Etched in their hearts and on the arms. My niece and nephew, Joe - TopicsExpress


Etched in their hearts and on the arms. My niece and nephew, Joe and Bonnie Selz showing their hearts on their sleeves (so to speak). Almost 5 years ago we lost their sweet sister to MS. These are the words I journeyed as we all tried to cope with the loss of such a sweet spirit: "I’m Bree’s Aunt Shelley, My sister is her incredible mother, Beth. Please indulge me while a share a few of my memories. Oh by the way, Brittany, Brit and Bree are the same person. The name just morphed a bit. One of the happiest moments in the Selz and Ensall families lives was the birth of Brittany, Beth and John’s third child. One of the saddest moments in our families’ lives was finding out that she was diagnosed with muscular dystrophy. For anyone who has ever learned that a child has a terminal illness, grieving the death of your “healthy” child begins at this very moment. Learning to accept what is ahead of you begins at this moment, but continues to be a day to day struggle. Nothing can prepare you for what is ahead. What Beth and John have done to give Brit such the love and support is beyond words. Most of us have no concept of what they have endured and sacrificed so that this sweet spirit could flourish. Along with the help of her loving sister, Bonnie and brother’s Joe and Jake, they showed an amazing depth of character while continuing to savor each and every precious moment. From infancy, Brit lived with the type of MD that stops the body from building muscle. To keep her skeleton from collapsing onto her organs, a steel bar was fused to her spine. Just stop and try to imagine. Prior to surgery I called her to let her know we were thinking of her. I tried to put on a brave front but was horribly worried. She appeared to have little fear, taken this matter quite in stride. She ended up reassuring me that everything would be ok. My fears faded away. And as we all know the surgery was a success. She possessed such an amazing acceptance and peace about what life has to bring, dealing with lives ups and down with such grace and courage. Brittany greeted everyone with a big smile. My husband, Tom & I loved her quick wit, intelligent and creativity. She didn’t have a mean bone in her body. One of Brittany and Beth’s greatest frustrations was dealing with people who, through their ignorance, hurt their feelings. Often thinking that all wheel chair bond people are mentally handicapped they’d talk down to her, ignoring her in conversations as if she didn’t exist; sometimes asking inappropriate questions or worst of all looking away or talking about her. This was not someone to ignore. Bret had amazing depth of character. For those of you who took the time to explore this beautiful person, you know what I’m talking about. Thank you so much. For those of you who have every felt uncomfortable in such situations, it’s so quite simple: treat everyone with the same love and respect. In one conversation with Bree you quickly would have known this was a bright, articulate and utterly charming young lady. One of my happiest memories of Brit was when she had recently acquired her wheel chair. She was playing in the back yard with the other kids. A new sense a freedom emerged as she could once again “run”. Fast forward, fast backward, zooming, turning and twirling and twirling. As the wind once again swept across her face a huge smile emerged; the most joyful smile. So wonderfully appreciative of her new found freedom. And so this is how I chose to remember by incredible niece; now in heaven and oh so very appreciative of her new found freedom. Filling the heavens and the world with her abundant acceptance, love and joy. She showed us how to smile in spite of pain, hope in spite of hopelessness, give when you’re needy and show joy when there was every reason to be sad and love in spite of hate. We will miss her deeply. But have been thoroughly inspired by her spirit."
Posted on: Sun, 21 Jul 2013 22:01:49 +0000

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