Estifanos Seyoum (incarcerated): Birgadier-General Estifanos is an - TopicsExpress


Estifanos Seyoum (incarcerated): Birgadier-General Estifanos is an economics graduate from Addis Ababa University and with a masters degree from Wisconsin University. In 1975 he joined the Eritrean Peoples Liberation Front (EPLF). He served the EPLF by heading the finance departement, he continued this after independence as Head of Finance in the Eritrean Defence Forces (EDF) as Birgadier General and Director General of Inland Revenue. He was member of the Central Council of PFDJ, member of the National Assembly, Secretary of Finance. Later, his brother and former tegadalay (fighter) Colonel Tesfaldet Seyoum was also incarcerated before the eyes of their family and mother. Nobody knows where he is. Tesfaldet Seyoum joined the liberation struggle since the beginning of the 1970s. During the liberation war he endured 27 wouds and was hit again once during the “border-war” with Ethiopia (1998-2000). After independence he had serves his country and people in various functions. Alas I don’t have his picture. Probably somebody does … send it to me at fithi7@gmail THE STRUGGLE OF MAN AGAINST POWER IS THE STRUGGLE OF MEMORY AGAINST FORGETTING The Book of Laughter and Forgetting by Millan Kundera (one of my favorites) LEST WE FORGET THEM, our prisoners of concience, our brothers, sisters, our fathers, our mothers, our daughters, our sons, our religious leaders. Lest we forget them! This season is the season of new year and celebrations; but not for the countless prisoners of conscience in Eritrea. Not for their family members. Day and night, now for 10, 13, 15 or more years, they have been surviving like half-dead. They cant sleep normally, they cant eat normally, they cant live normally. Where is my daughter? Where is my son? Where is my father? Where is my mother? Where is my sister? Where is my brother? In what conditions are they in? Are they still alive? The regime has deleted the prisoners of conscience from historical audio-visual archives. The regime tells us: we dont know them! They have never existed, How can the Eritrean regime of PFDJ tell you where they are, if the regime doesnt know who these people are. These have been the reactions of the regime. What is ours? If we dont dare to ask about these Eritreans, if we dont act and stand up for them, then we are worse than the dead. No excuses... Imagine if you were one of them, if your father was one of them, if your mother was one of them, if your brother was one of them, if your sister was one of them, if your sone was one of them, if your daughter was one of them; would you keep quite and forget them? These people who served Eritrea and the Eritrean people their whole life are never tried, never accussed officially before an independent court of law, they have never got the chance to admit to any accussations or defend themselves from the allegations. How can we condemn them by siding with an illegal regime that is bleeding Eritrea? Silence is conspiracy and this means impliciet support to the dictatorial regime. When you ask the regime or its supporters why the prisoners of conscience are not brought before an independent cour of law, their sarcastic response is: dont demand a due process of law; if you push the regime to do that then you will regret your actions because surely (they are the prosecutor and the judge at the same time!), they will get the death penalty. These are words of PFDJ-diva Sophia Tesfamariam, Ambassador Mohammed Suleiman (currently European Union) and some others... Abdella Jaber, Mustapha Nurruhusein and others (both jailed since January 21 of 2013) were saying that as well in their sarcastic accussations of the prisoners of conscience. Yet even for these people we demand rule of law, whether arrested or free under PFDJ. Estifanos Seyoum (incarcerated): Birgadier-General Estifanos is an economics graduate from Addis Ababa University and with a masters degree from Wisconsin University. In 1975 he joined the Eritrean Peoples Liberation Front (EPLF). He served the EPLF by heading the finance departement, he continued this after independence as Head of Finance in the Eritrean Defence Forces (EDF) as Birgadier General and Director General of Inland Revenue. He was member of the Central Council of PFDJ, member of the National Assembly, Secretary of Finance. Please post every picture you have of Birgadier-General Estifanos Seyoum and the others. 13 years long they have been kept incommunicado in degrading situation. The regime can do that as long as it is in power but it cant prohibit us to remember our brothers and sisters, to ask about them and to keep their memories alive. I have posted the short history and pictures of the G11 prisoners of conscience who were arrested on September 18, 2001. Their crime: criticizing the president who is now 22 years in power without any elections. They friendly asked him for dialogue and for democratic and constitutional governance. They have never been tried. They have never got the chance to defend themselves. The Group who asked for reform were 15, the reason for G15. They signed the letter for democratic reform that I will post soon. One of these recanted and he is now living in exile. Three were outside the country where they are still in exile. But Eritrean prisoners of conscience are not only these 11... we have countless prisoners of conscience. According to Amnesty International more than 10.000! Eritreans estimate the number much higher. God willing and time permeating I will post pictures and stories of the other prisoners of conscience.
Posted on: Thu, 18 Sep 2014 16:35:22 +0000

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