Ethical? questionable. Necessary? No. the development of AI is a - TopicsExpress


Ethical? questionable. Necessary? No. the development of AI is a trans human cultists dream. the Singularity does NOT need to happen. AI does NOT NEED to be developed. it is the vanity of the human mind(along with various other mental conditions) that drives this. the quest for Godhood. scientists are NOT always the best of us no matter how much they are treated as such as they fall to the same vices that all human being do. but scientists in their arrogance and vanity will attempt to do such and may accomplish this goal despite the ramifications it may have on themselves and others. rather than develop humanity itself a portion of humanity focuses on creating opposite of itself. exhibition of self hatred and mental illness. Machines do serve a considerable benefit to humanity and with further development under proper conditions will continue to improve but to develop sentient artificial life forms NOT due to necessity but vanity is actually perverse and frankly unnecessary. similar to the dialogue in Prometheus between David the android and one of scientists on Why was David created? the response was because WE COULD. Vanity
Posted on: Mon, 25 Aug 2014 03:51:56 +0000

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