Ethics of the Rosicrucians was patient, because patience nourishes - TopicsExpress


Ethics of the Rosicrucians was patient, because patience nourishes hope, and is the peer on the path of life. I have confidence, because confidence is a source for development, and trust in others it becomes the source of friendship. Be modest, because functionality prevents any interference and provides peace of mind. Be tolerant, because tolerance expands the mind and promotes interpersonal relationships. He had been solved, because letting go gives freedom and promotes inner wealth. Be generous, because it enriches donor generosity and receivers. To be fair, because justice results in a clean conscience and balances. Being humble, because to grow in humility and transmits the respect for others. Have courage, because in everyday life is based on the value and gives strength in adversity. It was nonviolent, because non-violence promotes inner harmony and peace spread all beings. Being benevolent, because good will gladden the heart and soul embellished. If you beherzigst you consider yourself as forms, because wisdom is equivalent to applying these virtues ...
Posted on: Fri, 02 Jan 2015 23:42:47 +0000

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