Esther 6:1-14; Acts 19:1-10; Luke 4:1-13 Plots and schemes. - TopicsExpress


Esther 6:1-14; Acts 19:1-10; Luke 4:1-13 Plots and schemes. Haman is the ultimate example of a plotter--he decides that he doesnt like Mordecai, and spins this elaborate web to trap the poor fellow in it. In the end, of course, Haman finds himself trapped by his own hand, but not before hes done some real damage. The entire Jewish population of the Persian Empire has balanced on the edge of a precipice, waiting to be massacred. Esther and her beloved uncle Mordecai have had harsh words. 75,000 people who might otherwise have sat at home, hating the Jews but not actively doing anything to hurt them, die for participating in Hamans officially sanctioned plot. Haman gets his come-uppance, but not without first doing huge damage to everyone around him. Plots and schemes. We all know people who sit around plotting and scheming, laying traps for others to fall into. In Esthers time that was done with cuneiform tablets and royal etiquette. In our time, it usually involve poisonous text messages. (Note to readers: if you feel strongly about it, dont text it--texts should only be messages with the emotional intensity of Ill be home in ten minutes and Stop by to get milk.) Usually, those folks wind up suspended in their own web, but its never without collateral damage. Trust is broken. Friendships ruined. Sleepless nights spent tossing in the bed. All because of plots and schemes. Do you dislike someone? Jesus tells us that we are to love our enemies. To speak well of them. To seek reconciliation or, if thats impossible, to avoid them entirely while still seeking to love and speak well of them. Thats not our natural response--but then again, human natures not exactly always our best and wisest guide, is it? That nagging little thing called original sin, the break in our nature, the fault in our stars, guarantees that we will, left to our own devices and desires, screw things up. Were called to supernatural virtues, virtues which crucify the flesh and its desires. Virtues which override our natural responses. Like vengeance. Like plots. Like schemes.
Posted on: Wed, 24 Sep 2014 13:09:34 +0000

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