Ethan Hunter, The CIA Assassin EPISODE 4 All of a sudden, I - TopicsExpress


Ethan Hunter, The CIA Assassin EPISODE 4 All of a sudden, I heard the roar of machine guns from the hall. At the same time, our door was shattered. The spray of bullets mangled the furniture, television, and lamp. Rachel was screaming. I was on top of her, covering her, protecting her. At the same time, I reached inside the closet – for my suitcase on the floor - and pulled my Beretta M9. The door crashed in. I aimed my pistol and squeezed the trigger four times. A couple bodies fell, screaming. Close to the wall, I rose to my feet and kicked the submachine guns away from their hands. I turned to Rachel. Fortunately, she was unharmed. I whispered, “Go hide behind the bed. Stay low.” She asked, “What about you?” “I’ll be back. I have to check something out.” I inched to the mangled door, as she ran to the bed and hid behind it. Close to the wall, I crouched. My right shoulder still touching the wall, I slowly peeked outside. Nobody was on the hallway. Several police cars and ambulances – with lights and siren – passed by. I calmly drove on the Kalakaua Avenue, abiding by all the traffic signals and speed limits. Last thing I wanted at that time was getting noticed by the cops. Rachel was in the passenger seat, trembling, still alarmed by the incident. She asked in impatient tone, “Why are we running from the police? Those two Arabs were shooting at us, and you killed them in self-defense.” I replied, “Because of my job.” She squinted in confusion. “Your job?” I nodded. “I’m a government employee. Those gunmen were Al Qaeda assassins.” “Al Qaeda assassins?” “Yes.” She squinted in confusion again. “Why did they try to kill you? I mean… I know they’re trying to kill Americans whenever they have chance, but why did those assassins try to kill you specifically?” “Because I took out their leader.” “You killed Osama Bin Laden?” I nodded. “Yes. I’m sure you heard Navy Seals killed him, but it’s not true. I wish I could tell you more, but I can’t. It’s classified.” She frowned. “What are you? Are you some kind of secret government assassin?” I nodded. “Yes. I work for CIA.” She said, “Stop the car.” I squinted at her. “Excuse me?” She yelled, “Stop the car!” I quietly watched her disappear into the dark alley. I didn’t try to stop her. I knew that would be useless. In fact, I had been rather accustomed to women leaving me after hearing I was a CIA assassin. I didn’t blame them because I was sure they all knew my job was dangerous, even for them. As I could no longer see her, I wished her luck and then drove off. I felt good about myself because I had courage to tell her the truth. I had always thought honesty was the best policy in relationship. At the same time, I stayed positive, believing I would meet a woman, who would accept me no matter what, someday... TO BE CONTINUED… STAY TUNED FOR MORE EXCITING EPISODES OF ETHAN HUNTER, THE CIA ASSASSIN…
Posted on: Mon, 02 Dec 2013 02:23:55 +0000

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