Ethiopia... Im going to Ethiopia in August. Years ago, I - TopicsExpress


Ethiopia... Im going to Ethiopia in August. Years ago, I read the book The Hospital by the River. I never knew before that young pregnancies would literally ruined a girls body. I hadnt realized that there were people who left their home and countries to repair the bodies that had been broken and speak life to the souls who were wounded. Several years later, my friend Sarah Meeker Macintosh told me about a book called Cutting for Stone. The stories, raw and Christless left me wondering again about this country called Ethiopia. A month ago my friend Colin McLean made a video that documents the story of two dear friends who moved from Hungary to Ethiopia to work with an orphanage. I texted that link to a few friends and asked them to pray about joining me there. A little over a week ago, my friend Morgan Glascock texted me back that she had finally watched the video and realized that a year ago a friend on an airplane wrote in her journal that Jesus would send her to Ethiopia. Last Saturday, I went to a wedding where another friend offered to sew dresses for the children at the orphanage so that we can deliver them when we go. And then my single alone women traveler friend wrote me a message on Facebook that this last February she couldnt decide whether to go to Ethiopia or Myanmar (we met in Myanmar). Because of course those are two countries that people often debate between going to. So last night I used all my saved air miles to buy a flight in August from London to Ethiopia for the end of August and go with Morgan! And I have been so thankful for the many ways my friends on Facebook have loved and prayed for me through these adventures loving Jesus around the world. Any suggestions or tips are welcomed. I love this quote from Lonely Planet: “You don’t explore Ethiopia for a relaxing getaway, you venture here to be moved. And moved you shall be.”
Posted on: Sat, 31 May 2014 21:09:35 +0000

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