmn, Sallie Mae; former Pres. Wachovia C Ferdinando “Nani“ Beccalli-Falco, Pres. CEO, GE International T Peter Weinberg, fmr CEO, Goldman Sachs International, Partner, Perella Weinberg Partners B John L. Thornton, co-CEO of Goldman Sachs International B Jon Stevens Corzine, co-CEO, Goldman Sachs B Joseph A. Rice, fmr. Chmn & CEO, Irving Bank Corp. C Stanley Fischer, Governor, Bank of Israel, Jerusalem C,T Dennis Weatherstone (dec), fmr. Chmn. & CEO, J. P. Morgan & Co. C Thomas S. Johnson, Chmn. CEO, Greenpoint Fin. Corp. Dir., Freddie Mac C Robert G. Wilmers, Chairman, fmr.Pres & CEO, Mfr & Trdrs Trust, Buffalo C Henry Furlong Baldwin, Chmn., Mercantile Bankshares C Rimmer de Vries (dec), fmr Sr. VP, Morgan Guarantee Trust C Frederick L. Deming, Pres., National City Bankcorp. (Ret), former Pres., FRBank Minneapolis B Richard E. Beeman, Chmn. CEO, The Private Trust Co. C Hugh L. McColl, Jr., Ch., Pres. & CEO, NationsBank Corp. C,T Morris Wolf Offit, Pres., Offit Bank, NYC C Arthur F. Ryan, Chmn, CEO, Pres Prudential Financial, Inc. C,T Leslie Elizabeth Bains, Exec. VP, Republic Bank of NYC C Joe Lewis Allbritton, Chmn., Riggs Bank of Washington C George Soros, Chmn. Soros Fund Mgmt. B,C Roger W. Ferguson , Jr., Pres, CEO, TIAA-CREF C,T M. Straser Holcomb, Exec. VP, USAA, San Antonio C Council on Foreign Relations Richard Haass President C,T Henry Siegman. Sr. Fellow , Dir. Mid East Pproject B,C Trilateral Commission David Rockefeller. Fonder, Honorary Chmn, Lifetime member B,C,T Joseph S. Nye, Jr. North American Chairman B,C,T Paul A. Volcker fmr No. American Chmn B,C,T College & University Presidents (partial list) Robert Hazard Edwards Bowdoin College (fmr) C Vartan Gregorian Brown Univ. (fmr); Pres. Carnegie Corp, NY C Tomas Abel Arciniega Cal. State, Bakersfield (fmr) C Stephen Richard Lewis, Jr. Carlton College C William Reckling Cotter Colby College (fmr) C Michael Ira Sovern Columbia (fmr); Chancellor, Columbia Law School C Claire Lynn Gaudiani Connecticut College (fmr); Professor: New York University C Frank Harold Trevor Rhodes Cornell Univ. (fmr) C David J. Skorton Cornell Univ. C Thomas H. Kean Drew Univ. (fmr) C Nannerl Overholser Keohane Duke Univ. fmr) ; Wellesley College (fmr); Prof, Princeton Univ. C,T Stephen Joel Trachtenberg George Washington Univ., President Emeritus C Neil Leon Rudenstine Harvard Univ. (fmr) C Lawrence Henry Larry Summers Harvard Univ. (fmr) B, C, T Steven Muller J ohns Hopkins Univ. (fmr) C Robert Irvin Rotberg Lafayette College (fmr) C Niara Sudarkasa Lincoln Univ. (fmr) C David Joel Steinberg Long Island Univ. C Melville Peter McPherson Michigan State Univ. (fmr) C Elizabeth Topham Kennan Mt. Holyoke College (fmr) C Lawrence Jay Oliva New York Univ. C Henry S. Bienen Northwestern Univ. C Support the educational programs of F.R.E.E with your generous contributions. Send check or money order to: Fund to Restore an Educated Electorate P. O. Box 293339 Kerrville, Texas 78029 F.R.E.E. (Fund to Restore an Educated Electorate), the publisher of this chart, was founded in 1980 by Johnny Stewart of Waco, Texas to educate the general public to understand their government and its money system. F.R.E.E.’s educational materials create public awareness that both major parties are controlled at the top by an international network, principally the Bilderberg Group, The Trilateral Commission and their propaganda organ in the United States, the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR). F.R.E.E. informs citizens how these organizations control government policies through the placement of their members in positions of influence in government, media, financial and educational institutions and industry to bring about their objective of a global government and global debt-based monetary system. Published by the Fund to Restore an Educated Electorate (F.R.E.E.) P. O. Box 293339. Kerrville, Texas 78029 Help to wake up the American people by distributing copies of this chart. $300 per thousand $50 for 100 $30 for 50 $20 for 25 $10 for 10 $2 for single copies Postage prepaid
Posted on: Sat, 05 Jul 2014 15:25:29 +0000

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